
Chapter 276

Immediately he came out of his trance, he gave me a knock on my head. "Ouch!" I exclaimed with my hands on my head, what did I do to warrant such treatment from him?. I am the one that is meant to be offended from his earlier, how is it possible that the tables have turned so fast?. My pouting did not change the angry expression on his face, I started to ponder on what I must have done to put such an emotion on his face but nothing readily came to my mind. The only option that I had now, was to wait for him to admit what was wrong,

I stood up from where I was sitting, I was becoming chilled to the bone, what I actually needed now was a change of outfit, this was more paramount than food now. If I could get a change of clothes, by then he should be done roasting his kill, so I would have a warm food in my stomach, which would actually help to warm the rest of my body up, then and only then would I have the courage to approach Juna wherever he is. I could also bribe him with food, no one rejects food right? And from the look of things, it must have been long since he last ate.

"How could you be so reckless?, you did not even check to see if he was armed and you went towards him." He was almost shouting at me, this made me know that he was really angry with me but if he had given me a chance to explain, I would have told him what happened earlier and that he was already stripped of whatever arms or whip he was in possession of, but I kept my mouth shut,

"This is one of the problem we always have, you do not take out time to think your actions through. You just jump head first and they are always repercussions attached to it. When will you learn?"  I was getting tired of all his lecturing and I could feel myself beginning to rile up,

"When I die. I will learn when I die. Are you happy now?" I actually did not mean to spout it out like that, it just came out as a result of the emotions bubbling.  He actually looked hurt by my outburst, he just looked at me, scoffed and shook his head. Then walked backwards away from me. I stretched my hands towards me and tried to call out his name but nothing came out. I felt so bad, here he was trying to show me care, all I could do in return was to hurt his feeling and play down his care for me. Why can I not do anything right today of all days?. Do I need to ask for another sign regarding him or I have run out of time request for the day?.I had to go in search of Naki