
Chapter 355

" we all have to work together to put an end to all the evil he has planned. When you are finally ready to believe what I am saying, I will be in my tent, if you can not find me there, know he is already executing his plan. For the sake of your friend, I hope you come to the realization on time" with that I heard her footsteps as she walked away,

Her words made me want to call her back and ask her to expand on what she just said, but it was as if my mouth was sealed, I turned back to stare at her as she walked or rather ran to where I did not know. One of her hands were gripping her stomach,. while the other was on her waist, further away I saw her stop and placed both hand on her waist. The stress of all these was not good for her, I can only hope that she would be okay at the end of it all. She mentioned my friend, this made me more worried. I started running towards the camp to ensure everyone I knew was safe and sound, going about their day like normal,

I knew all those words she was saying was to make me agree that I was spying on them, thank God that I did not fall for her tricks. When I got close to the camp, I saw Tufa walking towards my direction, at once I placed my back on the tent closest to me, I only hope that I was able to hide quickly and that he did not see me. Today was not my day, why do I keep running into all of them, if I can successfully avoid Tufa, maybe the next person I would see would be Donua and he really is the last person I want to see now. When I felt like Tufa must have passed already without me getting caught, I left my hiding spot,

I screamed out loud in shock because I was not expecting it. Tufa was actually standing in front of me with his hands on his waist. How do I play this off? He must have seen me hiding from him and would have wanted to know why I behaved like that. I smiled awkwardly at him, while hitting and rubbing my leg. I could not hide the fact that I was fidgeting, it was so obvious and I was also avoiding his eyes. He kept clearing his throat to draw my attention back to him,

Since I could not look him in the eyes I chose his nose to look at, it would seem as if I was looking at his eyes. I have never focuses so much attention on someone's nose before, I could clearly see all the pores that were on his nose, the bump that was on the bridge and the way it made his nose looked crooked but made him look distinguished.