
My reincarnation as a Snake

My reincarnation as a Snake

DaoistKhyvjt · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Evolution Chapter 4

,, Crimson was right now searching through the store tab for potion for the girl "

- Store -

- 31 Points -

- 1st Tier - Mortal Grade ( Early Stage) Potion - 5 Points -

- 1st Tier - Mortal Grade ( Mid Stage ) Potion -  10 Points -

- 1st Tier - Mortal Grade (Peak Stage) Potion - 15 Points -

- 2st Tier - Master Grade ( Early Stage) Potion - 30 Points -


,, When Crimson saw the information of all the potion he knew that only the fourth Potion would have any effect on the girl because she was probably not in the 1st Tier anymore right now he was basically crying inside his heart for getting broke again "

,, But nevertheless he purchased the potion now he only had 1 point left after he bought the potion a test tube appeared with a red liquid inside it also smelled really nice like the Pill he bought last time but this smell was little nicer this time he controlled himself and didn't drink the potion but instead move towards the girl and opened her mouth to pour the potion inside "

,, After he finished pouring the potion inside her mouth you could see that the burn wounds were disappearing with the naked eye "

,, Afterwards when Crimson finished he checked the girl to see if she had any weapons on her or things that she could use against him to harm him when he finished is inspection he found two Daggers on her and two knives he picked them up and putted them far away from her reach "

,, Well..Well now that I have finished everything I should probably start eating the second corpses before that girl wakes up I am really excited right now to see what great things I would get from this fire Affinity user ...hahaha"

,, When I finished deciding to eat he I pulled him with my four fangs a little away from were the girl was so that if she woke up while I was eating him she wouldn't have to see that after I was a little away from her I started digging in "

,, It took me a few seconds to finish eating him and then the system nonfiction started appearing again "

- Consumed -

- Human Fire Mage - 2st Tier ( Peak Stage 5)

- Error-

- Corpses contains to much energy system turning some into points-

- Obtain -

- Bloodline - Human ( 25 %)

- 500 Points -

- Affinity - Low Fire

- Ability - Fireball

,, After all these nonfiction appeared I felt really as if I was  getting stronger, that's when I realized that something was rapidly surrounding me and before I knew what hit me I was surrounded from all over right now I felt like how I did when I was a egg that were my last thought before I fell asleep "


,, Right now in the cultivation space the girl that got rescued from Crimson slowly started to wake up she looked much better that before, you could see her beautiful light braun hair that went until her waist and you could also see her healthy skin that matched her face "

,, When she slowly opened her eyes you could also see her bright brown eyes that was matching with her beautiful face, as she fully opened her eyes she was confused at were she was it was basically white everywhere she looked "

,, That's when it her she started remembering everything that happened to her before she lost unconsciousness at this moment she was remembering what Simon did to her and how she was sent flying "

,, She quickly looked at her back to see if there were any wounds or scars but there was nothing it didn't even hurt she was confused again she thought that she dreamed everything "

,, After thinking about it for sometime it brought her nowhere so she decided to check her stuff that's when she realized that her Daggers and knife were gone she stood up and searched her whole body but she found nothing "

,, This can't be happening what's going on here "


,, She was literally confused so she decided to look around this place for now, she started moving away from her position after a few minutes of walking she saw a big black blue egg before her now she got even more confused what's such an egg doing here "

,, Am I in the afterlife or something " Maria

,, She started moving towards the egg when she was standing near the egg she could see that the egg was basically nearly as tall as her that was something because she was around 1,75m tall "

,, Not even a dragon egg is this big there most be something special about this egg " Maria

,, After she thought about it a little she decided to stay here and see what would hatsch out of the egg well maybe the creature in the egg maybe knew a way out of here so she sat beside the egg and waited "


,, Somewhere in the city that Maria and her group came from in a hall some people where discussing something "

,, I heard Simon and his group haven't returned from the forest everybody is taking about how that family of Simon is sad and angry for losing their son " Guild Master


,, Back at Crimson Cultivation Space Maria was still sitting near the egg and waiting she didn't know how many days or hours had past but one thing she found out about this place is that the Cultivation energy was much better in this place that outside so she Cultivated "

,, Right she was startled out of her Cultivation because the egg started to move a little but then she could see that cracks hab appeared on the egg so it musst have been started hatching so she retreated a few meters "

,, Crimson was right now trying to crack the egg he was in the moment he woke up from his sleep he got a nonfiction from the system saying "

- Congratulations Host for breaking through, do to breakthrough to a higher rank host has evolved based on the Bloodline he possesses -

- Host can obtain a human form in the next evolution-

,, And now he had to find a way to break out of this egg or he could never be happy about evolving if he had to stuck here the whole time "

,, After a few times of giving it his all he managed to break free from the egg he could see the white Cultivation Space again with all its glory "

,, Crimson moved out of the egg with his whole body that's when he realized the shock expression of the girl he rescued a while ago looking at him "

,, She must have woken up after I fell asleep to evolve now that I think about it did she get smaller because if I remember correctly I could only be compared to her arm before "

,, Wait..a..moment don't tell me I got bigger that's when it hit me when I turned around and so my body I confirmed my guess I really did get bigger "

,, A few moments ago in Maria's perspective when the egg cracked open a giant long snake moved out of it the scals of the snake where black and blue it gave of a majestic aura the snake was probably 1.70 m length or even longer when I looked inside the snakes eyes I could see a pair of golden eyes looking back at me "

,, That's when I remembered the little snake I saw in the water before I fell unconscious the eyes of this snake resembled that of the snake in the water but I didn't give it much thought "

,, Back to the presence Crimson was right now looking at the girl with astonishing eyes because even though he became so big the girl wasn't afraid of him so he decided to ignore the girl for a moment and look at his Status "

-Name = Crimson Silverstar -

-Race =  Water Snake -

-Rank = 2st Tier - Master Grade (Early Stage 1)

-Bloodline = Black Snake (100 %), Blue Fish ( 100%), Human (50%),

-Affinity = Dark, Low Water, Low Fire,

-Ability = Bite, Eater, Underwater Breathing, Language compression, Fireball

Points: 501


Cultivation Space

,, Oh..so I really did evolve into another Race well water snake it must have come from the blue fishes Bloodline and because I could breathe underwater that's very practical "

,, Oha I also became a 2st Tier master that's something maybe if I became 3st Tier I could evolve again I can't wait to see the nonfiction "

,, When I was still I thoughts I could hear the girl I saved mumbling something well I didn't know her name so I didn't know what to do right now "

,, Maria was right now still standing few meters away from the snake that just hatched "

,, What now the egg has hatched but I don't know if this creature is going to try to kill me for food our is just going to ignore me ..oh man this is so annoying " Maria

,, When I was still thinking about what to do I was startled from a voice that came from the direction of the snake I was literally confused and didn't know what to respond "

,, Hallo " Crimson