
Chapter 489

Later on, it seemed as if they acknowledge that what they did was wrong, so they nodded in unison to the man in the middle and parted to make way for him. I was already stretching my neck and sitting at the edge of the wood at this point, because I wanted to know who my saviour was. I still cannot believe that I was not able to recognize the Elder's brother. I know that I had not known him for Long but I pride myself on being able to recognize people's voice. He was striding towards me, and his face was set in anger,

He really looks so much like the elder right now, they have the same look and mannerism whenever they are angry. They compel power and obedience with just one look, I was surprised that the older ones were able to hold out till this point. His full focus was on me the closer he got, I averted my eyes when I could no longer maintain eye contact with him, and without me knowing it, I already had my head in a submissive position. I should be scared of the look he had in his eyes, they looked clouding as if all his emotions were struggling with each other, with one fighting to take precedence,

When he finally got to where I was, he placed one hand on my shoulder and turned to face them. This was also the position he did when I was blindfolded. If I had any doubt that he was the one who helped then, it would all be confirmed right now. He pointed his middle finger at everyone there, making sure that their focus was on him, then he said something to them in their language. After a while of speaking, he raised my hand up and also pointed to me, drew a line in front of my legs,

Then made a come hither motion. Nobody made a move to leave their position not to talk of crossing the line that he drew. I did not need an interpreter to let me know that he was probably placing me under his care and told anybody that had an issue with it to cross the line and challenge him. I actually kept waiting for the one that was strong enough to contemplate doing so, I would never want to be in an altercation with him or his brother,

One by one, they would all bow their head and go back to whatever they were doing. That was what all of them did, till we were the only ones alone. I felt like I could breathe properly then, I never realized how scared I was all these while. He came around and began to look at my Injuries to determine if they were serious or life threatening, but apart from the nick on my palm and the pain on my scalp, I was alright. It was then that I remembered that I left the elder behind