
Chapter 382

" Are you certain of your answer?. It may cost you your life" I told him this in a grave tone. I also tapped my hands on any surface close to me, to accompany the word with a grave aura. It seemed like a very shamanly thong to do at that moment. I was also proud when the sound came out exactly the way I had imagined it in my head,

"I knew it may come to that. I really do not have anything else to live for if you can help me settle this. I would finally be at rest, and only watch on from afar as others continue the battle"

I was almost tempted to ask him to turn towards me so I could take note of him. I really would love to talk to him again, he evokes a feeling in me which I have not been able to identify yet. Like I said earlier, he talks and behave like me or in ways I believe I would actually behave in a situation as such. I stood up and went deeper into the hidden corner, I had to make sure there was no skip ups on my part,

"Come back when the sun goes down. I will have an answer for you then" whilst I was saying this, I was begging the shaman for forgiveness in my mind. It would be the first thing I would tell her when she steps into this tent, so she would go in search of his answers now,

I have to admit, I actually love the job of a shaman. It is not bad, not to be prideful or boastful, but to actually state the truth objectively, they hold the lives of the people in their hands and they can twist it wherever they want to. It is also not easy on them too, they have to listen to and attend to a whole lot of issues, ensure they hear correctly so as to avoid making a mistake. In this line , mistake are not needed and are avoided at all cost, one wrong statement would cause the shaman to lose his reputation and respect amongst the people forever. It would be assumed that the ancestors had turned their back on him or her, and the shaman must have done something evil for such to happen to them 

This was the reason I was trying to cover up in the little way that I could for the shaman and pray that I am actually not making it worse for her. He was still kneeling even after I had told him to go, I was almost becoming angry at him but I decided silence was the best answer. It was not an easy feat For me, I no had to clamp my palm down on my mouth to prevent me from saying any other thing. I heard footsteps coming,

"No.. No... No. This can not be happening". I muttered under my breath. I did not want it one bit.