
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Line Between Devil and Hero

I walked down the stairs and walked outside. Rose opened the door for me and I got inside the limousine. I put on my shades and rested my arm along the back of the seat. Rose got into the driver's seat and started the limousine then drove off.

"So these Master Battles. How do they operate? Is it a mutual agreement or can anyone challenge you at anytime?" I asked.

"It is usually a challenge anytime deal. The reward is always going to be the loser's battle maid. Battle Maidens are extremely valuable in Avalen as we are capable of any power that men can't typically use, we also can give birth to perfect offsprings. Not only are we extremely skilled in combat but we make perfect mothers and gives. The more of us a Master has, the stronger the Master. Unfortunately in the continent of Avalen, we are viewed as the pawns of the Battle Maidens." Rose said.

"Pawns..? You definitely didn't feel like pawns to me." I said then looked at Yoko as I gently rubbed her head. She smiled and her ears flicked.

"Well yeah...we definitely can hold our own, but compared to the other maidens...we aren't near their level. We always lose against our previous Master. Other Battle Maidens can beat their Masters in a one on one fight, but that's because they..." Rose started and got quiet from embarrassment.

"They what?" I asked.

"They have sex with their Masters." Fellia said, straightforwardly.

"Oh? Is that how you all become stronger?" I asked.

"Through the seed of our Master, yes. Since Grats was an old man and a father figure it would be wield to have sex with him." Fellia answered then crossed her arms.

"You eight are already strong enough. I mean you were able to push me to my limits. It wasn't easy fighting all of you in one day." I smiled and scratched Haji's head then grunted as he hopped on my lap then laid down.

"Yeah, but without inter...course...we can't become stronger. It's going to come to a point where we won't be strong enough to protect you." Florence sighed.

"So it has to be sexual intercourse and not any sexual action?" I asked.

"Yeah...Your seed empowers us." Rose said.

"Well if that's the case, if you ever wish to grow stronger, I'm always available." I smiled.

The eight women seemed surprised about how easygoing I was about the idea.

"You're not weirded out at the fact that we grow stronger like that?" Scarlet asked.

"Why would I be? It's just sex. We're all like in the age range of 20 to 25 right? It isn't like we're 18 or 19 years old." I shrugged.

"You don't mind having sex with us?" Camille asked as she looked at me.

I shrugged and twirled a bit of hair around my fingers. "Nope. I mean I've been adventuring for years and the things I had to do to save the world when I was 20. I literally slept with a King's wife just to awaken her powers. I'm not new to this Sex Empowerment business."

"How old are you?" Ingrid asked.

"25." I answered.

"Same age as me then huh.." Rose said.

"Wow I really am the youngest now." Camille sighed.

"So who's this Master I'm supposed to be fighting?" I asked.

"His name is Master Shoka. Skilled with a sword and magic. He has only one maid, the red haired devil. Her name is Crimson. She's the daughter of a powerful demon clan names the Tariz. As for Shoka, he's the son of a powerful man in Avalen. He's half demon, half spirit. He's never been defeated before in battle, and I'm afraid of sending you into battle in your condition." Rose said.

"I'll be fine. After all...I am your Master now. I now understand what Grats meant when he said protect you all. He's been fighting in these Master Battles even as an old man. Now it's my duty to finish his unfinished business." I said and looked at them.

Rose looked at through the rearview mirror then smiled. "We'll be at his mansion in twelve more minutes."

"Right." I nodded.

We kept making small talk with one another and our bonds have grown a bit stronger. In a few short minutes, we finally made it to Shoka's mansion. One of the guards led Rose to where to park. She finally parked the limousine and we got out. I took off my shades and Alice took them from my hand. We followed the guard to where Shoka was located. We followed him into the dining room and noticed him and his made. He was sitting at the table and his made stood beside his chair.

"Well well, the new Master of the Eight Pawns. Asin Lasslow wasn't it? I've heard of you before. The Wanderer of the Infinity. The world's strongest hero." The man said then sipped his wine and slammed his glass on the table. He had a wide grin on his face and his eye shined brightly. "I've been waiting for the moment that old man gets out of the way and for someone to bring me actual competition. It's been getting boring as of recently."

"You must be Shoka." I said.

