
Chapter 491

" is he aware of what happened here?" If that was so, I actually overestimated him in my head, I had thought he would barge in here himself with his eyes flaming and his fist like irons to pierce through all those who offended him but it just seems like I am not that important to him, for him to delegate my care. His son just laughed hysterically as if what I just asked him was extremely funny and I just can not seem to catch the joke in it, so I ended up gaping at him till he would be able to calm himself down and properly explain,

" You must not be serious or are you?" Even with the expression on his face, I did not know if I should just pretend to understand the imaginary joke in it and tell him that I understand but I must not have been quick enough to react but he just assumed,

" You were serious. That means you must not have stayed with father for long as I thought. He only sent me here because you delayed and he wanted to make sure that you were alright since here is still strange to you"

His words brought a smile to my face immediately, I was right, he would have come to help me. Over time, he has assumed the position of a guardian to me, despite the very strange relationship that we have. When I noticed his son looking at me with a perplexed expression and his head cocked, I had to contain my smile so I would not add to whatever he was thinking,

" The people would surely regret it when he gets wind of this. I have to tell you, I am eager to watch it all unfold, they all have to be put back in their places as they have been running wild for a while now"

" Please do not tell him, I do not want to be a cause of strive since I am a stranger"

" Things like these spread fast. I do not have to tell him because he would have heard of it by now"

" How is it possible that you still have people so advanced in age here. It is definitely not so in other places" I said this in a solemn tone because I wished Father had stayed till those age, we would have still been together as a family,

But I still consider myself pretty lucky, because despite how tough the life had been, I find myself having people that take me in like a family too. It may be parental figure like Maman, Tufa, or that of siblings too like Naki, Leo and Italula . Why some of them goes sour at the end, they are some that I will forever hold dear and cherish in my heart. Even though I may never see them again, I am who I am and where I am right now just because of all they have done