
Chapter 209

How long has this all started, it is larger than I ever thought of and imagined. What then makes me feel like my set would be successful? What special weapons or attributes did we have that would make us finally end this spiel once and for all. I had a lot of high hopes for my people now, as we had also lost a lot of lives all on this cause too, but it seems like it may not come to fruition like I had planned it out in my head, all because we were not United and greed and discord has also been planted amongst us, we have also separated and gone our different ways. Who are the people left to carry on the mission?. There is no way that it was me because I could not even take care of the kid under my charge, not to talk of carrying the burdens of my people on my little shoulders which were slacking already. I remembered the promises I made to my family, myself and Itoh, to get us out of this but to be truthful, I am not sure that I would be able to keep them by myself.

This brought tears to my eyes as I felt like I have failed them all already but I had to discreetly wipe them because this was not the time for me to be selfish and ask her to comfort or reassure me when she needs it most. I decided to pay all my attention on her, I wanted her to unburden herself, it would relieve her of the pain and sorrows that she had been harbouring all this while, it must have been eating her up all this time, now I really understand why she had all these Walls up to protect herself,

I kept quiet and waited for her to gather her thought and pour them out whatever way and manner which she wanted. I wiped her eyes, she held my hand to her face when I wanted to move them off.

"But they were all deluding theirselves, they did not know know the journey they were embarking on. They took woods and whatever they could lay their hands on. I could only imagine their faces when they realized they took their planks and fist to a gunfight. Or how frightened they may have been, when they saw what said gun could do when it killed one of them right before their eyes. Then they realized their faults and mistake but it was too late" her words became choked up

I held her tighter because I could visualize her words in my head, i could also imagine the feeling of despair and helplessness on their face too. They must have tried to get away too but all to no avail,

"They could have warned them Elena, they could have! But they did no such thing. They rounded them all up, then shot each and everyone of them right between their eyes"