"Correct. I am Shoka. Son of a powerful demon named Percival and a spirit by the name of Revain. The woman next to me is named Crimson. You may speak Crimson." Shoka said.

The maid bowed and stood back up. "I am Crimson, maiden of-"

"That's all they have to know about you. I can not wait any longer to send the world's strongest hero packing with his tails between his legs. We Avalenians aren't like the foes at the Infinite Frontier. We're stronger...we are smarter. We're better! We're BETTER!" Shoka laughed.

"He has a bit of an ego to him huh?" I asked.

"Yeah. No one has been able to take him down. With a perfect record and no losses...it's hard to be humble. The highest and mightiest of titans always fall the hardest." Ingrid said.

"Asin. Are you ready for our fight?" Shoka asked.

I looked at Shoka then crossed my arms. "Let's go."

Shoka smirked and stood up. "Follow me. You maidens can watch as well. Surely you wish to cheer your Master on and watch him lose?"

"Master Asin isn't going to lose!" Florence exclaimed.

"We'll see." Shoka chuckled.

We headed to an arena that was outside behind his mansion. Our maids went to take a seat in the spectator section of the arena while Shoka and I stood in the battle section of the arena. I summoned my sword and twirled it in a circle.

"Well now, I'm ready when you are." Shoka smirked.

"I'm ready." I said and unsheathed my sword.

"Great because here I come!" Shoka said then dashed to me.

He swung his sword at me horizontally and I blocked the attack then swung my sword, but we clashed. We clashed rapidly then entered a blade lock. We struggled for a bit then both of us jumped backwards. Shoka began slashing rapidly in the air and I looked around then noticed traps being set around the arena.

"Razor wind traps?" Rose asked.

"A most efficient trap. They are invisible as well so it's going to be hard for Master Asin to know where the traps are." Scarlet said.

Shoka dashed to me once again and smirked. He started with an overhead slash, but I blocked the attack. He kicked me away then rushed me with a barrage of slashes. I grunted as I tried to block them all, but sustained a few cuts on my arms and sides. He grabbed my shirt and threw me.

"Let's see how well you do against this!" Shoka yelled and swiped his hand then a razor wind struck my back, leaving behind a nasty cut.

I groaned and fell to the ground. I grunted as I slowly stood up.

"Master!" Camille called out to me.

"This is only one of my many Blade Arts. Kakotsuzen!" Shoka smirked and pointed his sword at me.

"Invisible Traps. Traps that can leave nearly fatal wounds. Heh...That genuinely caught me off guard. I haven't seen such a tactic since I was at the Frontier." I said then readied my blade.

"Well have some more!" Shoka yelled and began to send the razor winds at me rapidly.

My aura spiralled around my body and I dodged the razor winds and blocked a couple as well. Shoka dashed to me and rushed me with attacks along with his razor winds. I blocked his attacks and used my aura to deflect the razor winds. He went for an overhead slash and I went for a block, but his body flickered then he slashed at my side. I grunted and barely dodged it. I groaned as a razor wind struck my chest followed by a beam of energy fired by Shoka. I rolled backwards then recovered on one knee sliding backwards.

"He's still not at his best but he is holding on strong. I'm just worried...worried that he might lose." Rose said.

"He can't lose. Not when we all just became his maids." Yoko said and her tail swayed from side to side.

"This guy's tough...and without the Eternal Diamonds, I've been weakened by a great amount..." I said to myself and stood up. "Even without it...I still have Ultimate Power...I have the power of the Seven Rulers...I still have access to them, but they are weaker. I just have to draw them out!"

"Hm?" Shoka rose an eyebrow and watched me.

Seven orbs appeared around me: Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. They began spiralling around me quickly then entered my body. I bellowed and my aura shined white and my eyes turned silver.

"This power. It isn't like his Infinity Form, but it feels so much like it." Rose said.

Crimson watched me closely with her arms crossed.

"Finally deciding to get serious huh? You understand what happens if you lose correct?! You lose your maids!" Shoka laughed.

My aura disappeared and I looked at Shoka. White lightning crackled around my body. "I know."

"Good because I'd love to take your maids away and use them for my own pleasure!" Shoka laughed and tried to move but couldn't. He grunted and looked at me and noticed my shadow trapping him. "What the-"

"Shadow Capture. As long as you're in my shadow, you can't escape!" I roared and vanished then appeared in front of him then punched his stomach.

