
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Fantasy
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15 Chs

First Day as a Master

I walked out of my room and looked around the massive interior of the mansion I was now staying at. Rose wasn't lying when she said the mansion would be fixed and brand new by tomorrow. It's almost like there wasn't any damage done to it in the first place. I walked around and noticed multiple paintings and statues that I didn't notice at first. I walked into multiple rooms and explored around.

I walked into another room then paused in my tracks.

"M-Master..." Ingrid stammered as she was only in her bra and panties.

I cleared my throat and turned around. "I'm sorry...I wasn't aware that this was a bedroom. I will take my leave."

"W-Wait...I actually need help with something." Ingrid said shyly.

"With?" I asked.

"My leg. I'm having a hard time keeping it attached and usually Grats helps me with this.." Ingrid answered.

I looked back and looked at her. I walked into the room and closed the door. I walked over to her and she sat down on the bed. I touched her leg and looked at it. "What happened to your leg?"

"I lost it in a fight against a monster. It took my entire leg off and Grats gave me this leg as a replacement. Although I miss my human leg, I have grown to love this leg." Ingrid answered.

I got her leg to stay attached on her body then stood up. "There."

Ingrid looked at her leg and blushed lightly. "I don't know why it feels different having someone my age touch me like this. Thank you nonetheless."

I nodded and looked at her then made my way to the door. I left her room and had a blush on my face. I made my way down the hallway and walked down the stairs and noticed Rose tending to the indoor flowers.

"Good morning Rose." I greeted.

Rose looked at me and stopped what she was doing. "Good morning, Master Asin. How are you feeling?"

"Could be better, but I'm alright." I shrugged. "How are you? Are you feeling alright, y'know after what happened yesterday?"

"..." Rose didn't speak at first. She just looked down. She looked back up at me. "What Grats did to you is unforgivable and we will get him back for his actions...but for now we have to make sure you are at top condition. Your energy levels are still rather low."

"I'm quite alright to be honest. I just have to defeat those knights again and put an end to Grats. I can't allow the Pillars to collapse." I said then began to walk off but Rose held my hand, stopping me.

"Master, I can't allow you to go out there alone. Not while you are weakened." Rose said.

"I'm not going to pursue them. I know I'm weakened and can't operate like I used to. I'm just gonna look for the others. I have to get used to being a Master." I said and smiled at Rose.

Rose looked at me intently then closed her eyes. "If you say so, Master Asin."

She let go of my hand then let me walk off. I continued to explore the mansion then ran into Alice. She was cleaning the training dojo and humming a little song.

"Hey, Alice." I greeted.

Alice turned around and looked at me. "Master Asin. You sure recovered quickly."

"Yeah what can I say? I have years of experience so something like that can't keep me down forever. I also realized that we never really had a proper battle yesterday." I said.

"A proper battle. As much as I would like to give you a proper battle, you are still weakened." Alice said.

"Come on. I haven't gotten a feel for your or Fellia's power. I mean I did get a feel for that Eternal Sleep but that's just about it. I don't know your abilities at all." I said.

"Well if you must know, I am known as the Sword Goddess. Before becoming a maid, I was a mercenary for an organization and my skills were unparalleled. I could use any sword known to man without facing the negative effects of the sword. I became a maid to escape that lifestyle however. I enjoy being a maid more than being a mercenary so it all works out in the end." Alice said.

I looked at Alice then crossed my arms. "Any sword known to man so you can even wield Curses Swords?"

"Yeah. Holy Swords, Devil Swords, Fire Swords, name the sword and I'm guaranteed to be able to wield it." Alice nodded.

"How about my Infinity Edge?" I asked.

"Your what?" Alice asked.

"My Infinity Edge." I said then summoned my sword. "The Sword that's able to cut the Infinity into two. It's said that only the chosen can unsheath this blade."

"Really? Let me try then, if you don't mind that is." Alice said.

"Go ahead." I smiled and handed her my sword.

