
My Queen is on Roll

What will happen when the renowned bachelors gets married to each other? What will happen when the husbands finds his wife's a new identity now and then? What will happen when enemies crash to each other? What will happen to this little kitten who has entered the wolfs den but sadly nobody knows that its not the kitten who has entered but a tigress who is gonna turn his world upside down!

Evil_White · Fantasy
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5 Chs

To The Office

At the bluebell café, one of the largest café in Moscow

''Welcome Mr. Mateo, welcome miss. How can I help you?''

''My usual room'' was the cold reply from Kai. The two people following them sighed; finally our cold master is back. And with this they went all the way up to the private room.

''You both can have your brunch too in the side room. I will call you when we are done'' 'yes master' and with this they retreated. "Raven what do you think about our mistress? If I am not wrong it was the first time master and mistress met. No? And today they had their marriage. What a rollercoaster start of the day.''

"Mind your own business Ash" said raven.

In the VIP room

''What would you like to order?'' asked Kai.

''You can order anything as long as it's not too spicy. I like sweet things more.''

Knowing such a unique preference of his wife, Kai swiftly ordered for two as per their liking and sent the waiter off. The most diligent CEO, who could make decisions regarding billions worth deal in minutes, was in dilemma. His curiosity to know more about his wife was killing him, but unfortunately he doesn't know how to bring up this topic. Surely understanding women and talking to them is world's greatest mystery.

After trying hard to stop her laugh, Luna failed miserably and chuckled hard. 'How cute! Who would have thought that the great Mr. Kai will look so cute when he is speechless.' Giving him a helping hand, the great Miss, oh no Mrs. Luna decides to tell her husband a little about herself. ''Hey husband, do you want to know something about me or want to figure about me in our upcoming future?'' Luna asked Kai in between her chuckles.

"My dear wife, though I am very curious to know you but I want to unravel you slowly. Therefore, I am all ears to whatever you want to tell me about yourself." He knew his kitten is very sly and would only tell him the cream of the top and sadly that definitely won't be enough to fulfill his curiosity. So why not just enjoy the trailer and later enjoy the movie slowly and blissfully.

"I have two elder brothers who are very proficient in their fields and treat me as their princess. They won't let me do any kind of hard work as it can be dangerous for me." She chuckles thinking about the revised definition of dangerous from her brothers and continues, "An elder sister and several close friends together with whom I have grown up. I came here to enjoy my vacation with my friend but I don't know why she suddenly turned her back on me, poisoned me and sent assassins to kill me off. And this is how I met you." Her eyes darkened as she thought what happened last night.

"Interesting, Do you need any help to locate her?" He knew his wife is more than the eye meets. "Nah, I am good, I will take my revenge myself."

"So currently you are free, any job or adventure, studies or something else ?" "Hmm, you can say that lately I really am quite free. Right now I am not working under anyone, have finished all my studies and not in any mood to go for any further fun. By the way, are you regretting that you married a simple and a lazy woman? and wait, how old do you think I am" Luna asked Kai, with a lazy smile hanging on the corner of her lips. "My dear, I only know that you are an adult and for rest don't I have all the time to figure it out. And now for your former question, I don't care if my wife is a housewife or an employee or an actress or a lazy pig (>_<) or anything else. All I should do is to take care of my wife, woman and nobody could hurt her" Kai exclaims in all seriousness. Hearing such words caused her heart flutter. 'WHAT? am going fall for him just like this. Wake up Luna' she shakes head throw messy thoughts out simply says "hmm" reply Kai's serious statement. < p>

Soon they completed their first lunch together and left. "I have a meeting in the afternoon. Where do you want to go - our house or want to visit my office? And just for your kind information, your husband's workplace is a place to look out." Kai teasingly reminds Luna.

"Ha, I bet I have seen much better offices than your workplace Mr. CEO. My own brothers' offices are worth drooling. To your office" Luna sarcastically grumbles.

And Ash and Raven, who were sitting in the front were on the verge of collapse when their master instead of killing the person who laughed at him, was chuckling hard, so hard that it was hard for him to breathe properly. 'Was the end of the world coming' Raven and Ash make a direct eye contact and conclude that their mistress is definitely not on a name but the master surely treats her differently.

At the Star Corporation

Files and papers in the air, people crashing down the floor, guards mouth hung open, in short the whole corporation went into frenzy. Their mighty and invincible king who stays far away from any women except his mother and grandmother aligned from his car with a woman!!

'WHO IS SHE?' It was the question lingering in the minds of all the employees of the star light corporation.

"Kai, is there something on my face? Why is everyone giving me a strange look? It is giving me a chill back down my spine." "You are looking all great Luna, it's just that it's my first time being with a woman so they must be curious about you. Just relax." Kai answers lightly and walks forward in his majestic stance and enters his private elevator with Luna, Raven and Ash to his office.

'Good Afternoon. Good afternoon sir….' It was all what I was hearing till I entered his office. Ah, I really forgot how it was to be the CEO of a big company. Tiring, too tiring. "Get yourself comfortable, I just need to do a few documents and one meeting and then we can proceed to our home." Kai stated as he walked down to his mighty chair behind his mesmerizing large glass table.

I started roaming around his office and was amazed by its beauty. It's really worth a visit. The view from the full length glass window, the decorations and the colour scheme along with the spacious setting was really calming and breathtaking. No wonder he was too pound of his office. She pouted when she thought of herself. It was this scene when Kai lifted his head from the stack of documents.

'HOW SILLY & CUTE!' was his only thought. "Isn't it as I said? Isn't it worth a visit? Are you satisfied with what you saw my dear wife?" Kai amusingly teased Luna who was pouting so hard that even a bottle could be hung on her lips. 'Wait, what am I even thinking. Focus, focus Kai Mateo. Focus.'

When he was distracted and lost in his thoughts, a sudden knock on his door broke all his off track thoughts. With a cough he said entered. Ash, his assistant entered with another person who was the head of the finance section. "Sir there is a little problem with our accounts which need your attention. Also this is the proposal sent by yang enterprise to continue our corporation. Please look at it." said Ash while passing the proposal to his boss.

While Kai was reading the proposal, the finance head was looking at Luna wondering who she was. Simultaneously Luna also looked up and happened to meet his eyes. The finance head panicked a little and hurriedly looked straight and waited for his turn. He himself did not know why he was scared just by a mere eye contact with her. Suddenly he heard a sweet and soothing feminine sound "Can you show me those papers you are holding. Those are the issues you are facing, right?" Luna asked the finance head, Mr. Sheath politely who was definitely lost in his own world. He came to his senses soon after and looked for his boss for further instruction. When he saw him nodding his head, Mr. Sheath politely handed those papers to Luna "Here you go Miss."

Luna sat down on the nearby couch and started reading those papers at a very high speed. Both Ash and Mr. Sheath were convinced that she was just playing and were a little annoyed due to the disturbance caused by her. Kai also looked up momentarily, smirked and continued reading the proposal in his hand. He had a hunch that she is definitely going to surprise him. "Ask them to increase our profit share. We are already investing hundreds of millions in a risky project of theirs; definitely we should have something to our advantage in such a deal."

As he finished his part, Luna also finished reading those finance papers and marked the solutions to all the problems they were facing in regards to funds. She also marked the inappropriate and suspicious calculations which were shown in the accounts of the previous month. When she was satisfied with her work, she handed the document to Kai with a smirk of victory.


it's my first time writing a novel....Pardon my grammar

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