
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


As I tune back into the conversation, I hear the Goddess beginning the title acquisition ceremony.

"Enough with the questions, we will now begin the Acknowledgement Ceremony. In order to unlock your Titles, you must stand up, close your eyes, and search deep in your soul for your purpose. This will create a connection between your mind and soul which enables you to view your innate abilities. Once you focus upon your soul, you should be able to see your Title and the skills that come with it. You must maintain this connection for 5 minutes in order to fully unlock your multiple Titles and I predict that the average human will have between 2-5 Titles. I will be monitoring and aiding your connections through the summons so do not be alarmed by these creatures. "[Grand Goddess Mariella]

As the Goddess finishes her sentence, a large pale sphere floats into the air from her hand. When it reaches 10 meters (~33ft) into the sky, the sphere grows larger and larger until it bursts, revealing the creatures. Over 500 small animals appear from the magic sphere, one for each person present. The sheer variety of animals that come out of the sphere is nothing to laugh at. After looking through the swarm of animals, I can see wolves, giraffes all kinds of fish and even mythical creatures. Once all the creatures are released from the sphere, they begin to circle in the sky above us before picking their human and land on our shoulders like parrots.

The creature that lands on my shoulder looks like a white spider. When I glance at the white spider which landed on my shoulder, I am immediately reminded of a certain white Arachne. Unconsciously I mutter,

"Emmaline?" [Shin]

As if confirming my suspicions, the spider waves one of its front legs and performs a funny little mock salute with the other.

Hmm… I didn't expect to see her here. Does this mean that she is a summon of the goddess? It didn't look like she was a mere summon when I first met her. I wonder what her story is…

Everyone seems to be surprised by the sheer quantity and differentiation of the Goddess's summons. Even Laura looks at her summon in amazement, or rather in fear. On her should is a very majestic looking deep blue dragon. As if introducing itself, it lowers its head slightly before resuming its prior position coiled around her neck.

"Humans! Now! Close your eyes and stare into your souls." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Everyone hangs their head, closes their eyes, and performs the ceremony. As I close my eyes and focus on my inner self, I feel around my mind to try to find my soul. After a period of time, I can't feel or see anything. I try to focus on the center of my body this time and spread out my search.

Hmm, there's nothi… Wait there it is.

After searching for a while, I finally find what I think is my soul. In order to find it, I had to picture it being right below/behind my brain, where the primal brain is located.

{Time to see my soul. Who would have known that I had a soul at all? Maybe it's a special feature of this dimension/universe or something.}

In order to see my Titles, I have to focus on my soul, so I slow my breath and focus more heavily on my soul. As I'm focusing, I feel my mind enter my own soul and a feeling like I got transported into my own mind. Feeling the transportation dissipate, I open my eyes and glance around. Expecting to be in the field with my school, I 'm surprised by what I see. I am now in the same room where I met Emmaline except this time, instead of a shaft of light, a pitch-black door is facing me.

I guess this leads to my soul. I don't know why its black, but I swear I'm a nice person. Wait! Who am I even making these excuses for?

I reach out to the door and turn the crimson handles. As the door opens, I am met with a sense of resistance as I walk through the doorframe. Unable pass through, I feel around the door frame and discover a thin layer of substance is blocking my entrance.

Hmm… what is this? It feels like firm like plexiglass yet malleable at the same time, stopping me from entering.

Not knowing what exactly what this membrane is supposed to be, I try picturing myself passing through the barrier and as if responding to my commands, the barrier lets me pass. Immediately after crossing the barrier, I feel a sense of tranquility pass over me and my body has become transparent similar to that of a ghost.

I guess I become similar to a spirit when I try to enter my soul. Oh, I should check out my Titles.

Now that I can finally see my Titles, I am met with disappointment. Written on my soul, I see 3 Titles with a list of skills below them.

Name: Shin Okamoto

Race: Human

Level: 1

First Title: Magic Swordsman


-> Swordsmanship Lv.1

-> Elemental Magic Lv.1

-> Endurance Lv.1

Second Title: Hunter


-> Tracking Lv.1

-> Detection Lv.1

-> Uninhibited Movement Lv.1

Third Title: Merchant


-> Arithmetic Lv.1

-> Negotiation Lv.1

-> Coercion Lv.1

Divine Protection: N/A

Hmm so I'm a magic swordsman. A jack of all trades and master of none. At least I can use magic, which is pretty cool, I guess. And why do I have coercion? I don't plan on threatening people or necessarily want to.

