
My Queen is on Roll

What will happen when the renowned bachelors gets married to each other? What will happen when the husbands finds his wife's a new identity now and then? What will happen when enemies crash to each other? What will happen to this little kitten who has entered the wolfs den but sadly nobody knows that its not the kitten who has entered but a tigress who is gonna turn his world upside down!

Evil_White · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Flash Marriage

"Marry me". With a smirk, the handsome man above my head was asking me to marry him. Are nowadays, people are getting married just like this? Am I being a monk now-a-days, or else why am I completely oblivious to all this. Damn, my head.

With a strong dizziness spreading through her eyes, she looks straight into the man's eyes, trying to gauge what's going on his head. But sadly she was not in the condition to rack her brain to its original frequency.

Kai Mateo, the richest man in Asia and Europe, CEO of Mateo enterprise or to say Star light corporation, was looking at this little kitten's confused eyes and chuckled after thinking of his abrupt decision of marriage. But, it's okay. At least, after his marriage, his ever energetic old and young weirdo pairs will stop pestering him about this useless thing. For the first time, he thought he could start a new life with a partner by his side. He has a great feeling that this interesting kitten surely would spice up his life.

Dark black hair fluttering in wind with dark sea blue eyes, donned in royal blue crisp business suit, with the latest edition watch from Moon, Kai once again asked Evelyn, 'Are you willing to marry me? '

A few moments prior,

At the stadium of City S

'What the hell is going on boss? Why are you poisoned? With your capabilities even Eve, the number one assassin on the assassin list will not be your opponent!!!' 'Shut up L, Mia betrayed us. Send our team to capture her. I want her alive at my basement. I will see her in 2 days from now. Got to go, they are going to catch me.' With this the call was cut. With a back flip Evelyn took down 2 assassins chasing her, left with 8 more.

Shoot, boom, dash, 7 down.

Panting, already on her limits, it was hard for Evelyn to catch up with the last assassin. Already poisoned with nerve stimulator which was giving her never wrenching pain, she was almost on her verge to collapse.

With all her willpower she manages to get a metal scrap near the stadium's podium and cut the man's artery. Giving the last assassin a fatal blow, she left the stadium with her staggering steps. Her car was blown into scraps destroying all her luggage and id and she could only walk her way to the nearest hospital. Not too long after, she collapsed in the middle of the lone road because of her lack of strength, only to stumble into the man who was going to be the biggest turner in her life.

"You won't last till you reach hospital on your current pace. The poison has started to damage your nerves and soon it can cause you brain damage. Tut, who have you offended to be injected with such a potent poison?"


'Marry me and I will save you.' Evelyn was now no longer in state to think rational and even if she was, she knew now she doesn't have any other chance. What the man said was true. If not treated soon, it can really cause her brain to breakdown.

She also recognized the man in front of her, Kai Mateo, top 10 bachelors in world and the richest man in Asia. Since she doesn't have any other way and doesn't seem to be in disadvantage, she agrees. 'Okay....agree marry'. She said in her broken words with the last bit of strength and fainted. Her body swayed and she fell in the arms of the man who was soon going to be her husband.

The next morning

Evelyn opens her eyes, brain stinging with pain, jerks up on the bed only to see a completely unfamiliar room. She tries to remember what happened to her before she fainted. WHAT THE FREAK!!!!

Did I just agree to marry Kai Mateo? But why would such a person want to marry a girl covered in blood, roaming like a ghost in the middle of the streets in the middle of the night. On top of it, marry to a girl of an unknown origin. Shouldn't rich people always be on alert for such cases? What a weirdo!

Before her thinking process could go for another twist, the door of her room opened and Kai entered. Upon noticing the sleeping beauty awake he was quite shocked, as the doctor last night told him the after affects of the antidote will make her sleep till the next afternoon but it had only been few hours, and god, she is awake.

"Good morning!" despite being shocked, he soon got his composure back and greeted her. With slight confusion, Evelyn greeted back "Good morning Mr. Mateo."

"How are you feeling miss, do I need to call the doctor again to give a routinely checkup?" ''No need, I am all better now. I am Luna by the way and thank you for saving my life last night.'' She thought it was better to be concise for the time being. After the last night incident, she was sure that her enemies might have tracked her current location. Hence it is better to be safe than sorry.

"Looking at your calmness, I can assume you remember our conversation last night miss Luna?'' Yes was all what I could say. ''Then there is no need to be thankful. So, are you really willing to marry me?'' Evelyn was shocked. She didn't think that she would get a chance to reject the deal she signed herself to yesterday. Still she answered truthfully. ''I hate people who go back on their words. So definitely since I said yes yesterday, I am going to marry you today. But before that I want to ask you, why me? You neither know who I am nor from where I am, then why?''

''You are interesting and fun to know. Yesterday despite being covered in blood and in suffering from great torment there was calmness in your eyes. Even after knowing who I was, you didn't react much. Waking up in the morning at an unfamiliar place, you did not scream. All this shows you are different from being ordinary. And I need a wife not a white fragile lotus or a money grubber. And the main reason of all is you interest me. Is my answer satisfactory?'' He asked back with a smirk.

''Are you not afraid that I was sent to you by your enemy or have some other purpose?'' ''Dear, despite the calmness and complexity surrounding you, there is a touch of innocence in your eyes. A cold eye look saying- mind your own business; don't involve me. And most importantly, which predator askes his prey to raise his guards up against himself.'' With that Kai chuckled hard which he hadn't done for ages. He knew he had not answered truthfully but nor he had lied. Yesterday when he asked his subordinate to check Luna's information, it was blank. She has really picked his curiosity. ''Also you can call me by my name.''

''Hmm, you really do understand me. Bravo! Impressive'' she said with a sweet smile thinking to herself, 'me and innocent. HA. Biggest joke of the century. Is he really the worldwide known -Fox of businesses. Interesting, My life after marriage sure is going to be fun.' With that thought she smirks.

''So when are we going to get marry or do you have some other plans? If you are comfortable we can get our marriage certificate today and about the ceremony we can think about it slowly.'' Kai questioned in an unhurried town as he was not discussing his own marriage.

''I don't have any problem with getting our marriage certificate today. But can we keep our marriage hidden from the masses. I don't like the limelight.''

There was a knock on the door. A well dressed man in black suit enters ''master, the car is ready.'' Ignoring the man's call, Kai answered to her ''Okay, no problem, shall we?'' with that Kai moves his hand to hold Evelyn's hand and moves towards his car.

'"To the marriage bureau'' he said to Raven, his personal chauffeur and bodyguard. Turning towards Evelyn who was thinking hard about something. ''What are you thinking?'' ''Yesterday I was ambushed and my luggage and all my belongings were destroyed after my car exploded. So how are we going to register our marriage?'' ''Did you forget who you are going to marry??'' ''I did not know my going to be husband was such a narcissist. This took me with some surprise.'" "'You know nothing of me dear' ''same to you Mr. soon to be my husband.'' With that both chuckled hard.

The two people sitting in the front were thinking that they were dreaming. How could their ever so cold ice king laugh and even so humanly. But better they know if they knew the identity of soon to be their mistress, they would get another shock of the world.

Few moments later,

Looking at the little red booklets in her hand she was still a little taken back. What a dramatic life and she sighed. "'Shall we go and have some brunch?'' ''Sure, let's go''


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