
Chapter 473

" you look happy and at peace"

his voice put a damper on my mood and I remembered that I am actually supposed to be mad at him. I slowly dropped the bouquet that I had picked on the floor, and picked up as much pebbles as I could without being so obvious. Since he was behind me, I am sure that I did a good job hiding them. I may regret my actions if I end up giving him a fatal injury but apart from that he actually deserves whatever he is going to get. I tried as best as possible to make my actions and movement fluid and as subtle as possible,

When I heard him coming closer to me, I quickly spun around and threw them all at him. Since he was in a close distance with me, the impact range was so high and he was unable to block it beforehand since he did not expect them. I should have felt bad, since I saw him holding onto his eyes, which meant that one of the pebbles hit his eyes but he deserved whatever he gets, for all the trouble he had put me through since I came here,

" Are you hurt?" I mean I am human, and it is innate for us to care about someone even when we are the cause for their pain sometimes,

He only grunted and refused to say a word. He even lowered himself so he was sitting on the ground, I kept staring at him helplessly. I did not know what to do right now, was he actually pretending, or he was inflicted seriously?. But from the grunts of pain that he was letting out, there was no way I could stand still and watch him suffer in pain alone,

I quickly looked for some flowers that had retained some water in them, when I found it, I ran over to where he was and tried to pry his hand away from his eyes. As much as I was bothered and trying to help him, I was still expecting him to remove his hand and there would be no injury and he was just trying to prank me. If that was his plan, I actually deserve far worse and would take it all without complain. Watching him preside over the proceeding, I thought he would be heartless, unwilling to listen to reason and just announce judgement as he pleases,

Although he has not been very pleasant and welcoming, I have to admit that he has been lenient. There were a lot of actions that I took which should have resulted in my death, due to his status too, but he waved them all away. So I actually owe him this much. I never expected that he would be bleeding underneath his hand, even his hand was coated with blood, but it was not a serious injury. Looking at the result of my action, all the boldness and sense of satisfaction disappeared.