
Chapter 383

There were only two reasons people should come this way, the first being more people are coming to inquire and seek solutions from the shaman. The second reason I did not want to think about one bit as it meant all my effort would be wasted in the blink of an eye.

He slowly stood up and bowed but before he could take any other step. Tufa and the shaman came into view. "Why now out of all the time they could have shown up?" I asked myself angrily. How was i going to cover this up. Once he looks at her, he would know that she was the true shaman, I had done my best and would be handing the remaining part over to her,

With my butt and ensuring I made no loud noise that would draw attention to me, I retreated further into the tent, ensuring that they would not see my shadow and myself when they peee into the tent. From the little slaves in the tent, I was able to see the man but I could not see Tufa and the shaman from here.  The moment he raised his head so he could go on his way, his eyes landed on the people in front of him. I am sure that Tufa and the shaman would be shocked to see someone in front of the tent, and must be thinking of the damage I must have done.

If not for the fact they came back at the wrong moment, I would have executed my performance flawlessly, they ruined it, so they should be the one responsible for damage control. The moment he recognized the person standing in front of him, I could see rhe confusion on his face. He looked at her from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, his gaze lingered on her protruding stomach, then he whipped his head back in the tent, probably wondering who the person that has been talking to him was. He lifted his hand and pointed it at her,

"Shaman you are here" it was funny how he did not say it in form of a question but as a statement, confirming what was in front of him,

He spoke slowly, as if he was looking for the right words to use. He then moved his hands in the direction of the tent. He would point it at the tent and back to the shaman, I knew he was trying to understand what was happening. I almost peered my head out, so I would see the expression on Tufa and the shaman's face, they had not uttered a single word since they arrived but I held myself back. I did not want to risk revealing myself and causing more damage.

To our utmost surprise, because I am sure that they were shocked too, he fell to his knees and bowed till his head was touching the earth in front of the tent and refused to get up