
Welcome New Classmate


Chapter 3


I was so ready to get out of these clothes. I felt so uncomfortable during the whole dinner. I kept feeling his eyes on me the whole time.

I walked into my room and untied my tie and threw it on the floor.

I took off all the rest of my clothes off but kept my boxers on. I turned off the lights and was about to get into bed until I felt a presence behind me.

Then I felt warm large hands around my waist sending pulse of electricity to go throught me.

I looked behind me and saw Jungkook staring at me with a lustful look in his eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked trying to get out of his grasp.

I felt his nose in the peek of my neck where my shoulder meets. I felt him inhale my scent and I shivered.

"Mmm my dear mate you smell so delicious." He said licking the side of my neck.

'Did he just say mate?' I thought.

"What do you mean mate?" I asked still struggling to get out of his embrace.

"You'll find out soon, real soon." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek then leaving like he was never there.

I went to sleep that night with nothing but him on my mind.


Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy

(Hey, what up girl?)

Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city

(Lets go)

Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack

'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back

I'm talking pedicure on our toes, toes

Trying on all our clothes, clothes

Boys blowing up our phones, phones

Drop-topping, playing our favorite CDs

Pulling up to the parties

Trying to get a little bit tipsy

Don't stop, make it pop

DJ, blow my speakers up

Tonight, I'mma fight

'Til we see the sunlight

Tick tock on the clock

But the party don't stop, no

I turned my phone alarm off as it was in the middle of Tik Tok by Ke$ha. Now that was my jam right there. Don't get me wrong just because I'm gay doesn't mean I listen to all musics like that.

I woke up and grabbed a towel and headed to the shower.

I did all the things that you were suppose to do in a shower. No need to go into details.

I walked into the room and went into my walk-in closet and put my thinking face on.

Hey girls aren't the only ones that need to look good.

I picked out a white v-neck tight tee with my black skinny jeans and vans. I put on some of my axe colgne then went to start on my hair.

I did my normal flip to the slip something similar to when Rain had his long hair.

I grabbed my black backpack and walked down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom and Micheal french kissing like horny teens.

"Ugh" I said going to the refrigerator and grabbing my orange juice.

"Hey little man how's it going?" Micheal said wrapping his arms around my mothers waist.

I just ignored him and grabbed my breakfast plate and sat down at the table.

"Jimin , stop being rude!" My mom said getting angry.

I ignored her also and started to eat my food.

"Jimin your going to stop giving your mother this attitude. It's making me very mad." He said growling at me.

"I don't have to do a damn thing you tell me to do! You aren't my dad!" I said jumping out of my seat angrily.

"Yeah your right I'm not your dad! Oh but where is he? I forgot he left you!" Micheal all but growled at me.

"Micheal!" My mom screamed.

I dropped my fork, grabbed my backpack that was next to me and ran out the door. I heard my mom yell my name but it was no way I was going back.

He hit a nerve when he said that. I was willing myself not to cry and man up. I grabbed my ipod and zoned out life.

I arrived at school five minutes before first period bell rang. I walked to my locker grabbing all the necessary things I needed and headed to first period.

Before I could make inside the classroom I felt myself get snatched back and fall to the ground.

I groan and roll on my stomach trying to make the pain go away.

I look up and see Jackson with a deadly look on his face.

"Where's my money at fag?" Jackson said grabbing my collar and slamming me up against the lockers.

I look around the hallways and see a few by standers but none came to my aid because I was different then them.

"I forgot I'm so sorry Jackson . Please don't hit me." I said on the verge of tears.

Gosh, I'm such a wuss. I can't even stand up for myself.

"Aw is the fag going to cry?" Jackson said in a mocking baby voice.

"Please Jackson I honestly forgot." I said squirming in his hold.

"To bad because I didn't." He said then sent a heavy blow in my stomach.

He slammed my body on the hard marble floor of the school and repeatly punched me. I covered my face the best I could but it barely helped.

He stood up towering over my small frame and kicked me in the ribs. He was about to kick me again until he was tackled to the ground.

I couldn't figure out who it was before darkness took over.


Jungkook's POV

I can't believe I found my mate and she's a he. But I still love him no matter what he is. We were designed to be together by the fates and the fates know what's best.

Since my mate was still in school I decided to enroll myself. I couldn't stand the thought of my precious angel not near me.

Being Alpha has it's perks. Since the principal was also a werewolf I convinced her to enroll me into the school.

I made sure all my classes were the same as his so I could keep an eye on him.

I was walking to my first period class when I smelled that sweet vanilla scent mixed with axe and knew it was my mate.

I followed the scent and then smelt another male scent and growled.

When I got closer to my mate, my blood begin to boil and I was so close to letting my wolf out. I ran and tackled the disgusting guy who dare puts his hands on my beautiful mate.

I grabbed him by the throat and squeezed tightly.

"If I ever see you touch a hair on his hair I will rip you into so many pieces people aren't going to be able to tell you apart from cow shit to human.(Lame I know)" I said snarling at him and showing him my fangs.

He nodded his head viciously. I picked him and threw him across the hall where he blacked out from the blow.

I walked over to my mate and picked him up bridal style. I watched as his unconscious body cuddle into mine. I put his hair behind his ear and pecked his lips lightly.

I later found the nurses office and brought him in. She tried to make me leave but I told her I wasn't until he woke up and was stable.

She tried to disagree and I growled at her. These people were really making me and my wolf mad as hell.

I sat next to angel and held his hand waiting for him to awake.


Jimin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and quickly shut them again due to the bright light shinning in my eyes.

I groaned and tried sitting up but felt somebody push me back down.

I looked over to that person and my eyes widen in shock. 'What the hell was he doing here?!'

"Um, what are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"I'm your new classmate, mate." he said smirking.



Well that was chapter three. Sorry if there are mistakes like it says in the beginning UNEDITED. Comments, votes any feedback will be wonderful.