
My reincarnation as a Snake

My reincarnation as a Snake

DaoistKhyvjt · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Conversation Chapter 5

,, A few moments ago Crimson didn't know how to handle the girl because she wasn't doing anything rather then starring at him so he decided to get active and talk to her "

,, I looked around myself to see were the voice was coming from but I found nothing there was only this giant snake before me that was looking at me strangely that's when I heard the voice again but this time I knew there was no mistake and that I heard someone's voice so I responded to "

,, After Crimson talked to the girl for the first time he saw her looking around herself he didn't know why but he guessed that maybe she thought the voice came from someone else so he spoke again and this time she responded "

,, Hallo " Crimson

,,Ehm...hallo..who are you and why can't I see you and where are we what is this place what happened to me did I die or something " Maria

,, Wow that's something so much questions the moment she decided to talk " Crimson thoughts

,, So well the thing is I am right before you is rather rude to pretend to not see me even though I am standing before you and especially when I am this big " Crimson

,, What was that he said he is before me what kind of joke is this is he a ghost or something I can clearly only see a giant snake before me so what nonsense is he talking about " Maria thoughts

,, Ehm..so..Sorry if I am being a little rude but there is really no one before rather than the giant snake that's looking at me so... ehm ... I guess I can't see you " Maria

,, Is this girl some kind of idiot or doesn't she want to accept the fact that I big snake is talking to her well I guess it wouldn't be normal if a snake could suddenly speak to you after being hatched " Crimson thoughts

,, So yeah I do think you can see me for the fact that you said that a giant snake is before you, so guess what I am the giant snake " Crimson

,, When the girl heard what I said she was looking at me Strangely as if I was joking at her but then her expression started to get seriously she changed her expression as fast as she made them "

,,äh...ehm... Did I just heard correctly right what he said..he..is...the snake no way that can't be true or can it now that I think about it every time I heard the voice the snake opened his mouth so it wasn't my imagination can it really be that this snake can talk if I am guessing correct he should be in the 2st Tier Master Grade so how or why can he talk " Maria thoughts

,, So if you really are the snake can you nod once for me to see if you are really the snake and when you are the snake why can you talk or understand me it doesn't make sense with your rank and all " Maria

,, Right now Maria was trying her all to stay serious about all this that was happening she didn't want the snake before her to see how terrified she was "

,, When Crimson heard what the girl said he was confused at first because she still didn't believe him and asked him to nod first well he had no problem with it so he nodded for her"

,, Now that I have nodded do you believe me well if something like this would have happened to me I would also be suspicious so I don't blame you and to your question I don't have any answers is it really that shocking that I can talk if I am not mistaken than there should be other beasts who can talk besides me so why do you make it so sound so strange " Crimson

,, I won't tell her about my ability that's allows me to speak with her for now because I don't know if I can trust her who knows what she would do if she found out " Crimson thoughts

,, When Maria saw the snake nodding she finally confirmed and accepted that it was the snake that was talking with her and that she wasn't imagining it "

,, Ah..OK..now that confirmed you are the snake I believe you and yeah it is really that shocking that you can speak if I am guessing correctly you should be in the 2st Tier Master Rank so well, most beast can only speak when they got there human form and that happens only if you get into the 3st Tier Rank so now do you get why I am acting like this " Maria

,, So it's true I really am going to get a human body in my next rank up that so exciting, now that I have confirmed it I should really start going, and hunting more beast so that I can rank up fast " Crimson thoughts

,, Maria was right now looking at the snake that was making a funny expression it looked like the snake was smiling but she didn't know about what it was smiling about"

,, Ehm..so anyway do you know where we are or how we can get out of here if possible that would be a great help even though this place is great for Cultivation I don't want to stay here the whole time " Maria

,, When Crimson heard Maria's voice he came back to himself and was looking at her seriously before answering her questions "

,, So the thing is you don't have to worry about were we are we are at a safe place and I also know how we can get ot of here but first why don't you tell me your name and why you and your group got attacked by Goblins well for starters my name is Crimson " Crimson

,, Wait..what did he just say he has a name this can't be happening how did he get a name if I remember correctly beast don't have names before they get there human form and register in a city this snake..what was is name again ah...Crimson this beast is surprising me one after another" Maria thoughts

,, So..ehm your name is Crimson that's nice to now well actually beast shouldn't have a before they they register in a city but I guess it doesn't count on you may name is Maria " Maria

,, Oh.. so your name is Maria that's a nice name so tell me now why was your group attacked by Goblins and why did that one guy also try to kill you with his fireballball attack " Crimson

,, When Maria heard all that what Crimson send she finally confirmed that everything happened to her wasn't a dream but she still couldn't understand why there was no burn marks on her back or wounds "

,, Could it be that he saved me now that I think about it it's the only possibility well before I fell unconscious I remembered seeing a little snake don't tell me it's him but he evolved and turned so big well it's very rare for a beast to evolve he would need to have other Bloodlines in his body " Maria thoughts

,, So ehm if I may ask were you the one that saved me when I was unconscious and what happened to my wounds how did you heal them it was looking pretty bad for me and do you know were the corpses of the two people are and my last question is where you that small snake I saw before I fell unconscious if you are did you evolve " Maria

,, When Crimson heard that Maria answered his questions with questions he was starting to get annoyed he looked at her for a moment before answering some of her questions "

,, You guessed right I was the one that saved you and as for our wounds I did heal them but I won't tell you how I did that and as for the question with the human corpses I ate them both and your last question I decided not to answer " Crimson

,, When Maria heard his answer her expression turned slightly it was as if she was scared of him a little well who would blame her everybody would be scared in this situation but she was angry that Crimson ate her teammates she was glad to not have been killed "

,, So ehm thanks for answering my questions Crimson and thanks for also telling me the truth and not lying to me about the corpses well I don't know what benefits they gave you for you to have ate them but I don't care well since you answered my questions I am going to answer your questions now well it's best if I tell you everything from the beginning of why we entered the forest that's the least I can do for you for saving my life"