
Chapter 381

I cleared my throat, to try and deepen my voice, as mine was way lighter than hers,

"You have committed a grave offence. They are angry at you all be..." I had not finished my sentence when the oldest amongst them, went down on his knees and placed his forehead on the ground, pleading for forgiveness. He was literally shaking right there on the floor.

Some of the followers replicated his pose and cried out for forgiveness. But the man at the front refused to let go of the tent doors, neither was there a change in his stance too. I was intrigued I would not lie, this was the type of person one needs to have by their side, but for now I needed to get rid of him. I would go after him after all the issues have been resolved.

"All of you leave my presence so as not to anger me.. I mean .. them. Yes them " I do not know why I was stuttering. I could have easily winged it and gone on with 'Me'. If this continues further, I would surely be caught. I kept cussing out Tufa and the shaman under my breath but they all thought I was making incantations,

The oldest people scurried away without further delay. They did not bother to look behind, to confirm that everyone was following the instructions, it seems it was all man for himself right now. I knew they would reconvene further away to do a head count and ensure they were all complete. This man was acting like a leech, he refused to leave with the others.i could easily turn my back on him and ignore his presence entirely till I am rescued. It was a very nice plan which I had started to implement, then I had to pause all of a sudden,

What if I am the one in such a position later on, would I love to be treated like this?. Although I would not be able to provide answer to his problems, I could assuage them and ask him to come back at a later time, by the the shaman would be back to take her rightful place. He seemed he knew of my plans to ignore him, as he dropped down on his knees with his back towards me and kept crying out for my help,

"Are you ready to bear the consequences of your actions in exchange for your solution?" I was in a way still trying to deter and chase him away,

"I am!. I only need to see it confirmed, then I would not dispute any punished but accept it willingly."

I did not want to ask him what his issues was, because that would give him hope that I was about to start working on it, and I also did not know the procedures the shaman use in instances like these, do it was either I stall him or ask him to leave while I ask of his fate.