
Chapter 233

But before I could fully retract it, he placed his hands in mine, I looked up at him shocked but he refused to look me in the eyes. I know I said earlier that I would not be hurt if he does not hold my hands, but I plead to take those words back, there was this happiness that I felt from within me when he did it and unconsciously, I had a smile on my lips while looking at our clasped hands. I held onto his hand tightly and looked back at him trying to get him to finish his story, slowly but surely I was starting to understand the conflict that was present between him and his people. He must have felt so alone when he was finally returned back to them. If at this age, he still feels segregated from them, I tried to imagine how hard it would be for a young child that was taken away from what he knew and was thrust into an unknown world.

" I grew up only knowing my mom and her people, that was where I learnt to speak like this. Everything was going well and fine till a day come, my world was overturned and everything I knew was taken away from me. They made her feel like they had forgotten her actions, which made her family lower their guard but little did she know that they were vengeful people and would never let her go scot-free," the look on his face changed to that of anger. It made me wonder how he was able to live, eat and dwell With them, if he harboured so much hate against them in his heart.

I took it to mean his life a facade, a mere pretense. Outwardly it looks as if he has come to terms with it all but inwardly he was not. I wished for peace in his heart because how could he not feel divided living like this. My heart grieved on his behalf, this was not a way that anyone should live, we all deserve to be happy.

" They murdered her before her family and I. I was forcefully taken away like I was a mere property. When I was finally brought back, my mere presence and behaviour, irritated them all and made them know everyday that I was not brought up by them at all. Their only solution was to lock me up with no food and water untill I could get rid of the master's mannerisms." I was shocked by such behavior, I never knew that some parts and people do practice such

After a while of such torture, I had to repress all I knew and made myself into a blank slate that they would mould into what they want, but it was still not enough. My past still haunts me till now and I am always reminded of it at any given interval" I could not hold myself back, I hugged him