
Chapter 278

They were all gathered ahead, but Juna was no where to be found. As of now that was not my priority, I was always driving everyone away from me today, I had to be careful so I do not make the same mistake with Naki. I should have walked away from him, when I noticed my emotions were rising, but I thought that it would be rude to Walk out on him since he was older than me, but with what occured earlier, I actually regret not walking away. It would have saved us both the hurtful words- ok, saved me from spewing hurtful words, I was the only one guilty of that.

I looked around but I could not find Naki anywhere too, I had to ask the nearest person, maybe they would have noticed the direction that she went. It turns out that the person closest to me, was the pregnant lady that was held Earlier, she was massaging her stomach slowly while talking to the baby the whole time. The moment was so special that I did not want to interrupt, I knew she was reassuring the baby and herself that they both survived and will be alright. She reminded me so much of Italula, they both had the same fire in them. I do not know how long I stood there but it must have been long enough, because she noticed me standing there and quickly dropped her hands from her stomach whilst gazing at me coolly to state what I wanted,

" I am so sorry, I did not mean to make you fret or startle you, that was never my intention"

She only nodded to show that she heard what I said. Then we were both quiet gazing at each other. The silence was awkward and siffling. I shuffled my foot as I thought of the next word to say,

" If you have anything to say, please say it now. I would like to be left alone after now"

" I did not mean to disturb you, I know you do not know me but I do not mean any of you any harm. I know some people amongst you, we were all together before we separated"

I do not know what is wrong with me, I should have asked the question I wanted answer and be on my way now, but I kept disturbing the lady. But still my feet refused to move away after she has expressed her discomfort with me.

" Is there anything I could help you with" I knew she was dismissing me but I could not help myself

" I had a friend who is like my sister back at the base, she was pregnant when I left. She would probably be getting ready to meet her baby soon. I have only felt the mother and child relationship once" I told her with a soft smile

My words must have piqued her interests a bit, as she let her guard down a little