
Chapter 490

" you can understand and speak the language of the masters" I did not make it a question but just a statement, affirming what I already knew. When I stood with him Earlier, he had comforted me in the masters language,

" It would be impossible not to, with the people I am related to. I have not formally introduced myself to you due to how hectic things were when my father arrived."

I gaped at him in shock, I would have never guessed that  the elder was his father, he was almost the same height as him, and when they saw each other, they did not react the way a father and son should. I actually consider him lucky, he was able to grow up with his father by his side, and also under the guidance and care of the father, that must be nice. It has been so long since I saw Mother, I do not know if we will be able to recognize each other again, but blood should be able to identify no matter the distance in between it. That was what I kept reassuring myself with, I also had nothing to remember her with, like  trinkets, maybe it would have made for  an easier recognition 

" The elder is your father? You both look alike but I never would have guessed so. I thought you were siblings " I told him sheepishly, I was also embarrassed to admit that out loud,

His laughter even worsened it all, like he could not understand how I would entertain such a relationship between them but what did he expect me to say?. I never knew he had a partner not to talk of a child. Normally, elders are meant to be chaste and without a partner but over time, the doctrine evolved, when some elders were caught in displeasing situations numerous times, so it was agreed upon that they could have a partner. Some still decide to remain chaste but others still maintain partners.

" You call him the elder?. Is that what he is know as back at your camp?" He seemed genuinely curious to hear my response,

" I do not know his name but he is a part of the Elder's council, so I just identify them by their position, from oldest to youngest but for him, the elder seems to work best" I was laughing while I said this to him, it actually sounded funny saying it out loud,

" Have you ever called him that to his face?. I would love to see his reaction" I guess this is how families behave, I must not be familiar with it any longer, it actually made my heart yearn and ache at the same time,

" I left him back at the field. We need to go to him so he would not be worried" I was already standing up at this point, but he pushed me back down and shook his head,

" He was the one that told me to go after you,"