
Chapter 472

I was gagging even I as ingested the content of the bowl, to be honest that was not an experience that I will ever want to relieve. I threw the bowl far away from me, so that I would be able to breathe properly but the taste was still obvious on my lips. I closed my eyes for a bit and tried to regulate my breathing, it was so sudden but I could feel it surging through my blood stream and setting everything right. Under few seconds, my stomach was calm and I was feeling more like myself. The only way to put it to test to ensure that it was all restore, was my sight.

I slowly opened my eyes, at first my vision was still blurry but it was later on that I realized that, i had moisture in my eyes, probably from trying to force the concoction down my stomach. After wiping it away, I realized that my vision was clear and I could properly observe my surrounding now. I was in a field that was the best word to describe it with. It was a beautiful one at that, because it had wild flowers with various colors on it,

I was so excited to see it, it brought back my love for nature and Everything in it. Since I was seeing it properly now, I was so able to associate the scent I had been perceiving for a while now. I closed my eyes while spinning around and took a deep breath, the clear crispy scent of nature invaded my nostrils at once, it was such a heady and intoxicated feeling. I slumped on the field with excitement, running my hand and legs through the leaves that were around me. Being like this made me feel free and unburdened,

I stood up ran around and was picking up different color of wild flowers to make a bouquet with, I cut the stem off of on and attached it to my hair. I can only imagine the state my hair was in right now, it would have leaves attached to it in different angles while also looking untamed. I must really look wild right now but the happiness on my face could not be suppressed. I even forgot all the questions I wanted to ask the elder and the fact that he abandoned me here all alone,

I also wondered how he knew that I had interest in things like this but it could also be a lucky guess. I had a lot of memories on Fields that were trying to overwhelm me right now, but I had to suppress it all. I wanted to be happy and I knew thinking about it all would make me feel sad, as I would start thinking about Maman and italula, and it is obvious that unconsciously they have started seeping into my thoughts. I do not do this because I am trying to forget them because I cherish all my memories with them