
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Part #1

Leaving behind my misery over a sleepless night outside, I finally get to see the inside of the fortress. Crossing the gate, the next area can be considered an inner courtyard in the shape of a large upside-down triangle. The people who were gathered earlier have dispersed and only two groups of people remain. On my right are Laura and her friends who seem to be waiting for me. In front of me is a group of 10 boys and girls who seem to be looking at what looks like a tourist sign with instructions and locations written on it. Not wanting to interrupt the people looking at the sign, I head over the Laura and her friends.

"Where you perhaps waiting for me?" [Shin]

"Yup, we all wanted to go and visit this cool castle, yet Laura begged us in tears to wait for her beloved "Sir Shin"." [Rufina]

"Actually Rufina, you were the one to suggest it before I had the chance to." [Laura]

"Only because I couldn't bear to see my bestest friend (hug pillow) sad from leaving behind her boyfriend." [Rufina]

"RUFINA! For the last time, I am not dating Sir Shin. If you mention that again, your privileges will be revoked indefinitely." [Laura]

"I'm sorry bestie but you're just too cute when flustered. Right Sandra, Linda?" [Rufina]

"Hehehe, yep it's true." [Sandra]

*Nods* [Linda]

They have a point. She is pretty cute when flustered. Not like I'll dare say that aloud. Oh right, wasn't there an announcement while I was with that ice demon?

"Did I miss anything when I was gone? What was that announcement about?" [Shin]

"Oh, some teachers got together and said that we should all stick together until we know what our situation is. Most of the students followed them into the keep ahead to find places to sleep." [Sandra]

"Most? You mean some people went elsewhere?" [Shin]

"The religious zealot and his gang went towards what they think is the armory. Another group of with mostly girls went up the battlements for some reason. As for the rest, I don't know where they went. Why do you care where they went?" [Sandra]

"Unfortunately, its my job for tonight." [Shin]

"What do you mean it's your job for tonight, Sir Shin?" [Laura]

"I was asked to help with night watch tonight and to report any fights between people." [Shin]

"Huh? Why were you asked to do that backpack boy? Shouldn't that be a job for a teacher or something?" [Rufina]

"Yeah, I agree. I don't know why you would be chosen to help with that." [Sandra]

*Nod* [Linda]

"My father was a part of the military, so I believe that I was chosen due to that." [Shin]

When I mention my father being in the military, they all nod their heads in realization. Although Rufina gives me another one of her troublemakers smiles before saying,

"Oh, I see, well I guess you would be able to help with some things then. Like carrying things with your backpack, backpack boy." [Rufina]

"Rufina, please stop being rude to him, you know his name so you should use it." [Laura]

"You're right Laura, I should be just like you and just say "Sir Shin" "Sir Shin" every time I talk to him. Actually, I should call him Lord Shin, that way I'll truly show my devotion to him and his awesomeness." [Rufina]

"Hah? What do you possibly mean by that?" [Laura]

I think I'm imagining things, but do I sense a cold undertone in their voice and see sparks flying when they talk to each other? I guess it's up to me to be the grown up here.

"Miss Laura, I do not believe it is that big of a deal. Miss Rufina is simply trying to get a rise out of you again. Pay it no mind." [Shin]

I notice that the group that was in front of the map of the grounds has left and headed towards the main keep.

"I'll be leaving to inspect the map. After that I'll probably take a walk around here before dark. I have to return to the main gate by nightfall in order to help. Thank you for waiting for me, but you should continue on to the keep to get good rooms to stay in." [Shin]

"Umm… Sir Shin. Would you mind If I come with you?" [Laura]

"No not at all. I'll just be walking around so some company would be fine. What about everyone else?" [Shin]

"I have to go make sure that I get a room perfect for my bestie (hug pillow)." Rufina

"Nah, I'll pass. You two have fun and let me know if you find anything cool." [Sandra]

*Shakes head* [Linda]

"Come on Sandra, Linda, let's go! All the good rooms will be taken." [Rufina]

Rufina grabs Sandra and Linda before taking off in a sprint towards the keep. I watch then run all the way to the door before turning to Laura.

