
My Path Continues As: A Healer on Another World

Insig, a normal surgeon, was suddenly transmigrated to a different world where magic exist! Is this an accident, or the work of fate? He despondently discovers that most of the things he learned in his past world was useless because the world here operates based on a different law. However, with just his experience and healing ability alone, he desperately strives to survive and climb to the peak! Read as Insig embarks on the path of healer, and ventures through dangerous lands in pursuit of Immortality. Once more, he will rediscover the world that he had thought he had seen already... as well as himself. Will he stay true to himself? or will he get lost in the endless road under his feet? *** Author's Note *** I'm an amateur at writing so please read with ummh.... patience? Like go easy on me please. Also, I don't have any experiences in writing, I only wrote this as a hobby. Don't expect too much. Releasing chapters takes some time, especially since I'm a student and a reader at the same time. I'm really sorry! Also, for the cover, credits to the owner! I just randomly found it. I'm not owning it! If you have some discomfort, you can contact me, and I'll remove it.

HeavenlyRayofLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Chapter 33. Jeor and Phillip

Insig turned around when he heard the voice. He immediately saw a beautiful girl with an exquisite appearance. She also radiates a sense of security and kindness, making people unconsciously close to her.

Her brown yet blonde hair cascaded unto her shoulders, however, they looked unkempt and messy. But her shiny golden eyes still looked bright.

"J— Sister Jessie!?"

"Hahaha, Seiki, I'm glad you're safe. When I discovered the energy where the rings were moving, I immediately knew that you were safe, so I hurried here."

Jessie smiled and explained. She wasn't too worried because she felt that Seiki was still alive. However, she still made sure he's safe.

Jessie stretched her arms and tried to hug Insig, however, Insig quickly moved away.


Jessie frowned and looked at Insig, he was slightly blushing and hid his body more.

'Hmm? What's with him? He used to really like hugs in the past. He would even smile and sometimes sleep with him in my embrace."

Jessie got worried and tried to get near him.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"N—No, I'm not. You don't have to worry about me."

Insig shyly said.

'Damn it! If she saw me like this.... no pants, full of hair, stark naked.... I'm gonna die of embarrassment!'

"Insig, come here. Right. Now."

Jessie was worried, so she threatened him to come.

"Hahah, I told you already, I'm okay. You don't have to worry about every single thing I do in my life."

"But I'm your sister!"

"Yeah! You're my sister, not my mother or lover for that matter. So don't..."

Insig tried to persuade her, but she was quite persistent.

"Sister is the same! What's wrong with that?"

Jessie got irritated and when she was about to approach him, the sound of heavy footsteps resounded. They were like metal armor clanging with the earth.

*Thud*⁴ *Clang*⁴

"It's an enemy!"

Insig got nervous and immediately warned her.

Seeing him let his guard down, Jessie crouched and touched the earth to immediately bind Insig with the earth. The earth under Insig churned and swallowed his feet, immobilizing him.

"W—What are you doing? There's an enemy!"

However, Jessie looked relaxed and confidently explained.

"Don't worry, I know them."


The sound of heavy armor quickly approached. Finally, 2 faint silhouettes appeared behind a building.

2 Armored soldiers were running, they were bulky but one of them was taller than the other by a large margin. The taller one was dragging a dead body towards here.

However, seeing this, Insig's eyes widened.

"Phillip! And.... The guy who got challenged in the life-and-death duel!"

Insig remembered them. One of them was the person he grew up with in the orphanage, Phillip. While one of them was the person he accidentally saw in the arena. (Note: Chapter 9)

"Then... does that mean I warned you for nothing?"

Insig said regretfully.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry."

The 2 approaching guys finally reached where they were.

"Oh, geez. Jessie, you ran too fast, we had a hard time catching up."

Phillip said. His droopy eyes, messy and lazy brown hair, made him appear lazy and lofty. He has thin lips and thick eyebrows, he looks cool but it was blocked by dirt, gravel, and blood on his face.

His sharp jawline made him look more manly and overbearing. He has a square face and his dark gray eyes look... plain, but... anyways.

"Mhm. What's up with this?"

Said the muscular guy.

"Well, Insig kept hiding something from me, so I got worried."

Jessie explained as she approached Insig.

Seeing this, Insig panicked and stuttered.

"W—W— Wait, I get it that you're worried, but I want brother Phillip to be the one to check on me."

Jessie frowned and looked at Phillip. However, Phillip shrugged in cluelessness.


"Geez, what a drag."

Phillip said lazily and approached Insig. Insig was still behind the boulder so his lower body was not visible.

"What's your problem anyway? It's not like—"

'It's not like you're naked or something.'

