
Welcome Micheal


Chapter 1


"Hey fag. Where's my money?" Jackson said.

"I didn't b-bring a-a-any money today jackson." I said stuttering.

He grabbed my collar and slammed me into the locker. I gasped from the impact it gave my fragile weak body. He grabbed my throat and squeezed tightly.

"If you don't have my money tomorrow there will be hell to pay. Understand?" He spat in my face. I shook my head violently just wishing he let me go.

He gave me a good punch in the stomach then dropped me on my ass and walked away laughing.

"Oh my gosh Jimin !" My best friend, well my only friend, Taehyung said running up to me.

"I'm fine Tae," I said struggling to get up from the floor.

"No, your not okay. Why do you let those guys do that to you?" He asked on the verge of tears.

"You wouldn't understand." I said grabbing my bag off the floor.

To be honest I don't even know why those guys do those things to me. I was so happy school was over. I walked over to my car and drove away from that hell hole.

Well if you are going to going through this with me then you need to know about me. My name's Park Jimin . I'm sixteen and I've been bullied by Lance Armstrong for over two years now.

He bullies me because I'm different. Yes, I am gay so what!? I'm just a ordinary guy who like penis besides vagina.

When I look in the mirror I wish I was always somebody different. Everybody in school doesn't like me because of Jackson . But, Taehyung is the only one that stayed by my side. He's  like my brother .

I turned off the engine and walked in to the house. I walked into the living room and saw my mom talking to a white guy who looked around thirty maybe older.

"Oh Jimin your home." My mom said walking over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

My mom and I are really close. She always accepted my for who I was. My dad on the other hand after the divorce a few years ago never talked to me again.  And I was perfectly fine with that.

"What's going on mom?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand and sat me down in the recliner chair. She grabbed the white gentlemen's hand and made him stand up.

"Jimin , this is Micheal." the guy Micheal reached his hand for me to shake it and I did.

"Nice to meet you Jimin . Your mom talks about a lot." he said.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Micheal." I said politely.

"You can just call me Micheal."

"Okay Micheal," I said nodding my head.

"Well, Micheal and I are getting married." My mom said smiling hard. I just stared at her blankly.

'WHAT!' I screamed in my head.


The first chapter is kind of short. But this is just the beginnig.