
Chapter 235

He did so many evils and harm to me especially and the funny part was that then, he was still subject to the Master's. It was quite funny to me that the masters could see his actions and consider them as extreme and ultra vires and had to call him to order. If only he had been given free reign then, I can not begin to imagine the kind of havoc that he would have wrecked on us. We cover all the evils that are being done within us and only appoint the entire blame on the masters, I am not of the opinion that they are completely or totally innocent but I feel that even when we are able to fight and finally get rid of them, the tyrant that would emerge from those we consider one of our own, our people, would plunge us back into the doom we had been striving to get out from. In other to be completely free from all these bondage and slavery, we must start to eradicate all these evils from within us, because a lot of people had already began to strive and tussle for the little power accorded to them, and once you have a little taste of power, you always want more. It is never enough

I pulled back from his embrace and patted his shoulder in a show of support, I am still surprised that he did not pull away from me through it all. It takes a lot of courage and Faith or trust for most men to open up and be receptive to support, why I was actually amazed was the fact that I was still technically a stranger to him but he was willing to open up to me. Till now I do not know the story of Itoh who I considered my closest friend whilst she was still alive, a lot of people I heard of their background from words of mouth, and in passing. I think the only person who had opened up to me willfully was Naki, and Italula too but I already knew all about her then. Information holds a lot of power, with the story he had told me, I could easily carry it to his people to win favor from them or secure my freedom, it would surely put him in trouble but why should I care, I would have been long gone

Human beings are usually selfish and only think of theirselves and what benefit they could accrue from a decision but I decided I was not going to betray his trust and make him loose faith fully in our people, I was going to prove to him one way or the other, that despite it all we are always family and should be united. Family is a unit that we can not do without, it is not just those that we are related to by blood or close to as friends but everyone is a part of the family.