
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Hmm? Am I dead? I need to check my body for injuries.

I go to move my hands to feel around my body, but they don't respond. I try to move my legs, but I can't seem to move any part of my body except my eyes.

I guess I can't talk or make any sounds either.

Hmm… What do I do now? I Feel like I'm being restricted by something and I can't say anything, can't feel anything, and can't move. However, I can still see although I cannot move my neck.

If this is the afterlife, I'm kind of glad I was not very religious because I would have been quite disappointed with this outcome. I guess this goes to show that there's no God/Gods or anything…unless of course I'm in purgatory or the Asphodel Meadow right now. Oh well. This may suck but at least I can look around. It doesn't seem that Laura and my other classmates are here so that's good at least. I might as well enjoy this peace and quiet.

As soon as I mention this, a square of light appears on my right. From the shaft of light, 8 large white legs appear from within. Connected to its large figure, a human body stands upright stiffly.

Hmm… An Arachne? I wasn't expecting this. Oh, it's albino too, you look really cool.

As soon as these words pass through my mind, the Arachne freezes mid walk. She slows her pace greatly and seems to be approaching me with caution.

"Human… Are you perhaps still conscious?" [Arachne]

"Oh? Can you hear my thoughts? Hello. Yes, I'm awake, I can't move though. Could I ask for some aid?" [Shin]

"You should not be awake. What have you done?" [Arachne]

"I don't know what to say, all I remember is the white light and appearing here right after. Who are you by the way, I'm Shin Okamoto?" [Shin]

"Who I am does not matter at the moment. You will now lose consciousness and will not remember this encounter so there does not seem to be a reason for me to answer your questions." [Arachne]

"Oh… okay, I guess. Continue with your procedure then." [Shin]

"I was about to do just that, and I do not need your permissions for performing my duties." [Arachne]

"Why have you not lost consciousness? This has never happened before…"[Arachne]

"Maybe up the dose?" [Shin]

"I have given you 12 times the normal dose and your condition has not changed. You should also refrain from giving advice in procedures you know nothing about." [Arachne]

"That is a fair point, but is losing consciousness necessary for the procedure?" [Shin]

"… no, it is not. However, it will spare you from the smarting and sensitivity" [Arachne]

"Ah it doesn't matter, just perform the procedure without the drugs, you have my consent." [Shin]

"I was about to begin just that; you should also refrain from given permission in situations where you do not have control." [Arachne]

"Thanks for the life advice, I'll take this under advisement. We should talk while you do the procedure to pass the time. I take it you were never informed to not converse during the procedures. I presume you will be able to multitask without adverse effects." [Shin]

"Very well, you do make a valid point. I permit you to talk during the procedure." [Arachne]

"Weren't you just talking about giving permission in situations without lack of control? You should follow your own advice." [Shin]

"Unfortunately, you are correct, so what do you wish to ask. I assume you have questions. I will answer 3 questions you ask." [Arachne]

"Are you a genie? Why only three questions? Oh, those don't count. I wasn't asking you these questions I was discussing this internally." [Shin]

"Hahaha you are a funny one human. I look forward to the questions you will ask." [Arachne]

The Arachne makes her way behind me to begin what I think will be the procedure. After a moment, I feel a small amount of pain around my head, from my forehead to the back of my head.

"Okay first question; assuming I'm alive, what plans do you have for me?" [Shin]

"Ahh… I must admit that I am a little disappointed with your question. Yes, you are alive. As for the second part of your question, you will be informed at a later point." [Arachne]

"Hmm... I see. Second question. You seem to be performing some sort of procedure on my mind, you admitted earlier that you have some sort of plan for me so there must be a reason for this procedure. There are 2 options that I believe are probable, either you are imputing information or some sort of ability, or you are removing or limiting my abilities. Which one is it?" [Shin]

"I see… you asked the first question to better understand your situation, where you then later used the information gained to ask a second question with many intertwined questions. Knowing that I stated that I found you amusing, you asked the questions in an interesting manor to try to appeal to my interest and influence me to answer them. Not bad for a human… As for your answer, it would be both." [Arachne]

"Hmm… it seems that you are unable to answer my question properly. You are either avoiding going into detail for some reason or you are forced to not disclose much information. I assume that if you are forced to keep quiet, then it must mean that it involves removing memories or limiting my abilities." [Shin]

"Are you going to ask a question or are you just going to continue with your ramblings hoping that I will reveal more? Your next question will be the most important question to ask. I have extensive knowledge involving your future, I suggest you ask a question referring to that considering the complexity of your future." [Arachne]

"Nice deflection, that told me all I wanted to know about my situation. You must have realized that as you immediately tried to offer advice to cover up your mistake hoping I would not have noticed. You even tried to bait me with some tempting information, but I'm good thanks. You should know that I started this discord under the expectation that this entire conversation would be erased from my memory after the procedure is finished. That's why I asked you questions concerning my situation. If I received any inkling of danger, I would have left." [Shin]

"I…I see. I must admit, you have quite the wit on you. I cannot confirm or deny any of your allegations though. What is your third question? I have almost finished the procedure so you should ask me quickly." [Arachne]

"Okay, third question; What's your name?" [Shin]

"W-Why would you ask that question?" [Arachne]

"Well, we've spent a bit of time together and I don't even know your name. You can at least share that right? You've been poking around my head as well so you should at least inform me of your name. Plus, I want you to know that your name is really important, and not because you're a cute girl." [Shin]

The Arachne's hands that have been caressing my head throughout the procedure tense up as I finish my sentence. What did she not think that I noticed that she is cute? Is she embarrassed?

"… you've seen my form?" [Arachne]

"Yeah, you look really cute and strong." [Shin]

"…Emmaline. My name is Emmaline" [Emmaline]

"I see, it suits you well." [Shin]

Emmaline's hands leave my head, and she moves into my field of vision.

"I don't really know what you are, but the procedure doesn't seem to work on you so I will be sending you on without the alterations." [Emmaline]

"Should you really be doing that?" [Shin]

"No…I really shouldn't be doing this; however, I have performed to the utmost to my abilities, yet the alterations are unable function. I have tried several methods, some regular and others categorically dangerous, yet with no avail. I am unable to use any of my powers on your mind." [Emmaline]

"Shouldn't' you report this to someone." [Shin]

With this statement, Emmaline gives me a quirky smile and says, aloud.

"That would hardly offer me any amusement, would it Shin? Incidentally, can you try to speak aloud for me, I wish to confirm my suspicions. "[Emmaline]

"I don't know what you're talking about. I can't talk or move." [Shin]

"if you claim it then it must be. Well then, I'll be taking my leave. Let us meet again in the future Shin." [Emmaline]

As she finishes her sentence, the shaft of light opens again, and she enters the light. As soon as she disappears, the room begins to pulse and flash with the same intensity seen in the classroom. As the white slowly begins to fill my mind, I whisper,

"See you later, Emmaline." [Shin]