
My Past or My Present

They know her by Luna Emerson, mated to Alpha Blake Williams. She uncovers the dark secret that runs in her blood as she hunts down her past and tries to cope with her present. She meets her ex-fiancé, Adonis, The Vampire Kingdom's Crown Prince. Next king on line on his father's throne, who plans to take her back and make her his Queen, at the same time, Blake tries to protect his luna from the clutches of his cousin. She's left in a complicated situation where she has to choose her past or her future. What will she choose is the question?

Kuziva_Rii · Fantasy
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37 Chs

: Chapter 31

"Why did we run off like that?" I ask.

She breathed in and out rapidly and I was surprised I wasn't.

'Weird,' I think.

"He..he shouldn't know you're alive," she whispers, "He'll kill you".

"Who? And why would he kill me?" I start panicking.

"Adonis' father. He'll kill you to avenge his wife and son," she informs me, "I hope the portals open so you can go back unharmed".

I was now panicking. He would kill me if he found out I was alive. Too much is happening in my life. "I...What exactly happened to Adonis' mother," I ask taking a sit on the bed.

"She died when that d...when your mate took you away. She used her magic to save you and stop Adonis and it drained out her life in the process. Adonis blames himself but his father...blames you," she explains.

"I didn't tell her to protect me!" I shout.

"You didn't, but she had to otherwise Adonis would have torn that dog apart," she says, and the way she kept on calling Blake a dog made me furious.

"He's not a f*ck*ng dog! He's my mate okay and I love him for that!" I shout as tears run down my cheeks, "Just get me home and leave me alone," I whisper as I begin to shiver a bit.

I felt like someone was looking at me. I shake it away as I lie down into a ball on the bed. I close my eyes and when I open them I find myself back in my room. The dorm!

'Finally!' I say in relief, 'Was it all a dream?' I ask myself.

I get out of bed and accidentally step on something. A paper? On top of a book. I take the paper and Sabrina's name was written on it. It said: 'Thought you would need some information on mythical creatures because it seems like you don't know a thing. Enjoy!'. I open the book and begin to read the first page which was werewolf mythology:

'Right, the first offspring of Loki was Fenrir, whose mother was a fearsome giantess called Angrboda. He was a mighty wolf so strong and large, nothing could hold him. The Aesir gods or the gods of Asguard raised Fenrir themselves to keep a close eye on him and control him, but the wolf kept growing and growing at such an elevated rate they feared that Fenrir would grow so big and strong that he could destroy the nine worlds that made up the universe.

They decided that before he got too powerful they would have to imprison the wolf. Fenrir was already too strong and smart like Loki to be easily tricked, so they came up with a plan, playing on his pride, asking the wolf to put on chains, and asking him to break free to show off his strength.

Twice the god forged chains to try and bind Fenrir and twice he broke free with little trouble. They realized they needed something much more powerful, so they asked the dwarves, who were the master craftsman of the Norse cosmos, asking them to forge chains that would never break, ones that could hold the mighty Fenrir.

They made Gleopnir, a ribbon made of impossible things, so it could do the impossible; the sound of the footsteps of the cat, the beard of a woman, the roots of the mountain, the sinews of the bear, the breath of the fish and the spittle of a bird. Fenrir saw the 'chains' he was asked to be bound by next and was suspicious, and rightfully so, the ribbon was very light and soft to the touch.

He refused to be bound with Gleopnir unless one of the gods placed their hand in his mouth as a pledge of good faith. Tyr was the only god brave enough, to do so knowing he would lose his hand in the process.

Once Fenrir was bound with Gleopnir he found he couldn't break free, he ripped Tyr's hand off. Gleopnir was then tied to a boulder, a sword also getting placed in Fenrir's jaws to hold them open. As he howled wildly and ceaselessly, a foamy river called Expectation flowed from his drooling mouth.

But this was not the end for mighty Fenrir, as it is said that he will break free from Gleopnir once Ragnarök starts, his jaws still open from the sword and he will devour everything in his path, even killing the god Odin, before he is killed by one of Odin's sons in revenge,' I kept on reading, 'But for werewolves, Fenrir was bound by the gods because he had bitten off Tyr's hand whilst he was feeding him, Tyr was the god of war and peace, losing a hand was a great blow to the god.

The Aesir gods were already concerned that Fenrir was too powerful but his maiming another god was what gave them the push to try and bind him, they feared he would kill one of them one day. To us, Gleopnir was not a ribbon but a beautiful woman, Fenrir was enamored by her beauty and fell in love with the breathtaking woman.

Gleopnir bound Fenrir to her, turning into a ribbon to bind him, stealing his power in the process, and weakening him. She stored his power in a tribe of humans, therefore creating the first werewolves. Fenrir is now no more than a giant wolf in the worlds of the gods, trying in vain to get payback for what the gods did to him, trying to rip free of the ribbon binding him so he can wreak havoc on the nine worlds and destroy them in his rage.

