
My Path Continues As: A Healer on Another World

Insig, a normal surgeon, was suddenly transmigrated to a different world where magic exist! Is this an accident, or the work of fate? He despondently discovers that most of the things he learned in his past world was useless because the world here operates based on a different law. However, with just his experience and healing ability alone, he desperately strives to survive and climb to the peak! Read as Insig embarks on the path of healer, and ventures through dangerous lands in pursuit of Immortality. Once more, he will rediscover the world that he had thought he had seen already... as well as himself. Will he stay true to himself? or will he get lost in the endless road under his feet? *** Author's Note *** I'm an amateur at writing so please read with ummh.... patience? Like go easy on me please. Also, I don't have any experiences in writing, I only wrote this as a hobby. Don't expect too much. Releasing chapters takes some time, especially since I'm a student and a reader at the same time. I'm really sorry! Also, for the cover, credits to the owner! I just randomly found it. I'm not owning it! If you have some discomfort, you can contact me, and I'll remove it.

HeavenlyRayofLight · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 20: Zowie's Might and Toriel

Richie suddenly got a foreboding feeling. It is said that Zowie only uses the true might of Gold-level Martial Arts when he's serious and can escape from the grasp of an Integrated state!

Zowie closed his eyes and breathed in. Zowie's aura suddenly burst out, causing Richie to jump far away. Helpless, he made the battlefield dusty and hid inside again.

Flames bursted out of Zowie's body, but he didn't unleash it, instead, he applied it on his skin.

The flames began to move like they had a life of their own. They moved like ants and formed bright golden runes on his body like a tattoo. They were forming a faint image of the sun. The runes seemed to become brighter and it was faintly absorbing the light aura of the sun.

His body that was covered in runes seemed to shine with lustre as they looked golden. His hair, initially a fiery red, developed a hint of golden colour at the edges, making his look more noble.

Zowie suddenly opened his eyes and there were lights coming out of it, his eyes were releasing light like the stars. He had a holy aura surrounding him, dispersing all of the dust and darkness.

The light was like the first beam of light in the morning, dispersing the darkness in the night sky.

He smirked gleefully and boasted.

"Ha! This is [Solar Arts: Light of Dawn]. This is the bane of all darkness! I'll show you it's might!"

The water barrier released a spectra of light because of Zowie's form. All of the soldiers looked shocked as they felt the aura of a level 9 from Zowie, and it was still rising.

"This!.... Is this the symbolization of rules?"

Rolly said as he looked at Zowie in shock.

"The what?"

Seiki asked in confusion.

"The symbolization of rules. Just like how trees naturally form rings as they age, the magic aura can form natural symbols based on their nature. For example, the Adamantine Bear, they have a patterned faint golden hue at their furs because the earth aura has formed natural symbols on their body."

"Judging from the effects, it must be the light rules! This is famous for their unnatural speed and brightness. Some said that they can strengthen the fire element. I must memorise this!"

Rolly was shaking in excitement while his eyes were red from memorising the symbols.

'Light element? Even light is an element? And is it the same as the light that I know?'

Seiki looked at the lustrous canteen in his hands.

'I must be dreaming. It must be a different rule of nature.'

Seiki shook his head and threw away the thought.

"It is said that if you learn these symbols, you can use them to increase your power by a large margin! But sadly, only 1 out of a million people can understand these runes naturally."

Rolly said bitterly.

"Wow! How large is the increase in strength it gives?"

Seiki exclaimed and asked in wonder.

"Hehe, just watch. Look!"

Seiki looked back and saw that the runes in Zowie's body all lit up. He stretched his hands and formed 8 bright golden pillars made of light. Some of the runes climbed up the spear.


He launched them one by one around Richie. They made it. octagonal shape, surrounding Richie.


Zowie snapped his fingers and the runes on the spear lit up. They suddenly stretched and attached to each other, forming a bright cage around Richie.


Richie tried to break the cage with his bare elbow but they were hot and surprisingly had the flexibility of rubber. It was like being inside a hot balloon.

Richie imbued dark magic on his elbow and strikes again, but to no avail.

"Hahaha, I told you, this is the bane of the darkness! It's no use! Now die!"

Zowie raised his hands directly under the sun. He looked mighty and imposing at that moment. The runes in his body lit up and gathered towards his raised hand.

Faintly, the shape of a long sharp needle was formed under the sun. It was so large that it was as big as a 6-story building. It was so bright that looking at it burns your eyes.

The runes gathered on it and it became thinner but taller, hotter, and brighter. Its aura was so condensed to the point that it reached the peak of level 10. (meaning that he is 9,000,000,000× stronger than normal humans) (Note: a level 2's aura can already pressure an earthling)


Looking at the large needle of sunlight, Richie sweated bullets and decisively surrendered.

The sound of Richie pleading was heard but Zowie was lost in the moment. He smirked and still gathered his power.

Seeing this, the crowd got nervous. The referee hurriedly removed the barrier and entered to stop them, but to no avail.

Seeing this, Richie created a barrier of darkness to shield him. His shadow moved and created a circular shield in front of him. He poured all of his energy in creating this.

The referee supported him and sent a spear of life energy to him. The referee was actually a healer.

'Oh f*ck! Is Richie gonna die?' Seeing this Seiki reflexively threw the canteen to Richie.

'Oh God! My freaking hands! Don't tell me I subconsciously believe that reflection could defeat light?

Seiki realised a millisecond later after realising what happened. But that was not what he put most of his attention into.


