
Chapter 357

"I should get going, maybe Naki would have been more successful than I am in the search for food" I was looking for all means to leave him here, then continue on my way, he was only causing me to loose precious time which I did not have right now. I smiled at him, then began to walk past him,

"Boy told me earlier that he prepared some meat for you earlier and you are till you were stuffed. I find it surprising that you would be hungry so fast after such a filling meal"

I stopped walking and stood still at once, idid not need to turn and look at him, to know the look that would be in his eyes. Boy! I felt like hitting him on his head if he were here right now, must he tell Tufa everything?, How do I dig myself out of this hole I fell in? But I knew I could not pretend like I did not hear him and there is no way I can say Boy was lying. I also saw Tufa earlier, he must have noticed that from the way I was walking. I turned to look at him, then smiled, at this point, my smile was already etched on my face, am not sure I would stop smiling today even if I do not mean it,

"You know how Boys are!. He must have been exaggerating to make you think he caught a big kill. It was not as big as he would have told you, and I had to pretend like I was full, so he would eat some part of it. You know how stubborn he is, he refused to take a bite till I was full"

 I made sure to lower my tone as I was about to end what I was saying, I needed to use his emotions and for that to happen I needed to put on a stellar show. I kept blinking my eyes and raising my head up like I was trying to stop invincible tears,

"This was the first time he has ever done something for me willingly, I was so moved. But I can not allow him starve to feed me, I am supposed to be the one providing for him as I am older. So I had to put my stomach on hold and tell him I was stuffed. Please do not tell him the truth, he would feel hurt " I sniffed as if I was seconds away from crying,

He pulled me in for a hug to comfort me, although I was not happy or comfortable with it,.I had to pretend to be, so I would not draw attention and suspicion to my person,

"You have my word I will not mention it to him. I am so sorry that I kept pestering you with questions, I wanted to make sure that you would feel comfortable telling me things like you used to. I could only smile