
Chapter 356

"Why were you hiding from me? And don't you dare to deny it because I caught you" his voice actually sounded hurt, I wanted to reassure him and lessen the hurt he was feeling, but I remembered what they were planning to do, so I pinned my legs and made sure I did not take any step close to him, instead I just laughed,

"I told you I would come look for you so we could chat more but I did not do so. I was afraid you would be angry at me, so I hid myself" I was praying to the ancestors that he would actually believe the lie that was spewing from my mouth, this was close to reality, so it should be more believable that any lie I would have said,

"You silly girl! Why do you think I would be angry about that. I had already forgotten about it, if not that you mentioned it now. Do not feel bad about it and stop hiding, alright?" I nodded my head to show him that I understood, I hoped he would be satisfied with that and let me go but of course not, he continued to peer at me through the little slits of his eyes, I continued to look at his nose but kept the smile on my lips, although my lips were starting to hurt from it,

"Where are you coming from? You are quite far from your tent." This was the question that I had been trying to avoid, I only hope that if I told him about the food story, he would believe that because I could not think of any other excuse right now.

"Ah! Coming from?" I pointed at myself, as if I was not the only one here, that he was asking, he simply nodded his head at me and kept waiting for me to say something,

"I have not eaten for a while, so I went in search of Fruit but as you can see I came back empty-handed" I stretched my hands out so he could see that I was actually saying the truth. He took my hand in his,

"You are bleeding" he raised my hand up to his eye level so he could inspect it, I never knew I was bleeding, neither did I feel the pain, if he has not mentioned it, I may not have known. I drew my hand away from it and hid it behind my back, when he raised his eyes to stare at me,

"It's just a scratch, you do not have to worry about it Tufa, it does not hurt so I am not in pain" I felt uncomfortable with him holding my hands which was why I removed from it, now that I am thinking about it, I should not have done so, he would know at once that  there is something going on with me, how would I be able to cover it up now. I am stupid!