Was what Phillip had in mind but when he saw Insig, his words got stuck at his throat.

"Don't look! Damn it!"

Insig screamed embarrassedly.

However, when Jessie heard Phillip stop speaking, she immediately got worried.

"What happened? Is he hurt?"

"You don't have to overreact like I'm gonna do something to you. My eardrum is still damaged, you know... Anyway.... I guess it's understandable. But why do you look like this?"

"Healing magic."


Phillip nodded and looked at Jessie and assured her.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he's not hurt, but don't come here. Also..."

Phillip looked toward the tall man.

"You mind lending me that?"

".... Fine."

The man reluctantly agreed. He threw the corpse towards the ground where Phillip ate.

"You can use this."

Insig looked at the corpse, it looked like a Fenixian's.

'A pants! However....'

Insig found out that the enemy was wearing pants, but it was armor pants. Also, someone already wore it, which made Insig feel weird.

'Well, at least this is better than having no pants right?'

Insig comforted himself and he wore it but... it was too large for him. His legs were only newly regenerated, so it was not quite developed yet.

"Brother Phillip... it's too big..."

"It's okay, It'll fit soon."

Phillip crouched and touched the armor. Suddenly, a silver light radiated out of his hands. It entered the metal armor and it covered it.

Phillip closed his eyes and controlled the armor. The armor suddenly dented and moved to fit his body perfectly. Even his wiener is not uncomfortable.

This was Phillip's magic, mineral element. He can manipulate any mineral as long as he uses the right amount of energy, be it salt, glass, crystal, or ores.


Insig involuntary let out a sound of amazement.

"What the fuck are you two doing?"

The tall man asked while frowning. The dialogue was too bothersome to him.


Phillip nonchalantly said.


"Yeah, Nanya business." ('None of your business', for those who did not get it.)

The atmosphere suddenly got colder. It felt like a fight was about to come.

'Oh, fuck. I didn't know that brother Phillip had this kind of side.'

Insig thought in amazement. In his memories, Phillip was always passive and chill. He didn't have any episode of outburst or letting his emotions get the better of him.

The tall man's eyebrow twitched and he retorted back.

"Well, of course, I'm not part of a gay business."

"Now, now, let's not fight in front of Insig, okay?

Jessie suddenly interrupted and she approached Insig when she saw that Insig didn't react much when the tall man saw him.

"Are you really not wounded?"

Jessie asks worriedly.


Insig cheerfully said. When Insig grew up, he learned that maturity was doing the right thing, in the right place, at the right time.

It was not changing your attitude or whatsoever, so he has always retained his cheerful attitude even when he got older. That's why he is quite cheerful right now. (AN: I included this because I read a review once saying he read a book where people were not acting like their age, so.... I don't want people to complain about Insig's ever changing emotion and attitude)

Jessie looked into the Dog's eyes. They were calm and clear. She knew that he was not lying.

"Phew, that's good."

Jessie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, what were you doing earlier?"

Jessie suddenly asks.

Hearing this, Insig's pupil widened and he nervously answered.

'Oh fuck! I forgot!'

"S— S— Someone is inside this wall, calling for help!"

"What are you still waiting for? Let's go help!"

Jessie said and she hurriedly crouched. She inserted her fingers on the ground and suddenly, the earth rumbled and 4 pillars of earth thrusted upwards and held the wall.

'What the heck!? The wall I worked so hard for got raised in just a second? That's unfair!'

Underneath the wall was a squashed girl. She almost looked like a flat board, if it weren't for the other bumps and such. Blood and bones protrude out of her body, causing her to bleed.

Insig observed that the life energy in her was still flowing, albeit with difficulty. It was a miracle that she was still alive.

Like an instinct, Insig rushed towards her with his hands raised. He looked serious and he commanded in a deep voice.

"Jessie, raise her up using earth magic but maintain her position. Phillip, make me a scalpel that can also cut bones."

Jessie was shocked and baffled. Insig has always called her sister so she was not used to Insig calling her by her name only.

"Ehh? Ahh! Okay."

Jessie moved her energy and made the ground where the girl was rise up. She didn't flatten the ground so that her position was maintained.


Phillip was shocked by Insig's change too, but he quickly adapted and agreed.

Insig poured life energy but he healed the insides first. He shaped the life energy like a spear and injected it towards the patient.

While healing her, Insig observed her life pulse and her aura.

"She's still alive. Looks like she was squashed by the wall and with the pressure of the rain, her body had to bear even more weight. But she still survived under pressure, which means she is rather flexible. Added with her low temperature aura, there is a high possibility that she is a water user. Does any one of you have some water?"

Insig analyzed and asked. Right now, although Insig can maintain the life right now, without her own magic, the girl won't survive.


