
Chapter 211

In other words, they just wanted to wipe out the full family and make sure none of them would ever rise up against them again. I wondered where those people were now? Did they kill them or they naturally died from over exerting themselves or maybe from their turmoils. Does it also mean that she had been here since she was a child, for she must have also ran alongside her Mother to embrace the body of her Father too. But what this surely means was that they were a lot of people from Natings that were also at the base, I made it a mission of mine, that if I was ever able to return back there, I would make sure I searched for them. Then I remembered that Almost everyone was brought along for this journey and only few were left behind, that means there was no way of searching for them now, as we have all dispersed and gone our separate ways.

" That day, I lost both my Father and My Mother, I would have been carried by them too but it was as if Mother had an inkling of what was going to happen and asked our neighbors to look after me. I was in a hidden alley looking at it all happens but unable to do or say anything out of fear. And since then I have never seen any of them" she hugged her body close, remembering all these made her feel like a child again.

The memories came crashing down on her, it was although she was Lost in her memories and I could do nothing at all to help her. She was trembling and was saying something but it was all mumbling, all of a sudden she clasped her hands over her mouth, due to her sudden movement, I had to jump back from her a bit. I felt helpless looking at her from a distance but could do nothing to draw her out of her trance

"Girl.. Girl.. Girl.." I kept shouting but no response from her. It was as if I was shouting at a log of wood. I went closer and started to shake her but nothing could get het out of it. I went as far as slapping her on her cheeks but it also did not work. I took some water from my jar, sprinkled some on her hair and also used some to wipe her face but it still did not bring her back. My thoughts were jumbled already, I could not think of any other method, I started to pace back and forth wondering what else I could do.

" Naki. Naki" I shouted. Immediately she jolted and rose up from where she was seated. She looked at me a bit disoriented, like she could not understand what was happening and what went wrong. I could not even explain, I was so glad that she was back to her senses, so I ran to embrace her.