
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Grand Goddess.

"wa…up" [unknown]

"zzz… no, please. 10 more minutes" [Shin]


"Mmph… huh? Where am I, and why is my bed sooo soft? "[Shin]

"Can you please get off of me Sir Shin. This position is quite awkward, and people are staring." [Laura]

Hearing Laura's tone, I quickly shake my head to get rid of the accumulated fatigue and check my surroundings. I look up and see my classmates all standing and looking in my direction.

"Huh? Why are they staring at me?" [Shin]

"Sir Shin, please be more aware of your surroundings and I beg of you to remove yourself from me." [Laura]

Laura's voice, which is coming from below me, seems to have a hint of embarrassment in it. I glance down and I finally understand why Laura seems embarrassed. I am still sprawled over top of her from when I tried to shield her in the classroom. I quickly get up and apologize.

"I'm sorry Miss Silva, I thought that an explosion would happen with those lights, so I tried to shield you. I'm verry sorry, I didn't mean anything else by my actions." [Shin]

I glance into Laura's eyes as I raise my head from apologizing. Her cheeks seem to be a little flushed and she's breathing a little heavy. Probably from being groped and squashed by my dumb, fat ass.

"It is fine, I understood your intentions." [Laura]

I quickly hold out my hand to help her stand up. She looks at my hand hesitantly as if it is a viper, wound up and ready to lunge.

"Oh, right. I supposed you wouldn't want to be touched again after that. I just wanted to help you up. I'm sorry for a second time." [Shin]

I retract my hand but before it reaches my side, Laura reaches out and grabs it.

"Thank you, Sir Shin. I also accept your apology so do not concern yourself with it anymore." [Laura]

Now that she has grabbed my hand, her cheeks turn vermillion. "If your embarrassed, why did you still grab my hand!!?" I ask internally.

I quickly help her stand up and as soon as she is standing, I quickly let go of her hand to make sure not make it awkward. Now that we are both standing, I try to get a better bearing of my surroundings. As I glance around, I see a lot of people. They all seem to be wearing the same uniform as me, so I guess they are all from my school. From a quick count, I estimate that there's about 500 people here. So, I guess the entire student body got summoned? Oh, I see some teachers as well, so I guess everybody that was in the school are all present as well.

"Sir Shin, there's a lot of people here? I think they are all our fellow students as well. Actually, where are we anyway?" [Laura]

"From my quick count, I'm pretty sure that around 500 people are here. I think the entire school got brought here. As for second question… I have no idea." [Shin]

The entire space where I woke up in looks similar to the fields next to the mountain that I grew up beside. I look around to gather my bearing and I notice a large building a couple hundred meters ahead of us. Well, I say building, but it is actually more like a fortress or castle. Like the kind you would find in medieval times with spires and a large keep seen further away. Surrounding the fortress are walls made of solid stone which reach 20 meters in height (66ft). There are no people patrolling the walls or posted in the watch towers that are sprinkled around the perimeter.

Hmm… These defensive measures suggest that there are some very dangerous/large creatures that they are trying to keep out. Although I have no idea why they are all empty.

"You were awake before me, right? What happened between then and now?" [Shin]

"I woke up and you were on top of me Sir Shin, everyone else was standing in this field. I think I remember people mentioning a road further ahead but since we are near the back, I don't think we will be able to see it though." [Laura]

Everyone else was standing? I remember some people still sitting or on the ground when those lights got really bright. Yet they were all standing when we appeared here. This doesn't really make sense. Ah, I should probably apologize for putting her through that.

"I'm really sorry that you were forced into that situation. I will make up for it at a later date. Can you please try to recall anything else that happened?" [Shin]

"I told you that it was fine, but I will take your concern under consideration. I also only came too a little bit before you as well, so I'm not sure about any more details. Why are we here anyway and what is happening?" [Laura]

"I'm not sure but I'll bet we'll fi…" [Shin]

Suddenly, mid-sentence, a large void emerges in the sky. Within the void, a perfectly white door appears. Golden decals cover both sides of the door with the appearance of perfectly symmetrical angels reaching for the handles.


A deep voice reverberates across the field. Within a couple seconds of the voice ringing out, all the people in the field knelt down with their head down. As our heads are bent down, a beautiful, gentle voice resounds among us.

"Please raise your heads, little ones. "[Unknown #2]

As we all raise our heads, the decals on the doors warp and come to life. They each reach across the face of the door and grab the handles on both sides and open the door. As the door opens, a pleasant breeze carrying pleasant smelling leaves blows through the frame, revealing what can only be described as a "True Goddess." Even glancing at the deity is difficult due to their aura shining brightly in contrast to the void around the door.

"I welcome you, humans and announce that you have been summoned by I, the Grand Goddess, Mariella. I have called you all hear in order to aid in preserving the peace on this planet. I have spent much energy in gathering this group of individuals in the hope that you can save this planet. I, the Grand Goddess Mariella require your service in slaying the Evil God Zaferis who has infested this planet in the hopes of placing this entire planet into ruin. Therefore, the fate of this entire planet has been placed in your hands." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

When her speech finishes, the quiet that permeated the atmosphere earlier crumbled under the crowd's uproar. I heard the people close to us wonder if this was really happening while others were outraged by her request and treatment of our entire school. I even heard one person complain that too many people were summoned and its usually just a single class in times like this.


