
My reincarnation as a Snake

My reincarnation as a Snake

DaoistKhyvjt · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Start of the Journey Chapter 8

,, Right now both Maria and Crimson were standing inside the Cultivation Space and were talking to each other"

,, OK then we should start heading outside " Crimson

,, ehm yes " Maria

,, After they decided to head out Maria went closer to Crimson and he thought about the the portal gate that would bring them out and it appeared "

,, When Maria saw the portal inside the space she was shocked because she knew that there were powerful Mages that could may space twists and bend to their own will but she never knew that a 2st Tier beast could do that so that again showed her how strong Crimson was "

,, Come let's head inside outside " Crimson

,, OK " Maria

,, After they both agreed they both moved towards the portal and disappeared from the Cultivation Space right now Outside in the forest a strange portal appeared and two people stepped out of it one was a pretty long snake and the other was a human girl of course both were Crimson and Maria "

,, Right now Outside it was afternoon the soon was shining bright in the sky you could hear the river stream flowing and the sounds of birds singing well right now they were normal birds but if they advanced to 1st Tier they would be called beast to but that didn't happen often the same goes for other animals "

,, When Crimson and Maria stepped out of the portal the portal disappeared again as if it was never there to begin with Maria thought it was very strange but she didn't ask about it "

,, Well I guess I have to go pick your Daggers for you wait here for a moment " Crimson

,, OK " Maria

,, The Time when Crimson searched Maria and finished he came back outside to his tunnel to hide Maria's Daggers inside"

,, Right now Crimson looked towards his tunnel that was a directly behind the two of them, that's when it hit him he couldn't crawl back inside because the tunnel was to small for him now he was to big "

,, Oh...oh...I totally forgot about this after I evolved I got bigger now I am never going to fit inside this tunnel Oh..no..wait I have a solution.." Crimson thoughts

,, After he thought about it he opened his store and was praying inside that his solution would work or he wouldn't know what to tell Maria..he couldn't just tell her that he hid her Daggers from her and lost it what would she think about him "

- Store -

- 251 Points -

- Determine Size - 200 Points

- The ability Determine Size allows one to change size of one's body like how you see fit can't be upgraded -

,, When Crimson saw the ability he was very happy but then when he saw that price he was immediately upset with the system but he knew he couldn't do anything about it and had to accept it..he thought that the ability was useful anyway so way not spent the points..and he didn't have time to be sad because Maria was getting suspicious of him only standing there before the tunnel but not bring her, her Daggers "

,, Crimson immediately purchased the ability and lost 200 points but know all the information about the ability appeared inside his head after he knew everything that he had to know about the ability he immediately thought about being small like before after he did that you could see him getting smaller in size before he eventually reached the size of his previous self "

,, A few moments ago in Maria's perspective Maria was right now looking at Crimson after he said that he was going to get her Daggers and weapons for her he started moving towards behind them then he stopped before a big rock that had a small tunnel entrance after he stopped he never moved again It looked like he was looking at the rock but nothing was there "

,, It's just like last time in the space that we were in he is spacing out or maybe he can see something that I can't see well like that Strange screen that appeared before maybe he can see that the whole time " Maria thoughts

,, When Maria was still in thoughts she suddenly saw how Crimsons body was getting smaller in size she was totally shocked when Crimson finished getting smaller she suddenly realized it that Crimson was really the small snake that she saw in the river only that Crimsons scals had a different color well she knew that it was him before she saw this happening but now it confirmed everything "

,, But how can he make himself smaller this shouldn't be possible well if he had a slime like body I would believe that but he is a fuck*** snake...Maria was right now completely confused on what was happening and she doubted herself that maybe what she knew about the World was basically all false "

,, Crimson was right now as small as he was previously, now he could fit in the tunnel with no problems so he moved forward towards the entrance "

,, When Crimson was inside the tunnel he directly found the two Daggers and the two knives he knew that it would take longer if he brought out every one of the single it would take long so he tossed everything inside his Cultivation Space and headed out of the tunnel again "

,, Maria was right now standing a few meters away from the tunnel when she suddenly saw Crimson coming out of the tunnel again without anyone of her weapons "

,, Did they got stolen or something..or why is he coming empty handed " Maria thoughts

,, Crimson was right now back to his original form and moved towards Maria that moment he arrived near her she asked him if he didn't find her weapons but then she found out that they were in the space that they were before so Crimson let her inside the space and a few moments later she came back full armed with her weapons "

,, OK then now that you have your weapons let's officially start our goal with is getting to Tier 3 and getting my human form well the same goes for you to only that you won't be getting a human form " Crimson

,, Hahaha...OK then let's start our goal " Maria

,, After they agreed on everything they smiled friendly at each other well Crimson smile was more he was going to eat someone but Maria didn't give it much thought "

,, Both of them then started there adventure, they moved away from the river and headed deeper inside the forest searching for their prey "

,, Over a hour later of walking deep inside the forest they encountered there first beast it looked like a Rabbit but it was floating in the air that was so shocking "

,, Maria do you know what kind of creature or beast this is I have never seen such a beast before " Crimson

,, Oh ehm yes this beast is very common in human City's because they have very tasty meat that Royal Family's or wery rich people eat they are called Floating Rabbits even though they are very common they have the rank of 1st Tier (Peak Stage) so normal people could never harm them that's why only adventures from the guild that are 2st Tier are allowed to take a Quest on hunting them " Maria

,, When Crimson heard this he was very amused, he found out when they were moving through the forest that the beast were scared of him because of his big appearance so he made himself smaller to not alert any beast and it looks like it helped because the floating rabbit didn't detect their presence "

,, As for Maria she had her Camouflage ability so Crimson didn't have to worry about her getting detected she was an Assassin class after all "

,, When Crimson got all the information from the beast from Maria he was ready to start hunting that floating Rabbit because he wanted her floating ability and wanted to taste her meat"

,, Maria get ready to launch an attack at that floating rabbit today we are going to eat tasty meat " Crimson

,, OK " Maria

,, When Maria heard what Crimson said she was very happy even though she had hunted floating Rabbits before she never had enjoyment of tasting one before because all the time she hunted these rabbits it was for the amount of many that she would get for it "

,, So when Crimson asked her about the Rabbit she was already ready to launch an attack on the floating rabbit that was before them "

,, When I give the command we attack it OK " Crimson

,, yes OK " Maria

,, Crimson was right now studying the floating rabbit and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike it down the Rabbit was right now floating in the air and was picking berries from a Busch his back was against Crimson and Maria "

,, I can't use my fireball in this forest because the fire would spread and we aren't near a river so I can only launch at it and bite it " Crimson thoughts

,, OK Maria let's go " Crimson