
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


"Okay Class, make sure to read pages 239-250 in the textbook for next class. Especially the people who weren't paying attention in this class." [Ms. Garcia]

Ms. Garcia's eyes seemed to be trained on me when she said the last part of that sentence. As she turned around to place her books back in her bag, I got up from my desk to stretch my legs and grabbed my backpack.

"Are you leaving already Sir Shin?" [Laura]

She still is using Sir Shin huh… is she deaf? How can she not be embarrassed saying that? I really don't even understand why she keeps using it. Sure, my mother pretty much built the school, and my dad possibly ran it for a bit, but that was ages ago (10 years). That shouldn't even matter anymore anyway. I have no idea where they found the time to set up the school either. They were both prominent figures in the army and were often in service for extended periods of time as well. I honestly hope that I inherited their multitasking because if I'm able to perform even at a lower level then them, I could probably run an entire country single handedly. Oh, I just realized that I haven't answered her yet.

"I'm just going to go stretch my legs for a bit. I might stop by a vending machine as well, you want something?" [Shin]

"I could never ask you to fetch a drink for this lowly person, Sir Shin. In fact, would you like me to fetch the beverages while you perform some calisthenics in the classroom instead?" [Laura]

"N-no that's fine, I prefer to go myself." [Shin]

"V-Very well, enjoy your excursion Sir Shin." [Laura]

Okay…is it just me or is she getting worse? I quickly shuffled towards the door to escape this bizarre person. As I get to the door, I hear a *Click* sound from the door. I grab the doorknob and try to turn it one way, then the other. Just as I thought, someone in the hall must have somehow locked the door from the outside as a prank.

"Ms. Garcia, I think someone…" I began to say before I was cut off by a glowing pattern tracing the walls, the floor and even the ceiling. My classmates also noticed this quite quickly as well as their quiet discussions at their desks turned into confused shouts. Students began standing up to inspect the shapes and lines dotting the walls while others began looking around for cameras thinking that they were part of some reality TV show or something. Could this be some terrorist act? I know that there have been groups recently that have been attacking government buildings. This school is affiliated with the government so it could become a target. My mind goes immediately into combat mode. What technology could project these symbols? Is this some sort of complicated bomb? Or is it a targeting laser for an airstrike?


I've seen situations similar to this before. They were commonplace in the old light novels I read where entire classes got transported to different worlds. I'm getting a horrible feeling about this. I turn and yell,

"Miss Silva, the door is locked, and I won't be able to open them in time. Try to open the windows, I'll check the service traps." [Shin]

"Roger!" [Laura]

Laura rushes to the windows as soon as those words spill out of her mouth. Without hesitating, I also rush off to the service hatch that's directly over the left most desk in the back. I grab the chair from the person using the desk and place it on the desk. I jump up on the desk, climb the chair and fiddle with the handle. I begin to push and slam my fist in the door to try to open it, with no avail. As I descend my makeshift ladder, Laura rushes over to me and yells,

"Sir Shin, all of the windows are shut tight and won't open. Some of them are not even locked yet I can't open them. I even grabbed a chair to smash the windows What is going on? "[Laura]

"I'm not sure what's happening, all I know is that we can't escape." [Shin]

As I finish my sentence, the patterns that cover the classroom begin to pulse faster and faster. The entire class begins to panic and try to break the door and the windows. Fearing an explosion, I grab the closest desk to the back of the window wall and flip it over to create a protective wall facing the center of the class and grab another desk to place over top of the flipped desk to make a ceiling of sorts.

"Miss Silva, get under here quickly." [Shin]

Laura glances around the class quickly before getting under my makeshift bomb shelter without saying anything.

By the time she got her body underneath the desk, the pulsing of the symbols have gotten closer to vibrations. The symbols are also beginning to glow with more intensity making it difficult to look around the classroom. I quickly crouch down and scramble to place myself between Laura and the middle of the classroom.

If a bomb goes off or if something unexpected happens, I should be able to shield her at least.

As this thought passes through my mind, white light envelops my mind as I fade to black.