
Why are you sniffing me


Chapter 2

Jimin's POV

"What do you mean you getting married?" I asked.

"Micheal and I have been together for six months and last night he proposed." She said shrugging her shoulders like it was nothing.

"Well, when were you going to tell me. During the HONEYMOON!?" I yelled out angry.

"Don't yell at your mother. She kept us a secret because she was scared about what you would think." Micheal said butting in.

"And who asked you to speak." I snarled rudely. I was surprised I even did that.

He growled an animal like growl, "Now listen here Jimin -"

"STOP! Jimin that is no way to talk to an adult. You will apologize right now!" My mom said cutting Micheal off.

I stayed silent.

"Now Jimin !"

"Sorry," I mumbled crossing my arms across my chest.

"Now you will go up to your room and get washed up for dinner, we're having guests. And I don't want to hear one word out of you. Understand?"

"Yes," I said with my head down and ran up stairs.

I can't believe my mom choose him over me.

I've been her child for sixteen years and she has only known that guy for six months.

This is why I hate my life.

Jungkook's POV

"Harder Jungkook !" She said screaming as we both had are climax together.

I came out of her and plopped down on the bed. I took two more deep breaths and got my clothes and put them back on.

"Where are you going?" She asked sadly.

"I have a dinner I need to go to." I said putting my socks on.

"When will you be back?" She asked

"When dinner is over," I said grabbing my keys and walking over to the bedroom getting ready to leave but was once again stopped by her voice.

"Oh okay I love you," She said.

"Okay," I said rudely exiting the room then the front door and walking over to my car.

I know I seem like a bad person right? But I'm not.

I just hate when she does that. That's one of the reasons why I stopped messing with her. She gets to attached.

I drove home and hopped out of my car. I ran into the house and took a quick shower. I have exactly thirty minutes to be at my third in command's house.

Yes I'm a werewolf not only that but I'm an Alpha actually one of the most powerful Alphas in the US.

I'm very young for my age so I get a lot of lip from people. But once they see me fight they shut up.

I was getting a weird feeling that something was going to happen and it was a good feeling.

Jimin's POV

When I heard the door bell ring I checked to make sure I looked decent.

When I heard my mom call my name I walked down the stairs slowly taking my time.

I got to the living room and saw a sexy white guy standing there looking undesirably sexy.

'WHOA!' I said mentally slapping myself. Where was this coming all of a sudden.

"Al- I mean Jungkook this is Kim's (my mom's name) son Jimin ." Micheal said.

Jungkook looked up at me and stared deeply in my eyes. I felt so full inside with him staring at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and reached my hand out for him to shake.

He outreached his hand and put into mines making me gasp softly. It felt like I was shock with lighting when his skin connected with mine.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jungkook ." I said trying to take my hand out of his but he kept it in a tight grip.

"Nice to meet you too Jimin . You can just call me Jungkook ." OMG! his voice made me weak in the knees. WTH was happening to me. He finally let go of my hand and I took a step back.

"Well, you guys socialize and I'll go check on the food." My mom said walking in to the kitchen leaving me alone with them.

I sat on the long sofa far away from them and leaned my head on my hand.

"So Jimin , how old are you?" Jungkook's sexy voice said sending shivers down my spine.

"Um, I'm sixteen." I said shyly with my head down.

"Hmm, only two years younger." I looked at him confused and he turned and looked at Micheal.

"I think your ma- I mean Kim called you." Jungkook said to Micheal in a tone that made me want to do anything he said.

"Uh yeah well excuse me." Micheal said getting up and walking in to the kitchen.

Jungkook moved so he was right next to me and just stared.

"Why are you starring at me?" I asked moving further away from him.

"I can't believe I finally found you." He whispered softly in my ears making me shiver.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'll tell you another time." He said moving closer to me running his hand through my hair. I moaned quietly in my mouth.

I felt him press his nose into my neck and sniffed me. 'Did he just sniff me?'

"Why are you sniffing me?" I asked looking at him weirdly.

"Because. you smell so delicious." He said his eyes changing from hazel to a very dark brown.

"Guys dinners ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen making me jump off the sofa.

I heard him growl but I ignored it and walked into the dinning room and sat down.

He walked in to the dinning room looking a little upset.

I wonder what he meant by he just found me.


I hoped you like that. Don't worry there is more to come!