
My reincarnation as a Snake

My reincarnation as a Snake

DaoistKhyvjt · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Floating Rabbit Chapter 9

,, Crimson and Maria were right now in the forest preparing to hunt a floating rabbit the moment Crimson gave the command both Crimson and Maria launched at the floating rabbit that was a few meters away from them eating his berries happily "

,, While Crimson was launching at the rabbit with Maria who was still Camouflaged his small body started getting bigger before he turned to his usual size "

,, At the moment the Rabbits back was still against Maria and Crimson but then suddenly his ears moved as if he had heard something and looked back "

,, Right now Crimson and Maria were surprised to see that the rabbit heard them because it was looking at them right now but they still didn't stopped launching at it when Crimson was near enough at the rabbit he tried to bite it but he failed miserable because the rabbit floated a little higher up "

,, Maria now is your chance " Crimson

,, When Maria saw the opening to kill the rabbit and heard Crimson voice to she jumped at a tree branch and bounced of from it and charged at the Rabbit that was floating high in the air "

,, The Rabbit didn't see it coming and couldn't dodge it so Maria attacked it in mid air and cut it's head from his neck with one single strike with her Dagger the Rabbit died on the spot and fell down from the air "

,, Good job Maria if you didn't know his weakness it would have probably ran away like you said " Crimson

,, Ehm..thanks I guess " Maria

,, A few moments before Crimson and Maria launched at the Rabbit Maria told Crimson the weakness she had found out while facing the floating rabbit several times that when it dodged and floated a little higher up it would try to ran away and it couldn't fly high probably so it couldn't fly away so that's when they came up with the plan to trick it with Crimson attacking first "

,, Back at the present time Crimson and Maria putted the body of the rabbit inside the Cultivation Space and continued looking around the forest they decided to eat it later when it got dark "

,, Crimson turned back on to his small form and they started wandering around the forest again but after a few hours of doing so they didn't encounter any strong beast anymore but only beast with the rank of 0st Tier they decided not to kill them because they were to weak and it was starting to get dark so they went back into the Cultivation Space "

,, Good job today Maria even though we didn't encounter any more beast after killing the floating rabbit " Crimson

,, ahhh...man...but I really have to get stronger now today I couldn't even earn any points I have to kill the next beast we meet " Crimson thoughts

,, OK thanks you did a great job to...but now anyways how are we going to prepare the floating rabbit inside this place you are not planning to eat it raw are you " Maria

,, Hahaha.. wow looks like she only cares about the food she is going to eat soon " Crimson

,, Yes ehm well about the Rabbit I can grill it with my fire ability but well you would first have to remove the fur from it because I can't do that I have no hands so it's up to you" Crimson

,,  Oh well OK I will do it " Maria

,, After we discussed everything Maria started dismantling the rabbit, half an hour she was finished"

,, So now Crimson I am finished can you start grilling the Rabbit I am hungry I have not eaten until now since I woke up I may be a rank 2st Tier but I am still human and need food I am not strong enough to survive without it " Maria

,, When Crimson heard what Maria said he totally forgot that she had not eaten jet since she woke up and she could still perform this well Crimson felt little sorry for her so he decided to not eat much of the Rabbit to let her regain back her strength "

,, After thinking about everything he moved towards the Rabbit and opened his mouth and just like a flamethrower he started grilling the Rabbit "

,, When Maria saw how Crimson was grilling the Rabbit it reminded her so much of a dragons breath only that Crimsons power was weaker if Crimson were to become stronger he could basically erase a city from existences with the flame that was now coming out of his mouth grilling the Rabbit "

,, After a few moments later Crimson finished grilling the meat of the Rabbit and gave it back Maria so that she could cut it into pieces for them to eat "

,, A few minutes later Maria also finished cutting the meat into pieces which her Daggers and started digging in after she took the first bite she had a very bright smile on her face "

,, Delicious..oh..man I can't believe I never ate such meat but always gave it to the adventures guild for money " Maria

,, I am glad you like it " Crimson

,, After Crimson said that he also took his first bite from the Rabbit meat now he understood how Maria was feeling right now the meat was basically to good while he was still enjoying the taste of the meat a system nonfiction popped up before him"

- Obtained-

- Bloodline- Floating Rabbit ( 5 % )

,, When Crimson saw the information he wasn't to happy because he didn't get the floating ability but he forgot about it fast because the meat was to delicious after taking a few more bites he stopped because he had said that he would leave more for Maria "

,, Maria I will be going for a little walk inside this space you can eat the rest " Crimson

,, When Maria heard what he said he wasn't listening to it to much she only understood that she could eat the rest of the meat and Crimson was going somewhere "

,, OK " Maria

,, After Crimson heard Maria responding he started moving a little away from there location inside the Cultivation Space "

,, I think I am now far away from her so I can concentrate on what I am about to do but first I should look at my status "

Crimson thoughts

-Name = Crimson Silverstar -

-Race =  Water Snake -

-Rank = 2st Tier - Master Grade (Early Stage 1)

-Bloodline = Black Snake (100 %), Blue Fish ( 100%), Human (50%), Floating Rabbit ( 15 %)

-Affinity = Dark, Low Water, Low Fire,

-Ability = Bite, Eater, Underwater Breathing, Language compression, Fireball, Determine Size

Points: 51


Cultivation Space

Team •••

,, So I got ten more percent on the floating rabbit Bloodline after eating more of the Rabbit and I even broke through two stages that's something "

,, Well I guess I should start my plan before Maria starts looking for me...wait what's that on my team tab why are there three ••• besides it "

,, Crimson thought about it for a little but then he just went inside the team tab and what he saw made him so happy that he started laughing uncontrollably like a crazy person "

- Teammate- Maria -

-Killed Floating Rabbit - Rank 2st Tier ( Stage early 2)

- 25 Points-

,, So that's what the three ••• were for..hahaha..I can basically get points now from the kills my teammate do now that's so awesome I really don't have to do all the kills one problem gone..hahaha"

,, After a few minutes later Crimson calmed himself and started proceeding with his plans he was right now at the store function and looking at houses that he could buy for the Cultivation Space "

- Store -

- 76 Points -

- Black mountain villa - 20 Points

- Flowing Blue villa - 35 Points

- Modern villa- 50 Points


,, There were many villas in the Store but Crimson had already chosen even though it was a very difficult decision because he didn't wanted to spend so much points on a Villa but well everything was already inside the villa and he didn't have to buy extra stuff so it was ideal "

,, After crying a few moments inside he purchased the modern villa and lost 50 points, at the exact same moment he purchased the villa the modern villa appeared before him with all its glory Crimson thought that it was very beautiful right now then when it was inside the system "

,, Right now at Maria's place she had finished eating the Rabbit meat and it looked like she was full from the meat she was right now waiting for Crimson to return back from his walk or whatever he was doing "

,, Anyway why did he even say walk he is a snake he doesn't walk..ugh...anyways why is he taking so long " Maria thoughts

,, When she was still in thoughts she suddenly got startled when she looked at the direction Crimson headed when he left "

,, What the hell his that..no..fuck*** way was it there before..no this can't be " Maria thoughts

,, Maria got up from the Cultivation Space floor and started heading into the direction Crimson left with a fast pace "