Jessie reached out for her pouch and was about to give it to Insig when she was stopped by the tall man.

"Jeor! What are you doing?"

Jessie asked.

However, Jeor didn't budge and he asked her instead.

"I should be the one asking you that. Why are you saving her? What can we get out of this? What if she is an enemy?"

Jeor asked impatiently but he was quickly answered by Insig without even looking back.

"We are saving her because we are humans who feel sympathy and not just some beasts or shit-brained gorilla who always moves on instinct or benefits. There's a high chance that she is a water user so if you help her, she can at least give you a bath and make you look more human than an animal who hasn't taken a bath in years. By her suit, she doesn't look like an enemy and with three of us, even if she is, I'll personally kill her."

Jeor frowned and he clenched his fist. He snorts in displeasure and walks away.

Jessie's mouth widens in shock while Phillip smirks in glee.

"Fine. Suit yourself. But just so you know, there have been no records of saving someone who has got their body flattened. I'm only trying to save time and not waste my energy on death because we don't have all the time in the world."

Phillip also agrees but he also doesn't want Insig to be sad. He has always treated him like a little brother, so he doesn't want Insig to regret not doing it rather than regret doing it.

However, Insig ignored his warnings.


Insig's calm voice awakened Jessie and she quickly handed a canteen to Insig's stretched open hands.

'Insig has really changed huh...'

Jessie thought. The Insig right now looked really reliable and independent, unlike the past Insig who would call her name cutely.

Insig opened the canteen and fed it to the girl. He poured it little by little so that not a single one was wasted.

Instinctively, the girl drank the water, but she was still unconscious.


Insig said in a monotone voice.

Phillip quickly handed him a newly made scalpel made by mineral magic. It looked sharp and also looked like a mirror.

Insig first grasped the scalpel and familiarized himself with it. If he made a mistake in the surgery because he was unfamiliar with the scalpel, then it's his mistake.

After that, without blinking his eyes, he made a deep cut in her scalp.

Because magic exists here, the medical knowledge and procedure is vastly different.

Blood flowed out of head and Jessie was shocked from the sight. Having lived this far, she is a strong woman, but she is still a woman after all.

"W— What are you doing?"

Despite this, Insig continued cutting until he reached the skull. He cut a segment of the bone and healed it. His cut was fast, but it was so precise that the scalpel didn't damage other organs.

The bones slowly healed and formed an arch shape, however, the other bone that had not been cut was not fitting quite well with the shape of the newly regenerated bone.

'Wow. He is going to heal the bones one by one to reshape her body.'

As a knowledgeable person, Phillip already recognized what Seiki was doing, however it was just unbelievable.

One of the main problems with the girl's body was her bones. They were bended, twisted, curved, or flattened.

The bones are one of the foundations of the body. If they were damaged, all of the organs would be implicated.

For example, if her skull was flattened, the brain might find the space too tight and this would cause symptoms such as autism, dizziness, headache, nausea, hallucination, decrease in memorization ability, or even death if serious. That's how influential the bone is.

That's why Insig started in the skull, as the brain is the most important organ in the body to live.

However, it was only easy in theory. Just cutting the bone alone is hard enough. It was so hard that surgeons sometimes had to use a saw.

Luckily, they had a super sharp scalpel here, but that is just one part of the requirements.

As a surgeon, you had to have stable hands, because a single shake can kill a patient.

You also had to have skills. If you cut it the wrong way, or cut it too deep, you might affect the nerves, organs, or damage the tissues.

Even though Insig can just heal it, if he somehow damages the brain, the patient might still suffer unknowingly. Like memory loss, emotional instability, and such.

However, Insig seemed to be doing it with ease. He was just too fast yet precise. He is even multi-tasking sometimes, healing while cutting.

After cutting the bone, Insig surrounded it with life magic to slowly absorb it. It was easier to absorb it using death magic, but that is Insig's trump card, and he doesn't want to use it unless there's no other options. However, if he absorbed it using life magic, it takes weeks or even months to absorb.

Insig continued the procedure. He cut the old crooked bones and healed the newly regenerated ones. Whenever he heals a portion, he would heal the tissue, nerves, and skin near it.

This continued on and on until he healed the whole skull.

Insig took this approach because he doesn't have the correct tools to reshape the bone, nor does he know the possibility of relying on the flexibility of the bones of his patients to reshape her bones through force.

.... I tried really really hard in making this scene without even researching a single thing and only relying on my stock knowledge and common sense.

I hope you like it though!

Also, just skip the surgery of you think this is too much for you. I'm not forcing you to read it. I'm writing this for myself anyways.

Thank you for reading!

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