Gleopnir created us wolves as half of a pair, our wolves were part of Fenrir, his power needed to be bound again with every werewolf that was born, it was why we had mates, our ribbon to keep Fenrir's power and rage inside of us at bay.

Werewolves having mates also ensured the power of Fenrir would be passed on, never going back to Fenrir, because if he got most of his power back he would be able to break free from Gleopnir's ribbon and wreak havoc on the world, ending it.

'The second child of Loki was also with Angrboda, this one called Jormungandr. He was a serpent, the giant blood in him, just like Fenrir caused him to grow immensely large, Jormungandr's growth seeing to have no limit. Odin and the Aesir gods feared this beast as well, casting him into the sea of Midgard, which is the world of men.

In the sea, he grew to such a great size that he could encircle the world and hold his tail in his mouth, which gave him the name the Midgard serpent. It is said that when he lets go of his tail, it will herald the beginning of Ragnarök'.

'The story is pretty accurate to werewolves' but something is missing. Jormungandr is Loki's son after all, and he has the same power as Loki; to be able to change shape and sex. He is where all of the stories of sirens and such come from. He turns into a gorgeous sea creature, luring privateers and other men that worked and traveled over the sea. Mating with them and devouring them after, the offspring being half man half sea serpent.

The gods were angered that Jormungandr was killing off all those who ventured into the sea, especially Njord, the god of the wind, sea, and its riches. He tricked Jormungandr into biting his tail, meaning he could devour humans no longer, only himself. In the water, his offspring don't look too different from what people perceive as mermaids, but they can come ashore for a short amount of time as well, their tails turning into human legs. Their hair was the color of seaweed and their eyes full of the sea, skin as dark as the darkest depths of the ocean or as light as the sea's foam, and teeth as sharp as piranhas.

His offspring which are called Havsra aren't inherently evil, but they are capable of being immensely dangerous when angered. When they are in a good mood they might gift those humans they like with food, advice, and trinkets. They may also cause great harm to those they see as insulting or demeaning to them, their singing is powerful, being able to stir up storms strong enough to sink ships.

They are fierce though, their talons and teeth incredibly sharp. I have never met one as we live far from the sea and they can't be out of salt water for long as their skin dries out and they would flounder on land like a fish and die. Some can live in large loch where the water is brackish enough but there are none of those near the pack lands'.

'The last child of Loki from Angrboda is Hel. Like her mother, she was a giantess, but her body was half corpse, half beautiful woman. She might seem more human than the others and less monstrous but she is more sinister than either Fenrir or Jormungandr.

Odin decided she was well suited to rule over the land of the dead due to her appearance. So she was given jurisdiction over the realm of the dead, which became known as Helheim in her name. She is said to be jealous of being stuck in the world of the dead, biding her time until Ragnarök, to seek vengeance on the Aesir gods for the treatment of her family and being forced to rule over the dead'

'For werewolves the story is true, but Hel has a way of affecting the human world from Helheim. Those who die gruesomely and their bodies are left unburied or standing or sitting as the legend goes, can turn into drugs. Which are undead creatures with an ice cold bite with a hunger for human blood, the draugr would have been cruel and 'evil' people when they were alive, the hate in their hearts akin to Hel's reanimating their bodies, human blood quenching their hunger and keeping their bodies active, as their bodies are as frigid as Helheim and would turn to stone without blood, their bodies going stiff.

They are fast and very strong with blood in their icy veins, as cruel as they were alive, draining humans and other creatures dry, they are not kind creatures. They're more commonly known as vampires from human influence due to the similarities to the creatures in their story books, they cannot stand in the light of the sun as they would 'melt', turning into a puddle of tar.

Their eyes are white, devoid of color and cold, pale walkers of the night, their skin alabaster white and their hair holding no color'.

I couldn't believe I had only read about 8 pages of the book. It did have a lot of content I didn't know. This Fenrir is really interesting. I wonder if he is ever going to get free. I hope not. I feel sorry for the second child, being tricked into biting her tail. That's stupid but shame.

I look at the clock that hung on the wall and 3 hours had passed as I read the book. I hadn't realized that a lot of time had passed by without me noticing it. My mind was drawn to the book too much. I go into the shower and then I quickly remove my clothes throwing them in the washing basket that was right by the corner.

As I jump in the shower I remember the royalty I was given back at Adonis' mansion. It was nice and all but I love being here with Blake. Speaking of Blake, I need to go find him. I finish bathing and I go and wear my uniform and do my hair making sure it covers the place where Adonis had bitten me. It was going to be hard to hide it. I take my bag and go out.