"You could have gone with them; I'm not really doing anything interesting." [Shin]

"Wouldn't it be better to be 2 then 1? You might miss something with only 1 pair of eyes." [Laura]

Oh? So she figured out why I wanted to look at the map and walk around.

"So, you knew that I was going to inspect the fortress. You also didn't seem surprised that I was helping with night watch either." [Shin]

"I was informed of who your parents were by my mother who knew your father. If you are similar to him in any way, you are without a doubt capable of helping the night watch." [Laura]

Her mom knew my dad? I wonder what the story is behind that.

"Well then, you do bring up a good point about another pair of eyes. Let's head over to the map and check out the layout of the fortress."

Part #2

"Hmm… This is no good." [Shin]

Looking at the map of the fortress, I immediately see many issues with its defensive layout.

"What do you mean, Sir Shin? There's only one entrance which is protected by a heavy gate. The walls surrounding us are tall and sturdy which will keep out the monsters that The Grand Goddess mentioned. I don't really see what the issue is." [Laura]

"There are a lot of problems with that assessment:

First, yes having a single entrance is good. However, that is only true in certain situations. Normally a second smaller entrance would be built to allow people to escape if the gate falls. A single entrance means that while good for bottlenecking a horde of weak enemies, it does nothing in the face of a single enemy that is much stronger than normal monsters. Of course, this is assuming that no monsters can break the walls.

Second, the number of stairs to get on the battlements are too few. If we have to quickly get on the wall to shoot arrows or spells, we have to run to one of two areas where the stairs are located.

Third, the supply shed is too far from any of the stairs or any strategic location. This means that we will have to wait long periods of time to resupply in the event of an enemy attack. Of course, arrows can be brought and placed on the wall, but it is impossible to place all of our supplies on the wall.

Fourth, the area inside the fort is not great enough for us to effectively farm produce to feed all of us. That means that either we remove some people, or we hunt/gather/farm outside the walls which also possesses many dangers.

Fifth, looking at the scorch marks on the wall outside and being located in the woods in the middle of nowhere, I assume that monsters also have magic. I also noticed deep gashes made in outer wall meaning that some monsters are quite capable in close range combat. What worries me is the lack of ballista or cannons for long range combat. This means that we will have to rely on people with magic and bows for the defense of the wall. Of course, knowing that people will be dumb and try to fight them in close combat because they have "Titles" and "Skills," I expect at least 10 dead in our first encounter with monsters. " [Shin]

When I finally take a breath, I notice that Laura has both a surprised and confused look on her face.

You shouldn't have mentioned that to her man. She didn't need to be aware of all that tonight.

Oh, I apologize, I think I may have been providing you with more worries than knowledge. Please forget what I said." [Shin]

"N-No, that's fine. I-I have a question Sir Shin" [Laura]

" Yes, I'm sure that you have many. I will answer any question you ask to make up for flooding you with those thoughts." [Shin]

"Does your brain normally work like that? How did you come up with all of that while looking at the map for the first time?" [Laura]

"hahaha… let's just say that I'm my father's son." [Shin]

"…I guess mom was right when she said you would be reliable…" [Laura]

"Hmm? Did you say something Miss Laura?" [Shin]

"I was just saying you're incredible and that we should go and inspect some of the places marked on the map." [Laura]

Without letting me say anything, she storms off in the direction of the armory.

Now that I think about it, didn't Sandra say that someone else went to the armory? Oh right, let's hope that that religious zealot is gone when we get there.

Hello Everyone!

I'm glad that poeple are starting to read/enjoy the story that I'm putting together as a hobby. Like I said earlier, I've been focusing more on side stories lately which delve into different character's backstories. As a hint to the people who read these, the first side story will begin to explain Laura's behaviour around Shin as well as a small look into her past. Look forward to it.

I'm not sure when exactly to release the Side Stories so I might keep them till the end or release them if there's any demand for them.

I know I'm going on and on, but I've changed my upload schedule for the chapters. I will be releasing one on Monday, Wednessday and Friday instead of all three on Sunday. I hope that works better for you.


I hope that you've had a great day today and if not, then tomorrow will be one!

Take care. :)

Your Author,

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