
Chapter 279

" did you loose a child?" She asked me.

"You could say that too. He was from my womb but I thought of him as my own child" I understood how she must have misunderstood my words and thought I had a miscarriage or something,

" How did it happen? If you do not mind me asking" 

Her motherly Instinct won out. It made me laugh internally but i shook my head, I actually did not mind telling her what happened, I needed to let it off my chest and what better option than a woman who was almost a mother. Maybe she would be able to give me pointers. I told her everything that happened between Boy and I, I left out the part where i met him already, because she may be able to piece it all together and know I was talking about Boy.

" I am sorry but I am getting tired so I need to sit". I had no issues with that, immediately she chose a spot to sit, I sat beside her, this was way more comfortable than sitting. She did not say anything at first, just kept on caressing her bump, like she was processing all the information I told her.

"Your story reminds me a lot of someone. He has the same story similar to yours. He is such a strong boy, he has the potential to be a leader and has even taken up the realms at such a young age."

I knew without her saying anything that she was taking about Boy, it was very obvious from the earlier occurrence that they all respect him and also listen to his words. I am so happy that despite his suffering, he was still thriving in the midst of it all. It gave me a sense of relief that he may have used the opportunity to discover his true self,

" In his moment of weakness, which is always rare I assure you" she laughed at her own words, " he always spoke of wanting to meet the lady that took care of him, he holds her in high regard" I should have been happy hearing her words but it only served to make me sadder,

If he had always looked forward to meeting me, then why would he not acknowledge me when I went up to him. He kept pushing me away, or did he just tell her that because that was what he wanted then not now?. We usually outgrow a lot of things including emotions, I can not blame him for that. I decided to turn the conversation from anything sad,

" What are your plans for when the baby arrives?"

"Would you laugh if I told you no plans, I would Wing it when the time comes?" She let out a deep sigh,

"I always thought everything would be settled before I would get pregnant. Although my baby is not planned, I would never regret him." I knew she meant every word she just uttered