After I finish examining my skills, I feel eyes peering into me from behind. I turn around and am met with Emmaline at the door. With her eyes closed, she tries to motion something with her hands rapidly, but I'm not sure what she's trying to say. All I can see is that she seems to be panicking so I invite her in.

"Emmaline, you can come in if you want." [Shin]

Emmaline quickly steps forward and opens her eyes and gasps for air.

"hah…hah…hah... What is with your soul?" [Emmaline]

"What do you mean, I only just got in here myself and it's my first time entering my own soul so how would you expect me to know?" [Shin]

"We, as summons, were ordered to enter your mind and help guide you to your soul. Yet as I entered your mind, I was met with the most discomfort and pressure I've ever faced before. Putting it in terms you can understand, it would be like rapidly accelerating and decelerating at the bottom of the ocean. I've never met someone with such security around their soul before. If you didn't allow me to enter, I would have definitely perished without a doubt." [Emmaline]

"You're here to spy on me for the Grand Goddess, right, to make sure that I won't pose a threat to either her or her plan? My Titles and Skills are right ahead, take a look." [Shin]

"So, you knew? I see you are quite observant. That is, of course, our secondary objective, however, we were originally ordered to aid each human to see their soul." [Emmaline]

"I didn't really need any help on that front though. It was difficult to find but once I did, it was quite simple. Are you lying to me?" [Shin]

"I believe that you shouldn't use yourself as an example of normality. Very few humans could ever see their soul without guidance. I also have no reason to lie to you here, so I am telling you the truth." [Emmaline]

"Aren't you still connected to the Grand Goddess? Wouldn't that mean you are sort of like a spy?" [Shin]

"We can only act in that manor when we are connected to her soul. When I entered your soul, I lost the connection to her, so I am ordered to report what I saw when I return." [Emmaline]

Emmaline gives me a troublemaker's smile and continues,

"I don't have to report what I say or hear so I suppose I am very free at the moment in certain aspects." [Emmaline]

I smile at that remark and think of how to proceed with her admission. I guess now would be the time to ask my other questions, assuming that she is not lying to me at the moment that is.

"I have a question: You don't seem to be a mere summon; you seem like much more. How did you end up working for that amazing Goddess?" [Shin]

"I was a Divine Beast from a certain country. When Lady Mariella proclaimed rulership of my original planet, she claimed all Divine Beasts as servants in exchange for her guidance. Apparently, she has done it to multiple times as each planet has about 5 Divine Beasts per planet." [Emmaline]

Hmm…why would she need Divine Beasts? That is interesting. There are so many parts at play here and so much knowledge that I need in order to understand this world.

"Okay I have another question, won't the Goddess notice that I am taking longer than the others?" [Shin]

"Worry not, when we entered your soul, I sensed a space dissolution barrier surrounding it. Your soul is impervious to both time and space attribute attacks so we should be able to chat till eternity if you so wish." [Emmaline]

"Okay thank you for letting me know that, that eases some of my fears as well as provides me with good information. My next question is: Why do you think my soul is the way it is and why I'm impervious to your tampering? Being a Divine Beast, I assume you're quite powerful so one would think that there are very few things that you cannot do." [Shin]

"Even we Divine Beasts are not without flaws, as for your question, I believe that you hold a Divine protection of either a High God or greater." [Emmaline]

"Explain all of that for me please." [Shin]

"There are 4 tiers of Gods that are known. First are the Lower Gods that hold less power than I. They are responsible for representing countries. Next would be the Middle Gods who represent entire continents and manage multiple Lower Gods. These Gods hold much power and are more or less similar to Divine Beasts in terms of strength. After them are the High Gods. These Gods are responsible for entire planets and hold much greater power than I. Finally, there are Grand Gods, only 3 have been known since time immemorial. They are responsible for managing either a single universe or multiple universes depending on their power. As for Divine Protection, some Gods can provide protection to living beings in order to guide them on a specific path. Since I am unable to break through with my techniques, I assume that a Higher God is meddling with your soul." [Emmaline]

"Where would Giant God Aurgel place on that spectrum?" [Shin]

"If we are strictly talking about his strength, I believe that he is a Middle God. If we take intelligence into account however, he should place around a little higher than a Hobgoblin," Emmaline says while smirking.

