
Chapter 210

I was speechless because I was also a victim of such circumstances too, but I was spared the trauma of the Master's killing my family and leaving their bodies open for vultures to feed on them, like they were nothing. They never accorded our people the dignity of being a person, and our rights then and till now are insignificant to them and violated always but who can we run to? Or who will hearken unto us when we pour out our soul and problems to them. It is one thing to be reluctant, sit back and fold our hands watching it all unfold without taking a single step to change your situation, as they always say " what you need is just a step". What then should be said of us?, Generations past till now have never sat still, they have all tried their best to loose us from this shackles which we are bound in but all to no avail. We have not just taken a step but have taken steps but what good have they brought us so far, only more suffering and pain, have we not suffered enough, when would we have a reprieve from all these?

" You know the funniest part?" Then she adjusted her body so she was facing me, I did not utter a word because I knew that whatever she was about to say next would not and never be funny,

" They wanted to make such that such actions never occurred again, in other to put fear in the minds of our people, they tied them to their respective vehicle and drove down to our hometown. The bereaved families could do nothing but wail and stand back as they watched their Husbands, sons, Father's, Uncles and Siblings dead bodies been disrespected and dragged along the way" I could not remember my family telling me these but I guess they wanted to shield me from the evils that were going on

I always knew that Nasting was quiet, desolate and kind of haunted by the Masters but I never knew it got this far. Then why would my father and siblings also embark on a fruitless journey when they had seen such an outcome already. Why then do we keep sending more people to die and sacrifice theirselves? Is it till the earth is fully soaked and tainted with the blood of all our people, that it would finally be at rest? Why should a child have such experience at that age and there are a lot of people who had experienced worst too.

"When they were done making a mockery of them, they untied them and heaped them in the middle of the town. But they also had other evil intention in their mind. They knew that their families in sorrow and pain must run up to the bodies and cleave to the ones belonging to them. When each body was finally associated with a person, they rounded them up and took them along with them".