Zowie looked like an angry God as he swung his hand downward. The beam of light crashed at the speed invisible to the naked eye. It was so fast that everyone only saw a blur. It hitted the barrier made of darkness and it cracked.


The needle of light crashed down at the barrier with a loud sound.

The barrier shook and the ground vibrated. Even the soldiers passing by outside the field got attracted.


It only took a second for a level 10 to destroy a level 8. And the barrier gave up. The light pierced through like the first beam of sunlight at dusk, eliminating all the darkness.

It was like time stopped at this moment. Richie felt being burned by sunlight. They were so pure and bright that they seemed to pass through his body and burn him inside.

He felt that his blood was evaporating, his pores were sweating, his eyes had gone blind and he felt that he was burning in the sun.

The only comfort in his life was the healing magic of the referee.

'So beautiful to the point of blinding... Is this how am I gonna die?'

"Are you just gonna sit there and die?"

'Hmm? Who is it? Wait... This voice... don't tell me...'

Richie remembered when he was a kid. He had comprehended the rules of darkness because he had lived in the slums.

He has always been exposed to the dark side of humans, that's why he has been a silent and selfish person.

But it was also this reason that he has always craved kindness. He knew that the darkness was pulling him down deeper and deeper, but he couldn't climb a slope without a rope. And he was able to find it in his friend, Toriel.

He was like the moon in the sky or the fireflies in the scary forest, the only compass in the dark.

'That's right... It was also like this back then...'

It was a cold night and in the slums of the town, a shivering young child was lying on the ground.

He felt so cold that it was like his blood was a river of ice. It was like the scythe of coldness was freezing his nerves and he felt it deep in his bones.

His body was scrawny that you can see his bones, as if he hasn't eaten anything in years. It also looks like he doesn't even know the concept of bath.

He was wearing an oversized shirt that was roughly patched up. But it still can't cover the holes.

All the child saw was darkness, he slightly smelt the scent of urine and waste. He saw a few rats approaching and smelling him.

'Am I.... gonna die?.... If so... then... I at least wish that my corpse won't get infested by cockroaches.'

But then, when he was about to close his eyes, he saw a small flame approaching him, it was beautiful and bright. It instantly swept away the ice-cold he was feeling deep within.

"Hey! Are you just gonna sit there and die?"

Richie seems to hear a voice calling at him.

'Is this an angel? But I thought they had wings?'

He wanted to open his eyes but they felt heavy as a lead. Helpless he could only close his eyes.

He still vividly remembers the dream he had that day. He felt that he was lying in the cloud, and he felt a comfortable feeling flowing through him. It was like a cold river, it felt nice and it was continuous like a calm current. It washed away all the pain and suffering he felt and gave him life.

Richie suddenly got the energy to open his eyes. He saw a bright light hanging above him like a sun, but it was not blinding.

'Where am I?'

He suddenly hears an enthusiastic voice beside him.

"Richie! You're awake!"

Richie looked at the source of the sound and was shocked.

"You're.... Toriel!

"What? Were you expecting an angel?"

Toriel looked at him speechlessly.

"What.... What happened? I.... I thought I was gonna die."

Richie was shocked. He never thought that he would be lying in a comfortable bed with a roof.

"Hmph! It's all your fault, If you only hadn't opposed those monsters' orders, I wouldn't have to pay all of my money and look around for a healer kind enough to heal you!"

Toriel looked at him angrily, but you can see that it was only a pretence to hide his fear and worry.

Richie, as a kid in the slums, has to work to get money. They would have to sit on the street for days and beg for money.

If their money didn't pass the quota for the day, they would not be allowed to sleep in the abandoned house.

They can't forcefully enter the house as those monsters would kick us out. Even if you sleep on the street, the rats, mice, and cockroaches would bother you, and the cold floor and wind will slowly gnaw your energy away.

Richie decided to oppose their orders so he was thrown out of the streets. He thought he could already take care of himself but... he learned his lesson.

Also, he was rather tired of living already. He doesn't want to just live everyday like a beggar. He wanted something different. He was just... tired.

Richie looks at Toriel apologetically.

Toriel looked messy and dirty, yet there was a pure and kind aura around him. He acts bossy but he was actually the one who's doing his best for everyone.

He has always helped others when their money hadn't reached the quota, and gave others food when they were hungry.

He has grimy black hair that wasn't washed in years. His face looked dusty as there were smudges of black here and there.

But that was not what you would notice in him the most. What was his most prominent feature was his eyes. They were bright just like that holding the brightest stars in them.

Added with his watery tears, it looked like the sky was about to fall down. Richie suddenly felt like there was something inside him that was unlocked. All of the negative feelings burst out like a tsunami.

'I actually still has someone who cares about me.'

His eyes teared up as he kept apologising. He hugged Toriel and used his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"What are you apologising for? And why are you crying? I should be the one doing it, you know!"

Toriel tried to put up a front but his voice was shaky. He didn't even push Richie away, he also buried his head in his shoulder.

"You shouldn't do that again, you know! I was worried about you! You said we were friends! But you were suddenly gone! You suddenly gave up! Did you ever think about us! You're so arrogant! I hate you! So don't cry! Damn it!"

"I'm sorry."

"I told you to stop apologising!"


"I'm sorry."

Just like that, they spent the night crying.

You know, I asked my brother.

Me : Do you think a sad story will get my novel more views?

Brother : I dunno, but did you know, T*ky* R*v*ng*rs has many characters who has a sad background story.

So there you go. I hope it made you atleast emotional.

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