
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


As we cross the field, the first signs of sunset begin to show themselves. The sky which was a perfect blue when we first showed up in the field, now has a golden hue as the sun begins its descent over the mountains to our west. The day being close to finished, I instinctually stretch my arms and yawn away my drowsiness.

<This has definitely been one of the longest days I've ever had. I really just want to curl up in bed and get a good night's rest. At least 10 hours of decent quality sleep would feel great right about now.>

"Are you really that tired? Weren't you spending most of the time unconscious or in your soul form? How are you even remotely tired from all this excitement?!" [Rufina]

"I'm also tired, I've had so much happen today." [Laura]

"Oh?? You're tired as well? You guys have so much in common. You know what? Since you're both tired you should sleep together." [Rufina]

"Rufina!" yells Laura with her starting to blush. "Don't make jokes like that. Hugging privileges are revoked for 2 days." [Laura]

"What? I can't crack a joke to pass the time? C'mon you guys are killing me with your serious attitudes." [Rufina]

"4 days." [Laura]

" I deeply apologize for my disrespectful behaviour. Please exempt me from any more punishment. I will reflect deeply upon improving my behaviour to meet your expectations." [Rufina]

While this banter is amusing to listen too, I zone out the rest of their conversation while we walk in order to focus more on the fortress. I noticed earlier that there were 20m (~66ft) walls with traditional spires. From this distance, I can see that there do not seem to be patrols on the walls or guards near the entrance, making the place seem abandoned.

Now that we have gotten closer, I can see gouges in the walls as if creatures have used it for a scratching post. Even black marks can be seen on several places along the walls meaning something out there has fire based attacks. Although there is quite a bit of damage on the walls, the fact that they are still standing strong proves that, for the time being, the inside of the walls can be considered safe.

<The Goddess mentioned that the forest contained dangerous monsters that we were supposed to kill to raise our level. She never did explain what increasing our level would really accomplish other than increase our skill levels increase. Looks like another subject I'll have to learn more about.>

Ahead of us, the students and faculty are filtering through a large gate with two teachers standing outside to make sure that all of the people make it inside. Looking at the teachers faces; I recognize one of them and immediately regret following the rest of the people inside. Hurriedly inviting students inside is the one person who I didn't' want to meet, Ms. Garcia.

<Since we were originally near the back of the group, we are among the last people to enter so I still have time to esca…>

"Oh, Shin. Nice to see you here. I'm glad that you're safe." [Ms. Garcia]

<Damn, she saw me. Time to use my smooth-talking skills to the upmost.>

"Yup I'm safe and I'm glad to see you as well. Well, I guess I better go inside. It looks like people are gathering for an announcement. See you later." [Shin]

I try to smooth talk my way away from her, but with no avail.

"Hahaha. Where do you think you're going? We still have your punishment to talk about, don't we? I keep having to change it, but I believe I have the perfect one for this situation." [Ms. Garcia]


"Ha-ha, you are quite the funny teacher Ms. Garcia. I believe that being summoned to a different planet, and most likely dimension, would be punishment enough, no?" [Shin]

"Ohoho, since you think so I guess I'll add another one on top of the original one." [Ms. Garcia]

<There's no point in talking my way out of this. I might as well take the punishment right now before it gets exponentially worse.>

"Haah, fine. What do you want?" [Shin]

Ms. Garcia looks at the three girls behind me before telling them to continue to the announcement area ahead. I quickly said goodbye to Laura and the other 3 before I was dragged off by Ms. Garcia away from prying ears.

"I need two things from you: First, you are to report if anyone gets into fights or anything similar. You don't have to intervene, just come and get me. I'll deal with it. Second, you are to be on night watch tonight and train people to be able to do it properly." [Ms. Garcia]

"I have two rebuttals: First of all, your first request sounds like a waste of my time and can be done by the other teachers. Second, I can't do your second one or I will die. I have the Sleep Deprived Title and if I go without sleep for a day, I will disintegrate into dust." [Shin]

"Can you not give me lies? I've known and tutored you since you were young. I know the kind of person you are. For all your faults, and there are many of them, you can be relied on with tasks like these." [Ms. Garcia]

"Okay first of all, ouch. Second of all, why am I, a normal, 17-year-old boy in charge of training people for night watch? Shouldn't the adults be responsible for monitoring, training, and safeguarding students?" [Shin]

"Shin, we both know who your father was. I've also seen your training sessions when I went to your house to give you your lessons. I know that you are capable, at least in this sort of thing." [Ms. Garcia]

<Okay, that last part was unnecessary.>

"Fine, you will be in charge of picking the people as well as explaining why I am the one giving the instructions. Anyone who questions me can take a hike. Preparedness and survival are what I take the most serious so anyone who questions what I do will be removed. End of story." [Shin]

When I mention preparedness, Ms. Garcia gives me a smirk and glances at my backpack that hasn't left my side (or rather my back) even though all I've been through today.

"That's fine, but you have to at least give them a chance." [Ms. Garcia]

"I'll try, but I won't guarantee anything." [Shin]

"That works for me, thank you for doing this. You can head back now. I'll have the group ready at nightfall here at the front gate. A couple of teachers went off earlier to check to see if there were other entrances/exits. I'll let you know what they find." [Ms. Garcia]

Ms. Garcia turns around and walks back towards to gate. When she is out of earshot, I slowly cry internally and mutter,

"My poor sleep, I love you so much, yet they don't want us to be together. Worry not, my love, I will return to you soon." [Shin]

Hello everyone,

I've been busy lately, but I'm trying to write as much as I can. I'm currently writting some side stories that connect a lot of dots and add a deeper explaination to certain parts of behaviour and story elements. Let me know if you want to see them.

Your Author,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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