
Chapter 471

Just when I thought that it would never end and I would have no choice but to have a fainting spell or to throw up on him, he finally sets me down. I was still not stable on my feet and my vision was definitely not clear and I was seeing two or is it three of him there. I was waving right where I was standing and my stomach was also not settled, I knew I needed to sit down and take some breath in, not very deep or fast, or it would worsen it all. I immediately lowered myself to the ground, I also placed one of my hand on the floor to help keep my balance,

I had even forgotten that I was not the only one here. Although he was older than me, both in age and status, that does not stop me from cursing him out in my mind. I would have preferred if he dragged me out here by my hand or my leg, than this suffering that he subjected me to. What happened to asking if I wanted to go with him like any other human?. I was honestly going to vent out my anger and frustration on him,.if I am able to get through this,

" Take some of that, it would help soothe your stomach" he shoved some kind of murky water in a bowl towards me, the smell was strong and unpleasant,.so I pushed it back towards him,

" Trust me on this. Ignore the smell and drink as much as you can, you will feel the effect immediately" and with that he pushed the bowl back towards me,

In as much as I wanted this to end,.I had to think of other things too, what if he was planning to drug and kill me, but he could have done that easily too without the aid of all these, since he was stronger and could easily overpower me. My mind was torn, a part of me was also asking what was so bad if he wanted to kill me, I had been the one wishing for death earlier, I should be glad that my wishes were being fulfilled. I looked up, only to find out that I was all alone, due to the fact that was vision was blurry, I was not able to observe my surrounding properly as I should,

I drew the bowl closer to me, I knew that if I continue to look at it, I would not be able to ingest it into my stomach, so I closed my eyes and used one of my hand to pinch my nose shut. With all these preventive measures put in place, I am very sure that I would be able to swallow it down. I did not need my eyes to know that my hand was shaking as I brought the bowl up to my lips, even with my nose shut, the awful smell was able to penetrate through it.