His eyes widened and he coughed then I kicked him away. I held my hand out and snapped my fingers then the gravitational force caused Shoka to be pulled straight to me.

"Fool! I won't lose to you at all! I've never known defeat!" Shoka bellowed.

My eyes flashed Violet then I perfectly dodged his attack. He landed on the ground and went for a barrage of quick strikes and slashes. He bellowed and jumped back then slashed rapidly in the air, summoning razor winds. He fired them at me one by one quickly. I dodged each one and dodged his beams as well.

"There's a shift in his energy. He's moving as if he had the Eternal Diamonds." Scarlet said.

"Yeah...with that much mobility you'd think he actually has the Eternal Diamonds. He isn't getting any stronger though. His power level hasn't increased a bit." Ingrid agreed.

This was my Mastered Aura Form. By using the Seven Orbs of the Seven Rulers, I gain the powers of each Ruler who had powers associated to one of the Seven Auras. This form is similar to Infinity Form because of the sheer fact that I have perfect control over my body and mind.

"I won't allow you to embarrass me!" Shoka bellowed and threw off his eye patch. His eye shined brightly and his scleras turned black as he entered his demon form.

He dashed to me and slashed his sword at me. I blocked his attack then used my Zero Step Technique to appear behind him. He turned around with a slash but his sword went straight through my afterimage. I punched his stomach and kicked him to the sky. He bellowed and held his hand in the air then formed a massive ball of demonic energy above his hand.

"I will not know defeat! EVER!" Shoka bellowed and multiple beams began to shoot out of the ball of energy until the ball of energy was gone.

I dodged the raining beams and sensed him teleport behind me. I looked back and twirled around him then grabbed his shirt and threw him into one of the beams then an explosion happened. I ran to him and jumped in the air then hit him with five kicks then kicked him away. I took a deep breath and conjured all of my aura then compressed it into a ball of energy.

"Seven Wave Burst!" I bellowed and threw the ball of energy at him.

The ball of energy hit him and a massive explosion happened. Rose and Crimson put up a barrier to protect themselves. The smoke clouds slowly cleared and Shoka slowly fell to his knees. I landed on the ground and returned to my normal form.

"Master Shoka...lost?" Crimson said in shock.

I looked down at Shoka and smirked then turned away and walked off. "Let's go ladies. The winner is clear.."

"Master!~" Florence said excitedly.

"He's still so powerful even without the Eternal Diamonds...I don't think we could ever match his power even if we do get empowered, but I don't care because-"

"I...will not be defeated!" Shoka bellowed and fired a beam at me.

I looked back and grunted then blocked it. I slid backwards and looked at Shoka then glared. "You lost...and you still decide to fight me because you can't handle defeat?"

"I won't be defeated by someone who hasn't even had sex with his maids yet! They are all still virgins! I can smell it.." Shoka growled and stood up. "Crimson! I command you to power me up!"

Crimson looked at Shoka then closed her eyes. She held her hand out to Shoka and a golden aura spiralled around his body. She looked as if she didn't want to empower him.

"Good maid...The others didn't know how to listen." Shoka chuckled.

"Others..?" I asked.

"We all start off with Eight Battle Maidens...The other seven defied my orders, so I tortured them until they died! Anyone who disobeys me, recieves an unforgettable punishment! Your maidens seem very obedient...especially the lovely Camille. What I wouldn't give to have a taste of her sweet body.." Shoka laughed.

Camille squeaked and held herself then looked afraid.

"Hmph. You don't have to think that because you aren't getting her or any of my maids. They are mine. I swore to protect them and care for them as they would do for me. My days as a hero might be over but I still carry the remnants of my past with me." I said.

"Hero, what hero kills an entire kingdom full of Innocent people?! Ha! If I didn't know better, I'd say we are the same." Shoka said.

"The same? No there's a fine line between us...a devil and a hero. One of us commits crimes that are unforgivable...the other saved the entire universe...Don't ever compare yourself to me.." I said and transformed into my Mastered Aura Form.

"Ahh...the arrogance. Yes, show me more of that! I can't wait to truly break you into pieces!" Shoka laughed.

I glared at him and white lightning crackled around my body. "You're going to be very disappointed.."