
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The Power of the Seven

"No...Shoka has been given all of his energy back while Master Asin hasn't recovered his energy back. We can't use our powers to heal him either because that would be cheating." Camille said in a worried tone.

"We can empower him correct?" Florence asked.

"We could if we had the means of doing that, but I believe in Master Asin...He has to win...He needs to..." Rose said.

I dashed to Shoka and cloaked myself in sound aura. Shoka fired demonic beams at me which was, in turn, deflected. Shoka fired a barrage of energy blasts at me and the sound aura protected me. I vanished without a sound, only leaving behind the circling dust.

"Using Sound Abilities, he can make his steps silent so his opponent won't know where he is. Not only is he a hero, but a tactician and a master strategist. I wouldn't have even thought of that." Rose explained to the other maids.

I appeared behind Shoka and went for an attack but he blocked it and I looked surprised. "What..?"

"Like I said, I will never lose! I've never known defeat before in my life!" Shoka bellowed and grabbed my leg then slammed me to the ground.

I groaned and exclaimed as he rose me from the ground then tossed me to the air. He unleashed a beam of demonic energy at me and it hit me. I grunted as I tried to resist it, but an explosion happened.

"Master!" Alice yelled and stood up.

Fellia looked at Shoka. "He's cheating."

"Huh?" Yoko asked and looked at Fellia.

"He isn't being empowered by Crimson. He's making her use her power to make him grow infinitely. He's clearly...cheating his ass off." Fellia said and looked at Crimson.

I bellowed and the smoke cleared as I spread my wings. I flew to Shoka and green sparkles appeared around me, completely healing me. Shoka smirked and his aura surged around his body. He countered me and palmed my stomach. I groaned as I was blown away into a wall. I grunted and fell to my knees.

"He's growing stronger by the second...I can't keep up with him..." I said to myself.

"Now do you see why I am the Undefeatable Devil?! I've waited so long to have the chance of taking you down! Now that I have that chance...I'll finish you off right here!" Shoka bellowed and charged up a powerful attack.

"Master! Get up! You have to move!" Rose yelled.

"It's too late! Now say goodbye to your Master!" Shoka laughed.

"I have to use that form...if I want to win and stay alive." I said then silver and white aura surrounded my body.

Shoka laughed as he fired his beam at me. An explosion happened as the beam hit me. His eyes widened and he groaned as he was hit by an invisible force. I appeared in front of him and my eyes shined a pure silver color. He coughed a bit of blood then groaned when I kicked him away. I appeared in front of him again then struck his stomach once again then he growled and tried to punch me, but I avoided his first punch then he went for a second punch and I caught his fist.

"What is this power..? It's godlike." Scarlet said in awe.

"They don't call me the strongest hero for nothing. Knock me down and I will always get back up. Better. Stronger. You should've taken your walk of shame and let me take the victory. Now...I'm going to embarrass you." I said.

He bellowed and used his other hand to fire an energy blast in my face. I avoided the blast and struck his stomach then ten more attacks hit his body. He looked surprised and coughed as he was blown away once again. I summoned my sword and walked ahead.

"This is the true power of the Seven Rulers. This is Illusionary Infinity Form." I said and watched Shoka.

"I don't care how many forms you pull out of your ass! Your maids are mine!" He roared and dashed to me once again.

He slashed continuously and I blocked and parried each attack. Magic circles appeared around me and I dodged each beam and kicked him away whenever he got close to me.

"Your maidens can't even empower you! You can't beat me!" Shoka yelled and formed a two energy balls in his hands then began to rapidly throw energy balls at me.

I deflected every one of them then vanished and appeared behind Shoka. I sheathed my sword then a flurry of slashes struck Shoka and he grunted softly then reverted back to his normal form. He fell to his knees and collapsed on the ground. I reverted back to normal as well and fell to one knee.

"Master! He won!" Camille yelled out with glee.

"Yes! Master!" Yoko celebrated.

Crimson looked at Shoka then closed her eyes and stood up. She walked off and put on her glasses.

I stood up and noticed my maids running to me and they surrounded me with happiness. I smiled at each of them and heard Shoka getting up then looked back.

"How could I lose to someone like you..? Someone who's maids haven't even...lost their virginity to their own Master?!" Shoka yelled.

"Well it's called years of experience. And sex doesn't matter that much to me anyway. If it did, I would've already took my shots but I didn't because I actually respect women and their wishes. Just because I'm their master doesn't mean I can do whatever I want to them. They are people too. There's the difference between us." I said and crossed my arms.

"Shoka." Crimson said.

We all looked back and noticed Crimson walking towards us.

