
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 4: Sitting on Hands

"I advise you all to go through the proper interview process. You won't pass your interview here," Ning Chuan turned around and smiled at the group of men charging towards him.

"Brother, I have to thank you for giving us the best opportunity to enter Meida Company!" The prepared security guards burst into laughter, swinging their large fists.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

With a muffled sound accompanied by screams, after half a minute, the dreams of the security guards to join Meida Company were shattered as they lay scattered on the ground.

"I told you to go through the regular interview process, but you insisted on taking a shortcut. Now, how does it feel?" Ning Chuan chuckled, turning and walking inside.

Behind him, the receptionist was already trembling in fear.


"The Administrative Department? It seems there's a problem with the power supply in my office. Go to the security team and see if they have an electrician who can come up and take a look," a woman spoke on the phone with her back to the door, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows.

She was none other than the famous beauty CEO of Meida Company, General Manager Qin.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

After two minutes, a knocking sound came from the door.

"Oh? The efficiency of the Administrative Department is quite high! Come in, quickly check the wiring," General Manager Qin said without turning her head.

Ning Chuan pushed open the door, about to enter, but he saw two exposed wires extending from the wall beside the desk.

That was a bit dangerous.

Ning Chuan's mission was to protect General Manager Qin, so he naturally had to eliminate such hidden dangers.

He reached out and switched off the circuit breaker outside the door, then walked into the office and squatted down beside the desk, dealing with the two exposed wires.

"What's the matter with these wires?" At this moment, General Manager Qin walked towards Ning Chuan and asked.

"The problem will be resolved soon," Ning Chuan replied, turning his head.

"It's you?"

"It's you?"

Both of them exclaimed at the same time.

"You pervert! Bastard! You dare to stalk me and come to my company?" Qin Shiyun angrily said.

As it turned out, Qin Shiyun, the beautiful CEO of Meida Company, was the same woman Ning Chuan had saved last night.

"I didn't stalk you! I came here to protect you!" Ning Chuan shook his head. It turned out that his target was this brainless woman.

However, she had a strong sense of security and carried a self-defense electric baton and pepper spray with her at all times.

"Haha, you didn't stalk me? Tell that to the security team of my company!" Qin Shiyun sneered and dialed a phone number.

"Security team, immediately send someone to my office!"

Just then, the circuit breaker outside the door suddenly popped and closed on its own.

Ning Chuan, holding the wires in his hands, was instantly electrocuted.

Zzzt! Zzzt! Zzzt!

Electricity surged into Ning Chuan's hands, and his vision immediately became clear.

Facing Qin Shiyun, Ning Chuan instinctively looked down and instantly saw a slender steel needle standing upright inside the cushion of the sofa she was about to sit on.

Half a second later, Qin Shiyun was about to sit down, but she was startled and leaned back.

It was about to happen—the moment she was about to sit on the sofa cushion.


Ning Chuan accelerated again, rushing in front of Qin Shiyun in an instant. His left hand embraced her, while his right hand reached towards the sofa cushion!


Qin Shiyun was hugged by Ning Chuan, but she still sat down.

Chapter 5: A Shocking Encounter

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the next second, Qin Shiyun let out a scream as she bounced up like a spring, clutching her buttocks in embarrassment, anger, and shock.

She pointed at Ning Chuan's hand, shouting loudly, "You bastard! You despicable, shameless, and perverted rogue! You wolf! I'll have you arrested!"

Qin Shiyun was trembling with anger.

Just now, that bastard actually reached his hand onto the sofa cushion the moment she sat down, causing her to sit on his hand!

It was absolutely unforgivable!

Although she sat on the back of his hand, it was still unacceptable!

"If I were you, I would say thank you," Ning Chuan calmly withdrew his hand from the sofa cushion and extended it in front of Qin Shiyun, displaying an item.

It was a two or three-inch-long steel needle emitting a faint blue light, clearly indicating that it was poisoned.

In the critical moment just now, Ning Chuan flattened this steel needle with his hand, saving Qin Shiyun from a tragedy.


Qin Shiyun's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the consequences if she had actually sat on that steel needle.

But quickly, she regained her composure and sneered, "Do you think I would believe you? This steel needle was clearly in your hand all along, right? Last night, you and your accomplice planned to play the hero saves the beauty act on me, but I saw through it! And now, you're trying to pull a similar trick in front of me? Let me tell you, I won't fall for it! You think you can approach me with such tricks? Dream on!"

"If it weren't for protecting you, I wouldn't want to get close to you," Ning Chuan shook his head, his gaze scannee the surroundings.

After being electrocuted just now, his X-ray vision ability was activated again. If he focused his attention, he could maintain it for five minutes, which was enough to check for any other hidden dangers in Qin Shiyun's office.

As his gaze swept over Qin Shiyun, Ning Chuan casually said, "Are you going on a date today?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you're not going on a date, why are you wearing a matching set of underwear?"

Based on Ning Chuan's past experience, if you go on a date with a girl and when you finally undress, you find out she's wearing a matching set of underwear, there's no doubt about it—she's the hunter, and you're the prey.

"You bastard!"

Qin Shiyun took two steps back in astonishment, unable to understand how Ning Chuan knew that she was wearing a matching set of underwear.

Did she just expose herself?

"Director Qin!"

At this moment, the head of the security team and a dozen security guards rushed in.

"Quick! Arrest him and take him to the police station!" Qin Shiyun pointed her finger at Ning Chuan.


The security guards immediately rushed forward, brandishing their fists, ready to capture Ning Chuan.

Ning Chuan stepped forward, flipped his palm, and the electric baton that Qin Shiyun had last night appeared in his hand. He swung it towards the approaching security guards.

Zzt! Zzt! Zzt!

The security guards were like sand, falling to the ground as soon as Ning Chuan touched them with the electric baton.

In less than half a minute, all the security guards were lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and convulsing.

"These security guards of yours are worse than the applicants from outside!" Ning Chuan knocked down the last security guard and looked at Qin Shiyun.


Qin Shiyun's face changed dramatically, instinctively retreating in fear. She asked, "What do you want to do to me?"

"What do I want to do to you? Haven't I made it clear? I'm here to protect you."

Ning Chuan took an aggressive steps toward Qin Shiyun, reachimg his hand around her back, and tapped.


The bra clasp behind her back making a soft sound.

Qin Shiyun felt a sudden looseness around her back and then a bounce, a sink, and a fall.