
Chapter 384

"I can not believe I am so lucky. The ancestors came down to speak to me" I had to strain my ears to pick up his words, since his head was bent and he was speaking into the earth,

"The ancestors?" The shaman asked him confused and peering into the tent, Tufa also followed suit, from where I was sitting there was no way they could see me, so they looked back at the man,

"I have to tell my people. It is settled, today must be my chosen day" he hurriedly stood up and ran in the direction of the tent but caught himself at the very last minute, stopped and twirled in the right direction, pointing and nodding, that he was facing the correct oath now,

"Thank you shaman. Thank you" he bowed to her as he ran past, he did not wait for her response before running past her,

They both looked after him bewildered, I kept wishing he would come back or someone else would appear, to prevent the enquiry that was surely going to happen when they stepped into the tent. I tried folding myself to make me as invisible as possible, and brought the part of my clothes that was excess to cover my face while awaiting them,

"What just happened here Tufa, I was not able to comprehend any of it" since I had covered my face, I was no longer able to see them but I can guess that they are facing each other right now trying to figure it all out,

"I am also lost here. What did he mean by the ancestors spoke to him? Has that ever happened?" I was also curious as to what the answer to this would be. This would help me realize if it was all through or she had been faking it from the onset.

"I have actually heard of it happening when I was younger and my Father was the shaman then. It is quite a rare occurrence" her voice was contemplative, as if trying to figure out if it really did happen,

"It was said that if the shaman is absent and your needs were really pressing, they would come down to give you their response " I head a ruffling sounds, in as much as I was curious and wanted to know what was going on, I did not dare leave my hiding place,

"Have they ever spoken to you at all?" Tufa asked him. His voice sounded strange, at first I thought he was mocking her but that was not it, I just could not place the tone he used,

"I would not have been appointed the Shaman if I could not hear from them. It may not look it, but one does not wake up one morning and declares theirselves a shaman." Her voice sounded pained, as if she was recalling how she got the position handed over to her and it is very certain that it was not a pleasant one.