
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Now that I have entered this new area, I am met with another Spirit Board with different Titles and Skills than what I saw originally.

Name: Shin Okamoto

Race: Human

Level: 1

First Title: Paranoid


-> Delusion Lv.1

-> Reflex Lv.1

-> Outsider Lv.1

-> Guarded Lv.1

-> *Locked*

Second Title: Maverick


-> Misanthrope Lv.1

-> Subjugate Lv.1

-> Lone Wolf Lv.1

-> Domain Lv.1

Third Title: Survivalist


-> Unmarred Lv.1

-> Liberated Lv.1

-> Stalk Lv.1

-> CQB Lv.1

-> *Locked*

Divine Protection: N/A

What are these Titles and Skills? Why do I have 2 different Spirit Boards?

I try to imagine the first Spirit Board to try to compare the two yet no matter how much I concentrate, the Spirit Board in front of me is the only one that I can see now.

I think I would have rather stayed a Magic Swordsman than be Paranoid. Like what hell is with these skills? What does a Skill named Delusion even do?

|Delusion Skill: You separate yourself from reality, enabling you to choose what is seen.|

A voice just explained the skill in my head What the heck was that!!??

I guess I don't get an answer for that question.

Not knowing how powerful these Titles and Skills are, and considering that there are few combats related Skills, I believe that I need to gather more information on Titles. Since the Title only revealed itself when I was alone, I can guess that I should keep quiet about it.

After analyzing some more of my Skills and familiarizing myself with them, I leave my soul room and return to the field with the rest of the class.

When my consciousness returns to my body, I find the other students around me also coming too. Glancing at my shoulder, the white spider waves its front legs again as if saying welcome back. As people begin to move again, I see people opening their Spirit Board to look over their skills. I try to get a peek at the person to my right and see a blank Board with no information on it.

I guess that it's true that you can only see what other people want you to see.

"Sir Shin, how did your Title Acquisition go?" [Laura]

" Ah Miss Silva, my acquisition was successful, thank you for asking. How about yours?" [Shin]

"I was struggling at first to try to find my soul, with the help of Lady Borak, I was finally able to unlock them all." [Laura]

"If you don't mind me asking how many do you have? I have 3 by the way." [Shin]

"Would you like to see them? Lady Borak told me how to show other people my Titles and Skills." [Laura]

"Miss Silva, you should probably refrain from sharing that kind of information with people. You never know if someone will use that information against you." [Shin]

"I don't mind if it is you Sir Shin, I have a feeling you wouldn't do those kinds of things." [Laura]

"Then if you understand the risks, I would like to see what your Titles are. You should keep those hidden at least. I'll also show you my Titles in exchange to be fair." [Shin]

Using one of my skills, I could probably see all of her skills, but since she's been nice to me I should respect her privacy.

I pull out my Spirit Board and show it her while Laura shows me hers. Written on her Spirit Board I could see:

Name: :Laura Silva

Race: Human

Level: 1

First Title: Assassin



Second Title: Mistress of the Night



Third Title: Skirmisher



Fourth Title: Politician



Divine Protection: High Goddess Achlys

Is it just me or does she have the perfect skillset to become a dictator? She has political skills, and she can literally assassinate all opposition, it's scarily perfect.

"Ohh… Sir Shin, your first 2 Titles are amazing. I wanted to be able to use magic and the Title Hunter would be really good in the woods over there behind the fortress." [Laura]

"Ahahaha yeah thanks… It's not as good as yours though. I have to say, your Titles kind of scare me, hehehe." [Shin]

"I don't understand why I have such scary Titles though… When I first saw them, even Lady Borak felt sorry for me." [Laura]

When Laura mentions being consoled, the dragon that is still on her shoulder reaches up and pats her head gently with an apologetic look.

"You know, you might want to hide the Assassin and Mistress of Night Titles from the other people here. I'm not sure how they will take it." [Shin]

"Yes, Sir Shin, I was thinking of doing just that." [Laura]


I loud sound can be heard echoing across the field.

"I believe that everyone should be done with the Acquisition Ceremony. Now I will be recalling my summons and provide you with the final details." [Grand Goddess Mariella]


The Grand Goddess claps her hands together and a light shine upon all the summons. I glance towards the white spider which is giving off it's signature wave and salute combo.

"Tell Emmaline that I'll see her sometime, will you?" [Shin]

With a final wave from the spider, the light begins to glow brightly, and the spider vanishes into the brightness. I look back towards Laura and I see her depressed face as her "Lady Borak" also vanishes in the light.

"You might be able to see her again another day. I'm sure she'll miss you too Miss Silva. Plus, who knows? If you defeat the Evil God, you might be able to meet her again or even have her as your own summon." [Shin]

"Y-You're right, Sir Shin. M-Maybe I'll see her again... Oh no... Please, no." [Laura]

Before I can question what exactly she meant by that, a shout echoes through the field.

"Quiet yourselves, I'll be explaining your immediate future." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"The fortress you see ahead of yourselves can be used by all of you present. This fortress is located in the south-western most corner of the continent of Gora. Surrounding this fortress are woods that contain many monsters which can kill you. In order to complete your assignment, you are recommended to use this fortress as a base to begin increasing your SP which are Soul Points which are the souls harvested from defeating entities, used in increasing your level. Of course, you are also free to try to challenge the Evil God as you are now. However, you will die immediately. The Evil God is currently active on another continent to the north-west of This continent. Now I have other affairs to manage so I am leaving. Among yourselves, you have 14 top level Title holders with the majority being Hero or Hero equivalents." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Oh, so there are people with the Hero Title. That was pretty common in the novels I read. I am interested in the "Hero Equivalent" ones as well.

The Grand Goddess begins to slowly outline what I believe to be a magic formula in the air. A look of realization crosses her face as if she forgot something.

"Oh, if you manage to waste my time by all perishing with this level of skill among yourselves, I should emphasize that death will not be able to save you from my wrath." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

With those parting words, The entire crowd stiffness from her cold atmosphere. Someone steps forward and kneels before the Goddess.

"Worry not Grand Goddess, I will ensure that your time is not wasted. I will submit the Evil God to you in tatters." [Parker]

The Goddess briefly looks and gives him a smile before disappearing into a shaft of light that descended from the heavens. After a brief moment, another large shaft of light descends from the heavens and envelopes The Giant God who still hasn't moved since being reprimanded by the Goddess and lifted him to the heavens.