
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 6: I Suspect You Are Molesting Me

Ning Chuan's gaze penetrated the surface of the bomb and discovered that it was actually fake—a toy bomb with a countdown timer function.

Frowning, Ning Chuan walked up to the water dispenser and prepared to take out the fake bomb.

"Hey? What are you doing here?" A woman's voice rang out, filled with doubt.

Ning Chuan turned around and saw Mu Wanqing, the violent policewoman, approaching with her several colleagues wearing bulletproof vests, coming from downstairs.

"Everyone in this building evacuated when they heard about the bomb. Why didn't you leave and instead stayed here?" Mu Wanqing frowned before Ning Chuan could speak.

In her hand, she already raised her gun.

"Could it be that you're involved with the bomb in this building?" Mu Wanqing pointed her gun at Ning Chuan.

The other male officers, was influenced by Mu Wanqing, also regarded Ning Chuan with caution.

Frowning, Ning Chuan pointed at the water dispenser.

"I just passed by here and heard a ticking sound that seemed to be coming from here, so I came to check."

Mu Wanqing and the male officers exchanged glances, and then one of the male officers cautiously approached with a bomb disposal shield and opened the cabinet beneath the water dispenser, revealing a black plastic bag.

Tick, tick, tick...

The sound of the countdown continued to emanate from the plastic bag.

The other two male officers approached and carefully cut open the plastic bag, revealing a bomb with a countdown timer in front of everyone!

"Report! Report! Bomb found on the ninth floor!"

"Quick, call in the bomb disposal experts to the ninth floor!"

"The bomb was hidden beneath the water dispenser!"

Everyone was shocked and immediately called for reinforcements through their radios.

Meanwhile, Mu Wanqing swiftly handcuffed Ning Chuan to herself, taking out her handcuffs.

"Confess! Did you place this bomb? What is your intention? How do we defuse the bomb? Are there any other bombs?"

Mu Wanqing held her gun to Ning Chuan's head, angrily shouting.

"Are you insane? I discovered something suspicious resembling a bomb in the building, and now you're accusing me of planting it and trying to arrest me?" Ning Chuan looked at Mu Wanqing as if she were an idiot.

"What? You still want to argue? I'm sorry, but you're coming with me to the station. I'll interrogate you thoroughly," Mu Wanqing sneered, leaving the other male officers at the scene while she escorted Ning Chuan downstairs.

"Ning Chuan?"

Outside the building, Qin Shiyun was taken aback when she saw Ning Chuan being held at gunpoint and handcuffed. She furrowed her brow and approached.

"What's going on?"

"He's an employee of your company, right? I found him acting suspiciously upstairs, and I strongly suspect he is the suspect who planted the bomb!" Mu Wanqing explained.

"Him? Planting a bomb? That doesn't make sense," Qin Shiyun furrowed her brow and carefully recalled.

Although Ning Chuan's background was indeed suspicious, his actions didn't seem to indicate any harmful intent towards her.

On the contrary, he had even protected her from the steel needle.

Even if the steel needle incident couldn't be confirmed yet, she had personally witnessed the listening device and pinhole camera.

"While Ning Chuan isn't an employee of our company, I don't believe he has any ill intentions towards me and wouldn't be the one to plant the bomb in the company," Qin Shiyun analyzed and shook her head.

After all, if Ning Chuan truly wanted to harm her, he could have done so when he defeated the company's security guards. There would be no need to plant a bomb.

Moreover, Ning Chuan is inside the building himself. If he had planted the bomb, wouldn't he be blowing himself up as well?

"He is suspicious, and I will thoroughly interrogate him at the station. We won't wrong a good person, nor will we let a bad person go!" Mu Wanqing said firmly.

Seeing Qin Shiyun unexpectedly defending Ning Chuan, Mu Wanqing's expression turned cold.

She forcefully swung the hands of both individuals who were handcuffed together, intending to drag Ning Chuan towards the police car nearby.

However, when Mu Wanqing exerted force, she felt her arm go light, and all her strength dissipated into thin air.

Surprised, she turned her head and saw that the handcuffs on her wrist, which had previously bound her hand to Ning Chuan's, were now empty, leaving only her hand!

Ning Chuan, on the other hand, stood calmly by the side, with no handcuffs on his wrist.

"How did you open the handcuffs?" Mu Wanqing looked at Ning Chuan as if she had seen a ghost.

"Your handcuffs became sentient and realized that I'm not a bad person, so they released themselves," Ning Chuan replied with a smile.


Mu Wanqing naturally couldn't believe such nonsense. She waved the handcuffs and was about to handcuff Ning Chuan again.

"I'll report! I'm going to report!" However, Ning Chuan suddenly shouted loudly at a nearby police officer in uniform.

Judging from the uniform of the police officer, his rank must be higher than Mu Wanqing's.

"What's going on?" The police officer with a stern face walked over.

"Sir, I want to report! This Mu Wanqing is abusing her authority for personal revenge!" Ning Chuan declared loudly.

Upon hearing this, Mu Wanqing instantly flew into a rage and angrily said, "Ning Chuan, what nonsense are you spouting? How dare you accuse me? Believe me, I'll beat you to..."

"Mu, shut up! Let him speak!" The police officer with a stern face reprimanded.

Mu Wanqing had no choice but to keep quiet.

"Sir, this is what happened. Yesterday, I was taking a shower, and Mu Wanqing suddenly barged into the bathroom, attempting to do something improper to me. However, I firmly refused her advances. But she tried to attack me and used force to coerce me, only to end up being unable to defeat me. That's how we became enemies," Ning Chuan explained.

"And now, inside the building, as soon as she saw me, she accused me without any evidence of planting the bomb. She also violated regulations by using firearms and handcuffs against me, a law-abiding citizen..."

Ning Chuan spoke calmly.

Mu Wanqing was furious and about to erupt on the spot.

"Mu, is there any truth to this? Did you barge into the bathroom while this gentleman was showering? Did you attack him?" The stern-faced police officer looked at Mu Wanqing seriously.

"Well... Although I did barge in and tried to attack him, but..." Mu Wanqing tried to explain.

"So, this gentleman isn't lying? Do you have any evidence that he is the one who planted the bomb? Did you use weapons against him without proper evidence?" the stern-faced police officer interrupted.

"I... haven't found any evidence yet..." Mu Wanqing lowered her head.

"Nonsense! Apologize to this gentleman immediately!" The stern-faced police officer said in a deep voice.

Under the order of the stern-faced police officer, Mu Wanqing reluctantly approached Ning Chuan and grudgingly said, "I'm sorry."

She Then, gritting her teeth, and spoke in a resentful tone, "You bastard, just wait and see. I'll find something to use against you sooner or later!"

"What? You want to find something to use against me? Madam, I strongly suspect that you are harassing me, and even engaging in sexual harassment," Ning Chuan said with a serious expression.


Mu Wanqing remained stunned for a full half minute before understanding the meaning behind Ning Chuan's words.

Her pretty face instantly blushed deeply.

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