
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 5: Tasks You Cannot Refuse

"Damn it! I'll fight you to the end!" Qin Shiyun shouted angrily.

She was on the verge of going crazy with frustration.

That damn bastard!

With just a single clap of his hand, he effortlessly undid...

As Qin Shiyun was about to turn around and fight Ning Chuan with all her might, she suddenly felt something fall behind her. It dropped down her back, slid to her waist, and rolled out through a gap in her clothes, landing on the ground.

It was a tiny object the size of a fingernail, almost identical to the one Ning Chuan had found on her bra last night.

Ning Chuan picked it up and pinched it between his thumb and index finger.


A wisp of black smoke emerged.

"This bra of yours... I found a bug on the front side yesterday, and now I found another one on the back side. How oblivious can you be? What kind of nerves do you have?" Ning Chuan looked at Qin Shiyun with a dumbfounded expression.

This made Qin Shiyun even angrier. How dare this bastard insult her by implying she wore the same bra twice without noticing?

She couldn't help but retort, "It's not the same bra, you idiot! I changed this morning!"

"Really? So both your bras were bugged? How foolish does a woman have to be to have bugs installed on two consecutive bras?" Ning Chuan's gaze towards Qin Shiyun carried a hint of sympathy.

"Well..." Qin Shiyun was so furious she felt like spitting blood. Through gritted teeth, she said, "Don't think you can fool me! You must have planted that so-called bug in my clothes just now!"

Ning Chuan shook his head and decided not to argue with her any further. Instead, he walked over to her desk, opened a drawer without permission.

"You bastard! Who allowed you to touch my desk?" Qin Shiyun shouted, trying to stop him.


Ning Chuan had already found another bug the size of a fingernail from the drawer. He took it out, crushed it, and slapped it on the table.

Qin Shiyun was stunned.

Then, one after another, Ning Chuan discovered three or four bugs hidden in various corners of Qin Shiyun's office, as well as four or five concealed pinhole cameras.

When he had used his perspective ability earlier, he had scanned the entire office.

Seven or eight bugs and cameras were neatly arranged in front of Qin Shiyun.

"Now, do you still think I planted all these? Is it some kind of scheme to get close to you?" Ning Chuan looked at Qin Shiyun with a smirk.

At this moment, even if Qin Shiyun had a slow reaction and thick nerves, she finally realized what was happening.

"Who... who are you?" Qin Shiyun asked.

Ning Chuan remained silent, just glanced at the security guards who had risen angrily and were ready to pounce on him at any moment.

"You guys leave first," Qin Shiyun gritted her teeth.

"But, Miss Qin, your safety..." the head of security hesitated.

"Do you think you can protect my safety by staying here?" Qin Shiyun said angrily.


The head of security cast a resentful look at Ning Chuan and reluctantly led his subordinates out of the room.

"Alright, who exactly are you? Who sent you here? What do you want?" Qin Shiyun kept asking as soon as the office door closed.

"My name is Ning Chuan. I was sent here by Transparent Shield Security Company. I have a

one-month mission to protect you," Ning Chuan said calmly.

Transparent Shield Security Company was one of the public faces of the Great Snow Mountain organization.

When members of the Great Snow Mountain wanted to conceal their identities while carrying out missions to protect important targets, they often used the name of Transparent Shield Security Company.

"Transparent Shield Security Company? Who is your employer for this mission?" Qin Shiyun frowned.

"You'll have to ask the company about that," Ning Chuan shook his head.

"I don't need your protection. You can go back," Qin Shiyun said again.

"Sorry, the protection from our company can only be accepted, not refused."

Ning Chuan smiled faintly.

If missions from the Great Snow Mountain could be refused, what would be the point of the Great Snow Mountain?


Qin Shiyun's anger surged.

But faced with this unwanted bodyguard who couldn't be driven away, she really had no way out.

"Fine, I'll call your company! I'll make your company order you to leave! What's the phone number of your company?"

Qin Shiyun took out her phone.

"I don't know," Ning Chuan shook his head.

"What?" Qin Shiyun widened her eyes.

"If you can contact my company and make me give up the mission, I'll leave without a word. Otherwise, you better accept my protection honestly," Ning Chuan shrugged.

"You! You, you, you! You shameless!"

Qin Shiyun was furious.

"Miss Qin, something bad happened! We received a report that there's a bomb in our company! Bomb disposal experts and the police are already here! Let's evacuate the building quickly!" At that moment, the company's security manager rushed in.

"What? A bomb?"

Qin Shiyun's expression changed immediately.

Outside, chaos reigned. Panicked voices filled the air as everyone rushed downstairs in a state of confusion.

Several security guards and assistants rushed in and carried Qin Shiyun, hurrying her outside.

In the midst of the chaos, Qin Shiyun was carried out of the company building.

Outside the building, several police cars were already parked.

"Wanqing, take a team and go up..."

SWAT members and bomb disposal experts were busily organizing the search.

"Miss Qin, has everyone from your company evacuated?" The leading captain approached Qin Shiyun, saluting and asking.

"Department managers, immediately count the number of people in your departments..."

Qin Shiyun shouted loudly.

Suddenly, she remembered something, looked around, and her heart skipped a beat.

Ning Chuan, who forcefully wanted to protect her... he didn't come out with them!


At this moment, Ning Chuan was still inside the building.

Since he was here to protect Qin Shiyun, now that a bomb was planted in her company, he naturally had to find that bomb!

In such a large building, not knowing where a bomb was hidden... If it were before today, even for Ning Chuan, the Death God Shura, it would have taken some time.

But now, Ning Chuan had the ability to see through. It wouldn't take too much time to find the hidden bomb.

Ning Chuan took out the portable electric baton, turned it on, and struck himself with it.


Amidst the sound of electricity, within Ning Chuan's vision, a translucent spherical space with a radius of about ten meters appeared.

The range that Ning Chuan could see through was approximately ten meters from his eyes.

He concentrated his mind, maintaining the perspective state, and started from the top floor, sprinting through each floor of the building while scanning his gaze around.

Fifteenth floor, fourteenth floor, thirteenth floor...

When Ning Chuan reached the ninth floor, he indeed found a black plastic bag hidden in an office water dispenser.

His gaze pierced through the black plastic bag, and a bomb instantly appeared.

Tick, tick, tick...

The countdown timer on the bomb was still ticking!

Ning Chuan's concentration intensified.

His gaze continued to penetrate!

In an instant, it penetrated the surface of the bomb!


Ning Chuan couldn't help but curse.

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