
Chapter 411

I must have invested a lot of time in being solitude and not gone about to mingle and relate with others too. I keep seeing a lot of new faces in a camp that we have stayed for some time now. I knew if I had taken out the time to relate more with people out there, when this was happening I would have had people to turn to who would have fought on my behalf. I have noticed that most time the voice of the majority always win, although they are time when it is still subdued, despite the large number of voice,

I wonder how Tufa got the position then, I thought at first that he was given the position because he was the oldest and was then considered the wisest as was our customs and traditions but my assumption were no longer correct. They were people far older than him around, and it was obvious that he had to consult with them on most issues before coming to a decision with regards to some issues. The people kept quiet at once and they were two men standing on both side of the man, I knew without being told that they were there to act as a support to him,

He started out talking about pressing matters of the camp. Tufa stood close by but he also looked submissive to the man speaking. I actually understood the reason he was behaving like this to the older man but what I did not u understand was why he was letting Donua step all over him. I am sure that if he talks to the council, they would be able to come up with a solution that will override Donua's control. It is also possible that Donua had an information on him that the rest do not know of, which is why all these are happening,

Emotional blackmail do not have such strong hold most times. The man kept droning on and on, I did not mean to be disrespectful but this was not what I wanted right now. I kept turning in all direction looking for Donua but the expression on the people's face, drew my attention back to the gathering. I wanted to figure out what was making them looked entranced. Some looked as if they would keel over soon, and I was the only one that seemed same amongst them,

"I cannot believe he is speaking to us right now. The gods have found favor on us"

"I have never gotten so close to him like this. I am even trembling, can you tell?"

I looked over at the men beside me having this conversation. I wanted  to ask them who he was but I felt like it was rude and would alert them to the fact that I was listening in on their conversation. I did not mean to do so but  if they wanted to have a private and exclusive conversation, they would have done so In their tents