
Chapter 412

 "Who is he?" I blurted out,

I just could not hold it in any longer. I knew I acted mannerless asking them like that but I hate being in suspense, and not being privy to an information that everyone is already aware of. They both turned to stare at me with a glare, it was very obvious to me that they were not happy with me butting into their conversation. I smiled at them sheepishly in apology, then turned my face away. I could still feel their stare on me but i refused to acknowledge it,

" It must be important for him to address us himself"

"We have been blessed today. This is a story I would tell my children to come, if I live that long"

With that they giggled into their palm daintily like the lady they were. They looked more friendly and open than the men on my side, maybe they would be willing to share more information with me. The man is highly respected by all gender, so he must be someone who must have done a great good and is recognized and known by all for it. He must not be from the base or else I would have heard about him,

" I would like to pay my respect to him. So you think he will be receptive to it?" One of the girl asked the other beside her,

"Do you not see those beside him? . I am certain that once he is done speaking, he would be whisked away and hidden again"

Despite the obvious glow radiating from their faces upon seeing him, they were composed and very respectful. None was running towards him to ask for his blessings or just to introduce theirselves or exchange pleasantries, despite how badly they wanted to. Although they were murmuring amongst themselves, they were still paying attention to what he has to say,

Attention? This was something I had lost earlier on. I was so focused on figuring out who he was that I was no longer paying attention to what he was saying. I also decided that since there was no one to ask right now, I would focus on what he was saying, then ask questions later, by then the people would be more willing to answer me. But that was only if I would not be on my way before the meeting ends,.

 "We have to leave here soon, we have stayed for too long and we have been lucky not to have been caught so far"

His way of speaking amused me a little. It was as if he was counting his words, so when he says a word, we have to wait for some minutes to hear the next word after it. Despite all these, it is obvious that he was a man enriched with great wisdom and I am sure that his experience would have contributed to it all.

 I may know a lot about him but his attitude and look also captured me