"Ahahaha nice one. Make sure to tell him that to his face. By the way, what do Divine Beasts represent if they are not Gods? How are they separate?" [Shin]

"We have separate roles when it comes to managing the planets. We usually work hand in hand with the High Gods. While they are responsible for the planet's safety and future, we are responsible for preserving life on the planet. Sometimes we have conflicting views, but we usually cooperate when it come to a planets wellbeing." [Emmaline]

"Okay I think I understand the situation now. However, I want to apologize for this next question due to it being a bit personal, but this will be my final question: If you could be saved, would you want to be and if you did, how would one go about saving you?" [Shin]

When Emmaline hears this, she gives one of the saddest expressions I've ever seen. Her smile that was just present has vanished without a trace while all of her facial muscles have relaxed to the point that I can't ever picture them moving ever again. Her eyes which were just moist from laughing at her joke begin accumulating tears, which fall down her saddened face.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of your situation when you have just escaped it. Please don't pay that question any mind!" [Shin]

"N-No, it is fine. I appreciate the thought, but there will never come a time where I will be free. For if I ever try to escape, my planet would be removed from her protection which would spell its destruction. That is why I've resigned myself to serve the Grand Goddess Lady Mariella." [Emmaline]

"I see… Well, all we need to do is get another God to protect your world, right? Then we can help you escape, convince the Goddess to release you or force her to do it." [Shin]

"D-DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?!?! You are speaking so casually about forcing the Grand Goddess Lady Mariella into releasing the Divine Beasts that she went out of her way to collect. You have not even seen a glimpse of the foot of the mountain, let alone even able to see the peak. You should listen to me when I say that it is impossible and futile to even attempt anything. Anything else will not be seen as courageous, but as reckless, conceited, and idiotic. Although you are indeed interesting, you are but a grain of sand in multiple universes so forget it." [Emmaline]

"You know, my last name originates from my father's province in the Kaross Empire. It means "foot of the mountain" or "base of the hill". When my father survived endless battles and came home from the war, he often talked about the true meaning of the name and how we inherited it." [Shin]

"Our ancestors came from the most mountainous region of the Kaross empire and when they tried to explain where they came from, those were the first words used to describe their origins. My father always said that since our family came from the mountains, there were no hills that our family could not conquer. Therefore, when you tell me that I cannot see the peak of the mountain, that does not bother me in the slightest. I never said that I would climb the mountain in a day or without aid, but there are no mountains that cannot be conquered. Either through the use of ability, knowledge or resources, every mountain can be climbed. You should know, when you are at the bottom of the hill, the only place left to go is up." [Shin]

"Why would you go so far for me? We just met and don't know each other whatsoever. You do not make any sense. *sniffle*" [Emmaline]

"I have seen both sadness and despair in large quantities throughout my life. You should also know that I attended the funeral for both of my parents at the same time. I cried many tears that day, yet I can honestly say that I have never someone as broken as you." [Shin]

"You should never give hope in situations where there is none to give." [Emmaline]

Emmaline seems to have returned to her original neutral charade as her speech pattern is now closer to when I first met her.

"Thank you for attempting to alleviate my stress, however I do not wish to be disappointed so let us please leave the conversation at that. I will now inspect your Titles and Skills and take my leave." [Emmaline]

"… right this way then." [Shin]

I step aside and guide Emmaline further into the room where she can inspect my Titles.

You should know that I am not so hot headed as to jump to conclusions on certain topics. Now that Emmaline's situation is known, I sympathize with her, yes. However, if there is a good reason that Grand Goddess Mariella has taken control over her, I don't think that it is in my place to interfere. Emmaline thought that I was simply trying to make her feel better but if that Mariella's reason is not to my satisfaction, I will definitely try to get Emmaline's life back. Although she doesn't know this, once I set my focus on a goal, I follow through till the end, even if the path grinds my bones to dust.

I know that I am supposed to act upon my logical reasons rather than my emotional reasons, yet for some reason, I feel a sort of emotional attraction to her. I do not know where these feelings stem from, yet the fact that they feel so real has me concerned that some external forced is influencing the situation. I finally thought that I had a grasp of the situation, yet now I have more and more worries.

Whoever is making my life a royal mess, I hope you're prepared for retribution. For destroying my peace and quiet, I will give you permanent tranquility. You will come to know that I abide by a very simple policy; Repay kindness 5-fold and repay malice 10-fold.