She tried to unsheath the blade, but couldn't. No matter how hard she struggled the blade wouldn't budge. She gave up and handed the sword back to me. "Okay, so I can't even unsheath that blade."

"See?" I chuckled softly. "Only the ones chosen can unsheath it. It took years to become worthy enough to unsheath the Infinity Edge. The amount of battles I had to fight, the difficult choices I had to make, the people I had to kill..."

Alice looked at me and looked down. "It does take a lot to be a hero. That's one reason why I can't take that burden. You have to make choices that could go against your own moral standings. Being a hero isn't about saving everyone because it takes a real hero to know you can't save everyone."

"Yeah..." I said and made my sword disappear. "Anyway, I'm going to go explore the mansion more. I'll catch you later."

"Okay, if you need anything you can always call on one of us." Alice smiled.

I nodded then walked off. I made my way outside. I walked to the lake and noticed Camille giving Anori a bath in the lake. I walked over to her. "Hey Camille."

Camille looked back and smiled. "Hello Master Asin. Can you give me a hand?"

"Sure." I chuckled and walked over to her.

I helped Camille give Anori a bath and with my help we finished in a few short minutes. After Anori was finished with her bath she got out of the lake then changed into her companion form which was a smaller version of herself. She landed on Camille's shoulder and Camille smile.

"So Camille, what did you used to do before becoming a maid?" I asked.

"Well, I used to help tame different creatures of nature. That's how I met Anori actually. She used to be a rampant dragon and I tamed her. I am still shocked that I was able to tame a Legendary Dragon. I quit that line of work to become a maid for Grats and now I'm your Maid." Camille said. "Oh, you should tell me about your adventures as a hero!"

"Ehhh I don't know, I don't want to bore you with the details." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Come on! I'm sure you had a lot of amazing adventures! I'm curious about the history between you and Grats's Kingdom. It seemed like you and he had some type of history." Camille said.

"I didn't know Grats used to rule the Eternal Kingdom, but I do know the Kingdom he spoke of. I did destroy that kingdom. His kingdom was hurting the people of this world. I couldn't sit by and watch his kingdom torment the innocent. Not to mention his knights had the Eternal Diamonds. All I can really say is whatever he is planning, I will stop it no matter the cost." I said.

"What will happen if you fail?" Camille asked

"The Pillars of Potential will collapse...and the universe will be sucked into the Void of End. Our universe is doomed should I fail to stop Grats and return the power to the Eternal Diamonds.." I answered.

"Well knowing how strong you were, I know you'll succeed. I mean you have us to fall back on as well! All you have to do is give us the command. We live to serve and serve to live." Camille smiled at me.

I looked at her then smiled and gently rubbed her head. "Thank you, but I don't want to put you all in any danger. That's the last thing I need. Honestly this should be a fight I have to take on alone."

Camille closed her eyes as I rubbed her head and blushed. "But you shouldn't have to deal with it alone. We are more than willing to sacrifice ourselves for you."

"Well I command you all to not. I don't want to see you all die." I said and held her chin gently, making her look at me. I noticed her avert eye contact but she looked back into my eyes. "Promise me that you won't die for my sake."

"Master..." Camille said then closed her eyes, smiling. "Okay..."

I smiled and let her chin go. The two of us made our way back to the mansion and they met up together and stood in front of me, lined up next to one another.

"Master Asin, I have news to share with you. Grats was supposed to meet up with another Master in Steinhalts, but since he's no longer a Master, that task has been assigned to you since you are our Master now." Rose said.

"Steinhalts..? Why do I need to meet up with the Master from there?" I asked.

"Because he planned to do a Master Battle. Apparently they had some type of deal. If Grats lost then the Master from Steinhalts gets to obtain us." Rose answer.

"But why..? That's such a dumb deal. Whatever, I'll meet up with this Master and I'll blow him out of the water. I won't let him have you all." I said.

Rose smiled and nodded. "We meet up with him tomorrow so be prepared alright?"

"For sure." I nodded.