
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


"Hmm… So, Magic Swordsman, Hunter and Merchant are your Titles." [Emmaline]

A confused look flashes on her face as if she seems to not understand something.

"I must be honest with you. When I experienced the protective measures around your soul, I expected your Titles to be at least of the highest tier. Yet your Titles are all mid-tiers. Considering that you have 3 Titles which follows the average for humans, I do not understand why anyone would even both to place such protective measures to hide those Titles." [Emmaline]

"You ask me as if I have any idea. It's the first time I've been to my soul you know." [Shin]

"I see… These are indeed your Titles. I've checked for any tampering; however, my inspection does not show any sign of external influence." [Emmaline]

"So, what does tha…" [Shin]

"I am confused on your divine protection however." [Emmaline]

"Divine Protection? What do you mean?" [Shin]

"I almost missed it at first, but after closing inspecting your Spirit Board, I've revealed the God that has provided you protection."

"Spirit Board?" [Shin]

"Yes. Were you not listening when the Goddess explained it? A Spirit Board is a quick access to your soul. It projects your Titles and Skills in numerical values as well as allows one to see it without entering your soul. Now that you have accessed it, you should be able to summon it while conscious at any time. As for your Divine protection, it has appeared at the bottom of your Spirit Board. Take a look for yourself." [Emmaline]

Imagining my Spirit Board, a thin tablet like display appears in my field of vision.

Name: Shin Okamoto

Race: Human

Level: 1

First Title: Magic Swordsman


-> Swordsmanship Lv.1

-> 4 Element Magic Lv.1

-> Endurance Lv.1

Second Title: Hunter


-> Tracking Lv.1

-> Detection Lv.1

-> Uninhibited Movement Lv.1

Third Title: Merchant


-> Arithmetic Lv.1

-> Negotiation Lv.1

-> Coercion Lv.1

Divine Protection: God Aishal *NEW*

Hmm… that Divine Protection didn't show itself when I first saw my Spirit Board. I' pretty sure that it said N/A meaning that I shouldn't have been able to receive a Divine protection. Does that mean my Spirit Board changed in the small time it took for Emmaline to inspect it?

"I take it you can see your Spirit Board now?" [Emmaline]

"Ah yes, I can see it. How does the display work for the Spirit Boards? Am I the only one who can see it?" [Shin]

"Your Spirit Board has two methods of display. There is the external method of display which can be viewed and shared with others. The second method is an internal display where it is projected directly to your mind and can only be seen by you." [Emmaline]

"I have a question. Can you trust what someone's Spirit Board? Could someone not project a different Title then they actually have or lie about their Skill levels?" [Shin]

"Absolutely not. Someone who can tamper with a Spirit Board is someone who can tamper with souls. Only a High God or a Grand God/Goddess has the potential ability to influence souls. Tampering with souls is incredibly dangerous for them so they not only not perform soul alterations but forbid each other from experimenting in these fields. Since one must open their soul to alter others, the Gods all think the risk is too great for the little reward it would provide. Therefore, you can always trust what people allow you to see on their Spirit Board." [Emmaline]

"You say that like someone can hide their information. Is that true?" [Shin]

"It is not necessarily hiding information, but rather allowing what information to be seen." [Emmaline]

"Okay that's good to know." [Shin]

After a short pause Emmaline asks,

"Well, I've seen all that I've needed to. Can I ask you to permit me to leave?" [Emmaline]

"Why do you need my permission?" Can't you just go?" [Shin]

"Under normal circumstances that is indeed true, However, your barrier makes entering and leaving without consent impossible for me. I should also inform you before I leave that I may have to report everything I have seen to Lady Mariella. Including the barrier and your Divine protection."

"Will that cause me any problems in the future?" [Shin]

"I do not believe that you will be a priority due to you not having any top tier Titles." [Emmaline]

"So, I will be on the Goddess's radar then. That will limit my abilities to move without being observed." [Shin]

"I believe that assumption is a bit foolhardy, even for you. Lady Mariella will have much more important things to do than observe someone who has no noteworthy skills. That is the reason I believe that you should not concern yourself too much." [Emmaline]

"You are probably right. Emmaline, you have my permission to leave." [Shin]

"Yes. Well, I will be taking my leave. Let us meet again sometime. [Emmaline]

"Yeah, see you sometime." [Shin]

With that being said, Emmaline walked through the barrier and disappeared from my soul. Now I guess I should stock up on the information I gained.

First, I have some sort of protection around my soul which can protect against intrusions from Divine Beasts/Middle Gods at the very least.

Second, the Grand Goddess was in fact looking for either specific Titles or any Titles/Skills which could cause her problems meaning that there are specific Titles/Skills which could either pose a threat to the Goddess herself or her plans.

Third, Titles have ranks of either power or importance. I need more information on this subject. Apparently, all three of my Titles were middle tier. I have no idea how good that is.

Fourth, I have a divine protection from the God… What was his name again?

I go to look at my Spirit Board and am met with huge block of corrupted text.

What the hell is that? Why is it malfunctioning?

My Spirit Board seems to be malfunctioning now that Emmaline is gone. Not knowing what to do, I begin treating it like a computer and reboot it. I start to take deep breaths and focus on my soul. After a bit of time, I feel that there seems to be an additional barrier around my soul that wasn't there before. Focusing like the I did for the first barrier I end up being able to get past it. Stepping into this new room, I am met with another Spirit Board.