"Crimson! There you are! I need more power!" Shoka yelled.

"You lost the battle meaning you lost me as your maid. I am now Master Asin's maid. Those are the rules. You can try reviving your dead maids, but I doubt they would come back to life and be respectful to you." Crimson said.

"Don't you dare walk out of here with him!" Shoka yelled.

I smirked and walked off. My maids and Crimson followed me then we headed to the limousine. Shoka yelled and stomped his foot on the ground.

"So that's one down. How many do we have left?" I asked.

"Well there are a total of ten Masters in Avalen. You just took down one of them so nine left. They will most likely challenge you though but when that will happen is unknown. For now we should go home and celebrate." Rose said.

"Without a doubt we should." I smiled.


"Jeanne! We need warriors to help defend our kingdom. As it stands now, even in his weakened state, he has access to the Seven's Power and that means he has access to Godly Aura. I need you to go to the frontier and bring back the strongest warriors in the lands." Grats said.

"As you wish, Lord Grats." Jeanne said and disappeared.

"Wrath, I need you to train the warriors that Jeanne brings back. We can not lose our land a second time!" Grats said.

"Of course." Wrath nodded.

"This time Asin, you will not beat us that easily even with your Illusionary Infinity Form." Grats said then walked to the throne room.


"Let's celebrate Master's big win against Shoka!" Florence said happily.

"We made all this for you!~ We even put some magic in it so you can recover your energy faster~" Camille smiled.

"Come on, all of this for just me?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's the issue? You won the battle. You get to enjoy this until your heart's content." Fellia said.

"Well...it's just that I want to celebrate with all of you. You all deserve to celebrate with me even if I am the one who won. Besides I won't be able to handle all of this alone." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head.

"Master." Alice looked at me.

"I command you all to enjoy this celebration with me." I said and smiled at them. "We are all under the same House of Lasslow. You all are my friends as well, you shouldn't feel obligated to watch me enjoy things when you can too."

"But-" Scarlet started.

"No buts. Come on. Wouldn't it be nice to just settle down a bit and just enjoy yourself for a while? No one said you have to work 24/7. It's perfectly alright with me if you want to share this victory with me. All of you." I smiled gently at them.

They all looked at each other and seemed moved by my kindness. They decided to enjoy the victory with me and we all sat around the table and ate together. We talked for a while and got to know each other better. Crimson was the only one who was fairly quiet and she didn't seem like the kind of person to open up easily.

After we all ate, Camille, Florence, Alice, and Rose began cleaning up while the others went to finish their daily tasks.

"Crimson, walk with me in the garden." I said.

"As you wish, Master Asin." Crimson bowed.

We made our way to the garden and I walked along the clear path and Crimson followed behind. She was quiet and it almost was like she was nervous.

"Tariz correct?" I asked.

"Huh?" She looked at me.

"That's your family clan name right? Tariz?" I asked and looked at her.

"Y-Yeah, it is." She nodded. "Why did you bring it up?"

"I just want to know more about you. You don't really seem like the talkative type. Is it because of your service with Shoka?" I asked.

"I..." She started then held her arm and looked down. "He took advantage of me every moment he could. I was his servant, what am I to do except obey his commands especially when the command is to have sex with him..? My body was used for only his pleasure...overtime it just.."

I crossed my arms and looked at her. "You couldn't fight back because he would've killed you huh. I could sense that sort of tension when I first met you two. You shouldn't have to worry about that with me. I have no interest in making my maids do something they don't want to do. I'll protect you and make sure you're happy. It's the least I can do as a Master."

Crimson looked at me. "You don't have to...it isn't your place to be the protector anyway."

"It is my place now." I said and gently held her chin. "I'll protect you, care for you like you all will for me. I'll make you as happy as I can. As a Master, I will take on the liberty of making sure your needs are also met and your desires are fulfilled."

Crimson's cheeks became a bit rosy and she looked away. "Y-Yes sir.."

I smiled and let her go. "You may go and help around."

She nodded and walked off in a hurry. I looked back and noticed Haji behind me and a tiny Anori with him. I picked them body up and let Anori rest on my head while I carried Haji in my arms.

"Well the least I can do as well is take care of you familiars." I said. Haji meowed and I looked at him. "You might as well be familiars. You can evolve into a Sabertooth Tiger and the one on my head literally is a dragon who can control the elements. I don't want to hear any counter arguments, furball. Be like Anori, respectable and reasonable."

Haji closed his eyes and let out a tiny sassy meow. I smiled and sighed then walked to the mansion to take care of the two while the others were busy with their duties.