The deep voice reverberates yet again across the field. The entire gathering of people quickly grew quiet as the owner of the voice stepped forward. A large vertical shaft of light appeared in front of us, and a large entity steps out.

"Ohh a giant, I always wanted to see how tall they really were." The giant that appeared before us truly lives up to his title. Standing at around 150 meters tall (~492 ft), this behemoth makes all the people in the field quake from his mere presence. His every step shakes the field and even the trees over 1 km away (~.62 miles) appear to shake from his stride. Not only that, the wind from the displaced air from his steps make enough forced to create miniature tornadoes which ravage the field away a little way away from the group.


A soft, yet firm whisper can be heard after he shouted.

"Aurgel… I believe that I informed you to not act on your own and your skills were banned… Were you perhaps not listening to my orders?" [Grand Goddess Mariella]

With these words reaching our ears as well as the giant's, everyone on the field immediately freezes. Although her words were not loud nor fear inducing, her tone and her aura began to shift and change violently. The Giant God Aurgel began to sweat profusely and urgently kneeled in front of the Goddess.


"As long as you keep quiet and stay still for rest of our stay, your punishment will be light…If you so much as move muscle fiber, your punishment shall be increased tenfold." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Hearing her reply, the Giant God Aurgel turns into a living statue in the field. Seeing how he is sweating even more after hearing the word punishment, I think he would have rather lost his head than go through with his punishment.

"Now back to the situation at hand. I permit you to ask your questions. Make sure to raise your hand so you may be acknowledged by myself before you confer with me." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

After witnessing the former exchange between her and another God, no one is brave enough to raise their hands let alone even ask anything of this Goddess. After about a minute passes, A single hand gets raised in the front of the group.

"You have my permission to speak to me." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"umm... thank you Your Eminence. How exactly are we expected to defeat an Evil God?" [Random student #1]

"All living things have titles that grant them powers known as "skills." I will be aiding you in revealing your titles to unlock your hidden potential. Some of you may have more than one title so it is imperative that you perform the ceremony to its completion in order to fully unlock your titles. For example, my title Grand Goddess, grants me powers above those of even Gods which is why I rule over universes rather than simple planets. Next question." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Another hand is raised after another minute of hesitation from the class.

Hmm… She seems familiar. Oh that's, Sandra. The girl who bashed my face in with the gym door.

"You have my permission to speak, little one." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"Thank you, my question is: Why would a Grand Goddess such as yourself need our pitiful help? If you are ever so powerful, you should be able to quickly finish a mere god as you have that giant God over there cowering with the simple mention of punishment." [Sandra]

As Sandra finishes her sentence, a small but frigid breeze begins wafting throughout the field. This breeze seems to be emitted by Grand Goddess Mariella as her aura has shifted from warm and golden, to cold and a deep blue. People's teeth can be heard chattering but I'm not sure whether it is from the cold or the fear inducing aura change by the Goddess.

"I would advise you to speak to me with more respect. Know that while you are responsible in preserving this planet, you are, by no means indispensable." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"As for answering your question, managing multiple universes is taxing on my time. Are you satisfied?" [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"It was an exemplary answer. As expected from a Grand Goddess such as yourself." [Sandra]

"That is much more preferable tone. Are there any more of your peers who have questions?" [Grand Goddess Mariella]

I see that the goddess is oblivious to sarcasm. Sandra didn't back down in the slightest even with the Grand Goddess's aura change and blatant threat to kill her. Most of the class held their breath throughout their whole exchange so I'm pretty sure that Sandra has nerves of steel compared to her classmates.

Speaking of nerves of steel, one of the guys who were not affected by the Goddess's air conditioning session raised his hand to ask his question. After receiving his permission to speak to the Goddess, he immediately takes 2 steps forward and kneels.

"Grand Goddess, I, Parker Guðbrandr, wish to ask for a small reward if I slay the vile Evil God." [Parker]

"That is an amusing suggestion, little one. if the reward is indeed small, I will provide it." [Grand Goddess]

"I only ask for your permission to serve you in the future when I provide you with the Evil God's soul. When I first laid my eyes on you, your beauty and divinity captivated my very soul. I believe I have found my purpose for my life, Your Eminence." [Parker]

"Hmm… Very well. If you do provide me with the Evil God's soul, I will grant you the privilege of being my subordinate. In order to be fair to your fellow humans I will grant the person who offers me the soul of that Evil God as well as their companions a small reward of their choosing. Therefore, the humans eliminate the Evil God will be able to ask I, Mariella the Grand Goddess, for a small reward." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"Now, are there any more questions?" [Grand Goddess Mariella]


As other people began to ask questions, I began half listening while analyzing the situation into which I've been thrust.

For some reason, people have not really been panicking about being put into this strange scenario. You would think that being summoned magically by a "Grand Goddess" or whatever she is would cause people to panic or at least have some fear. However, when I was summoned and got off of Laura, (my comfortable bed) there were no signs of panic in the crowd.

I'm also a little confused on why we were subjected to a "procedure" that was performed on us when we got transported. Looking at the information on hand and assuming that their procedures went smoothly, I think that the procedure enabled something or someone to control their emotions or personalities. If that is true, then their fear wasn't removed completely because they were scared by the God/Goddess combo in front of us. Unfortunately, I don't have enough information at the moment. I need to gather as much information as possible to make sure I make the right decisions in the future.