
Chapter 234

My situation may not exactly be like his but I understood perfectly what he was going through, this is subject to further criticism because I never watched them kill my Father and My brothers, I was shielded from that and I chose to leave Mother and go my own way but my actions were as a result of all done by the Masters, so in a way they are responsible for most of my actions but I can not put all the blame on them, it is always so easy to put the blame on other although we are partly responsible for what happened or occurred. I voluntarily went to the gates of the Masters and chose to leave my family and all that I knew behind. There was every possibility that I would have been living an entirely different Life from this, I may be happy or I may not be, there was also every possibility that I would have been captured too but I decided long ago that I did not want to live my life by "what ifs", this is the path that I have chosen and I am on now, I can not go back but I can make it better so as not to regret my decision.

The main difference between my story and his was that while mine was caused by the masters who we are always ready to put the blame on at any given opportunity, his was caused by our people of the same race and color. How then do we justify this?, They went to the Masters side, kidnapped their daughter, got her pregnant, when she was able to escape and finally give birth to her child, they only spared her few years with the child before they stormed there, killed her in the presence of her child and her family, then forcefully took the child away from her.

Taking him away from all he knew and was familiar with was not enough for them, they tortured a child with the excuse that they wanted to get rid of the Master's morals and behaviour inculcated in him, but even after all that he was still not fully accepted by his own people till now despite how much he has sacrificed just to be accepted by them. Yes I am aware that I have not heard the other side of the story before I came to a conclusion but from the few days that I had stayed with them, it was obvious that he is not liked or loved by them.

The obvious wrongs that are been vocalized by everyone are those done by the masters, what of those that are done to us by people we are meant to be the same with or United as one, I have forgiven Buns a long time ago but that does not mean that I ever forget what a tyrant he was when he was in a position of power,held far above us.